УДК 811.161.1
Райан Н.
Родительный падеж в русском языке: формы и употребление.
Сравнительный анализ функций родительного падежа в
английском и русском языках. — СПб.: Златоуст, 2006. — 112 с.
Ryan N.
Russian Genitive: its Forms and Usage. Comparative Study of
Genitive Case Functions in English and Contemporary Standard Rus
sian. — St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2006. — 112 p.
Зав. редакцией: А.В. Голубева
Редактор: М.О. Насонкина
Корректоры: Н.А. Мирзоева, И.В. Евстратова
Оригиналмакет: Л.О. Пащук
Пособие, ориентированное на учащихся вузов, дает полное
представление о русском родительном падеже. Книга состоит из трех
частей. В первой и второй главах описана грамматика родительного
падежа (образование форм и грамматические функции), приводятся
многочисленные примеры. Третья глава посвящена предложным
конструкциям. Все примеры переведены на английский язык.
© Райан Н., 2006
ISBN 5865473905
© ЗАО «Златоуст», 2006
Подготовка оригиналмакета: издательство «Златоуст».
Подписано в печать 08.02.06. Формат 60х90/16. Печ. л. 7. Печать офсетная.
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Introduction ............................................................................................ 4
Chapter 1. Genitive case formation ..........................................7
1.1. Masculine nouns in the genitive case singular ................................ 7
1.1.1. The а/я ending.................................................................. 7 Zeroending nouns and those ending in й or ь ......... 7 Masculine nouns with stressed о, е, ё in the final
syllable of the stem ..................................................... 7 Irregular genitive case ................................................ 8
1.1.2. The и/ы ending ................................................................. 9
1.1.3. The у/ю ending ................................................................. 9
1.1.4. Idiomatic expressions and setphrases ................................ 11
1.2. Feminine gender nouns in the genitive case singular..................... 13
1.2.1. The endings ы and и. Regular feminine gender nouns ....... 13
1.2.2. Irregular feminine nouns ..................................................... 14
1.3. Neuter gender nouns in the genitive case singular ........................ 14
1.3.1. The endings а, я and ени ............................................... 14 Nouns with a stem ending in a hard consonant ............ 14 Nouns with the stem ending in ц, ч or щ ..................... 15
1.3.2. The ten neuter gender nouns which end in мя in nominative
singular .............................................................................. 15
1.4. The genitive plural of nouns ......................................................... 16
1.4.1. Masculine nouns in the genitive case plural .......................... 16 The ending ов ......................................................... 16 The ов/ев/ёв genitive case endings...................... 16 The ей genitive case ending ..................................... 17 Dropping the singular ending а ................................. 17 Dropping the singular ending ин ............................... 18 Retention of the nominative singular form as the
genitive plural form .................................................... 19
1.4.2. Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural ........................ 20 Dropping the singular ending а ................................. 20 The ей genitive case ending of feminine gender
nouns ....................................................................... 20 Dropped ending а or я and the insertion of a
‘fleeting vowel’ .......................................................... 21 The ending ий ......................................................... 22
1.4.3. Neuter gender nouns in the genitive case plural ................... 23 Zeroending in the genitive plural .............................. 23 Dropping of е/о ending and the insertion of the
‘fleeting vowel’ е ....................................................... 23 The ев genitive case ending ..................................... 24
Стр.107 The ий genitive case ending ..................................... 24 Neuter gender nouns that end in мя in nominative
singular ..................................................................... 24
1.4.4. Nouns that have no singular form ........................................ 25 Zeroending ............................................................ 25 The endings ов and ев ........................................... 25 The ending ей ......................................................... 26
1.4.5. Adjectival nouns ................................................................. 26
1.5. The genitive case of adjectives and participles ............................. 27
1.5.1. Adjectives .......................................................................... 27 Hard stem in singular ................................................. 27 Soft stem in singular .................................................. 27 Exceptions in singular ................................................ 28 Plural ........................................................................ 28 Exceptions in plural ................................................... 29
1.5.2. Participles .......................................................................... 29
1.6. The genitive case of numerals ..................................................... 30
1.7. The genitive case of pronouns ..................................................... 33
1.7.1. Personal pronouns ............................................................. 33
1.7.2. Interrogative pronouns ....................................................... 34
1.7.3. Indicative pronouns ............................................................ 34
1.7.4. Personal reflexive pronouns ................................................ 35
1.7.5. Personal possessive pronouns ............................................ 35
1.7.6. Attributive pronouns ........................................................... 36
Chapter 2. Grammatical functions of the genitive case.
