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Имагология и компаративистика

Имагология и компаративистика №1 2016

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АннотацияЖурнал основан в 2014 году по инициативе кафедры русской и зарубежной литературы Томского государственного университета. первое в России научное периодическое издание, посвященное вопросам сравнительного изучения литературы и культуры. Он призван объединить усилия российских и зарубежных ученых в деле исследования международных литературных связей и предоставить площадку для обсуждения актуальных проблем методологии компаративистики, истории литературных отношений, мировой литературы. Специальная цель журнала – способствовать развитию имагологии, междисциплинарного научного направления, изучающего образы регионов, стран, народов в родной или инокультурной среде. Редакционный совет надеется тем самым внести посильный вклад в преодоление взаимных мифов и фобий и укрепление международной интеграции. Мы приветствуем статьи из смежных областей гуманитарного знания – сравнительной культурологии, истории, социологии и политологии, поскольку компаративистика изначально представляла собой междисциплинарную сферу. Целостное видение международных контактов – необходимая база для понимания места и специфики литературного трансфера.
Имагология и компаративистика : Научно-практический журнал .— Томск : Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет .— 2016 .— №1 .— 188 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/332594 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Sysyn F. The Cossack Chronicles and the Development of Modern Ukrainian Culture and National Identity // Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1990. <...> Keywords: Ancient Russia, Ukraine, imagology, historical imaginary, historiography, artistic and historical genres, early Russian romanticism. <...> The article analyzes the historical concepts of South Russian ancient history in the early romantic literature of the 1810–1820-s in terms of their evolution, which, on the one hand, reflects the transition from autonomism to regionalism in historiography, and, on the other, the ideological rethinking of Ancient Russian images and plots in the belles-lettres. <...> The first part of the article is based on works by D.N. Bantysh-Kamensky, A.I. Martos, M.F. Berlin, Z. Dolenga-Khodakovsky and focused on the history of Little Russia viewed within the traditional Imperial scheme, or Imperial grand narrative of N.M. Karamzin. <...> In “The Slavonic Nights” by V.T. Narezhny, “Dumas” by K.F. Rileyev as well as in stories and poems by A.A. Bestuzhev, the past of Little Russia was connected with a set of special motifs: ethnic heterogeneity, a complex process of land collection in the Empire, the struggle against foreign enemies, republican freedom opposed to tyranny, strife and separatism. <...> Such artistic nationalization of the past perfectly fit itself in the imperial grand narrative scheme with its integrated vision of outskirts. <...> Kiselev, V.S. & Vasilyeva, T.A. (2013) Evolution of the image of Ukraine in the imperial literature of the early 19th century: Regionalism, ethnography, politicization. <...> Sysyn, F. (1990) The Cossack Chronicles and the Development of Modern Ukrainian Culture and National Identity. <...> Korpanyuk, M.P. (1997) Krayove ta kozats’ke komplyativne ltopisannya yak storiko-lteraturne yavishche [Land and Cossack compilation chronicles as a historical and literary phenomenon]. <...> Kiselev, V.S. & Vasilyeva T.A. (2015) “Wanderings with a peaceful soul under the native sky”: The image of Ukraine in Russian travelogues of the early 19th century (V.V. Izmaylov, P.I. Shalikov, A.I. Levshin). <...> Imagologiya i komparativistikaImagology and Comparative Studies. 2(4). pp. 20–42. (In Russian). 12. <...> Ananyeva, T. (1996) Desyatinna tserkva: kolo vitokiv arkheologichnikh doslidzhen’ (1820–1830-ti rr.) [Church of the Tithes: At the origins of archaeological research (1820–1830-ies.)]. <...> Gmelin, S.G. (1806) Puteshestvie po Rossii dlya <...>
   IMAGOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES  2016  1(5)
   » .  () .  .  () – . .  .  () – . .  .  () – .  .  ) .  ) .  ) .  ) .  ) .  ) .  ) .  (, ) .  (, ) .  , ) .  (, ) .  (, ) .  (, ) EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE JOURNAL OF IMAGOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES Aleksandr S. Yanushkevich (Tomsk) – Chairperson Olga B. Lebedeva (Tomsk) – Deputy Chairperson Vitaliy S. Kiselev (Tomsk) – Deputy Chairperson Nikolay V. Khomuk (Tomsk) – Executivt Editor Alexey A. Kazakov (Tomsk) Natalia Y. Nikonova (Tomsk) Elena N. Penskaya (Moscow) Vladimir V. Abashev (Perm) Kirill V. Anisimov (Krasnoyarsk) Lyudmila A. Hodanen (Kemerovo) Rostislav Y Danilevsky (St. Petersburg) Ilya Y. Vinitsky (California, USA) Vasily G. Shchukin (Cracow, Poland) Susi K. Frank (Berlin, Germany) Rita Giuliani (Rome, Italy) Antonella d’Amelia (Salerno, Italy) Timur Guzairov (Tartu, Estonia)
  .     …»:       ........................................ 5 ..  ............................................................................................................ 30 . »  «» .  1877–1878 . ............................................... 44 . «»  «» .  «» .  ...................... 52 .: ................................................................................................. 64  .  –  – ,  ................... 82 . :   .        .......................................................................................................................... 103 .  ........... 128 . ,  «» ...................................................... 153   .     .  (.  .: . .  . – .; .:  , 2015. – 496 .) .................................................................................................... 177 ...................................................................................................... 184
CONTENTS IMAGOLOGY Vasilyeva T.A. “The love of his native country and the contempt to oppressors...”: Nationalization of the Old Russian past and the construction of Ukraine’s image in the early romantic literature.............................................................. 5 Alekseev P.V. The Orient in the creative mind of Fyodor Dostoevsky during the Crimean war .................................................................................................................... 30 Novikova E.G. “Western Slavs” in A Writer’s Diary by F.M. Dostoevsky in the time of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878.................................................................. 44 Kazakov A.A. “Defenders of Brother Slavs” and the controversy about them in L.N. Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and F.M. Dostoevsky’s A Writer’s Diary ....................... 52 Liusyi A.P. A flying mousetrap: an essay on the fixation of the Vienna text of Russian Literature............................................................................................................ 64 COMPARATIVE STUDIES Giuliani R. Gogol – Goethe – Rome, or a Triangle with arabesques .............................. 82 Nikonova N.E. National literature in a foreign language: V.A. Zhukovsky’s corpus of German self-translations and their reception in Russia and abroad....................... 103 Maroshi V.V. On the mythopoetics of the liver in European and Russian literature................................................................................................................................... 128 Bolotnikova O.N. House, door and window in Gogol’s Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka and semiotics of the Eastern Slavic house ......................................................... 153 REVIEWS Kiselev V.S. On the history of V.A. Zhukovsky’s German relations. Book Review: Nikonova, N.E. (2015) V.A. Zhukovskiy i nemetskiy mir [V.A. Zhukovsky and the German World. – Moscow; St. Petersburg: Al’yans-Arkheo, 2015. – 496 . ............ 177 Information about the authors ..................................................................................... 184