Uses of genitive case without prepositions ............................. 37
2.1. Adnominal genitive ..................................................................... 37
2.1.1. Ownership/possession ....................................................... 37
2.1.2. Relationship ....................................................................... 38 Attributes of quality or property .................................. 38 Object of regret ......................................................... 39 The whole and the part .............................................. 39
2.1.3. Comparison ....................................................................... 39
2.1.4. An agent/object of action .................................................... 39 The agent of action .................................................... 39 The object of action ................................................... 40
2.1.5. Measure and quantity ......................................................... 40 The exact quantity ..................................................... 40 Indefinite quantity ...................................................... 41 Genitive plural after words denoting collective
notions ..................................................................... 42
2.1.6. The partitive genitive ........................................................... 42
2.1.7. The nouns following adjectives and participles ..................... 42
N. Ryan
2.1.8. Genitive case of time .......................................................... 43
2.2. Adverbial genitive ....................................................................... 43
2.2.1. Object of a verb .................................................................. 43
2.2.2. Nouns used in impersonal constructions with some verbs
and adverbs........................................................................ 44
2.2.3. Nouns used with transitive verbs .......................................... 44
2.2.4.The genitive case of negation ............................................... 45 (a) Impersonal constructions...................................... 45 (b) Impersonal constructions with unspecified object .. 46 (c) Direct object with negation .................................... 46 (d) Negative verbal adverbs or participles ................... 47 (e) Stressed absolute negation .................................. 47 (f) Set phrases with negation ...................................... 47 (g) Direct object is an abstract noun or pronoun
это — this/that/it ...................................................... 47
2.2.5. The verbs which govern the genitive case ............................ 48
Chapter 3. Grammatical functions of the genitive case.
Prepositional genitive case ............................................................. 50
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................... 50
3.1.1. Simple primary prepositions ................................................ 50
3.1.2. Double primary prepositions ............................................... 51
3.1.3. Simple adverbial prepositions ............................................. 51
3.1.4. Simple nominal prepositions ............................................... 53
3.1.5. Simple verbal prepositions .................................................. 53
3.2. Complex prepositions ................................................................. 53
3.2.1. Complex adverbial prepositions
(an adverb + primary preposition) ........................................ 54
3.2.2. Complex nominal prepositions (a primary preposition +
a noun in oblique case) ........................................................ 54
3.2.3. Complex nominal prepositions consisting of a primary
preposition + a noun in oblique case + a primary
preposition ......................................................................... 57
3.2.4. Complex verbal prepositions ............................................... 57
3.2.5. Prepositions followed exclusively by the genitive case ........... 57
3.3. Examples of prepositional constructions ...................................... 59
3.3.1. БЕЗ — without ................................................................... 59
3.3.2. БЛИЗ/ВБЛИЗИ — near, close by, close to ........................... 60
3.3.3. ВВИДУ — in view of, as, since ............................................. 60
3.3.4. ВДОЛЬ — along ................................................................. 61
3.3.5. ВЗАМЕН — instead of, in place of ....................................... 61
3.3.6. ВМЕСТО — instead of, in place of ....................................... 61
3.3.7. ВНЕ — outside, out of ......................................................... 62
3.3.8. ВНИЗУ — at the foot of, at the bottom of ............................. 62
3.3.9. ВНУТРИ — inside, within (indicates location) ....................... 62
3.3.10. ВНУТРЬ — in (to), inside (indicates direction) .................... 63
3.3.11. ВОЗЛЕ — by, near, close by .............................................. 64
3.3.12. ВОКРУГ — around, round ................................................. 64
3.3.13. ВПЕРЕДИ — in front of, ahead, before............................... 65
3.3.14. ВРОДЕ — like, not unlike, such as ..................................... 65
3.3.15. ВСЛЕДСТВИЕ — owing to, on account of,
in consequence of ............................................................. 65
3.3.16. ДЛЯ — for........................................................................ 66
3.3.17. ДО — as far as, till, up to, until, before ............................... 66
3.3.18. ИЗ — from, of, out of ........................................................ 67
3.3.19. КАСАТЕЛЬНО — touching, concerning .............................. 68
3.3.20. КРОМЕ — except, besides ................................................ 69
3.3.21 МЕЖДУ/МЕЖ — among, between ..................................... 69
3.3.22. МИМО — by, past ............................................................ 70
3.3.23. НАВЕРХУ — above, on the top of ...................................... 71
3.3.24. НАКАНУНЕ — on the eve of, shortly before ........................ 71
3.3.25. НАПОДОБИЕ — like, not unlike ......................................... 71
3.3.26. НАПРОТИВ — opposite .................................................... 72
3.3.27. НАСЧЁТ — as regards, concerning, about, of ..................... 72
3.3.28. НИЖЕ — lower than, shorter than ...................................... 72
3.3.29. ОКОЛО — about, around, by, near, close to ....................... 73
3.3.30.OT — from ........................................................................ 73
3.3.31. ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНО — concerning, relative to, about ............ 76
3.3.32. ПОВЕРХ — over the top, on top of ..................................... 77
3.3.33. ПОДЛЕ — beside ............................................................. 77
3.3.34. ПОЗАДИ — behind ........................................................... 77
3.3.35. ПОМИМО — besides, apart from, without .......................... 78
3.3.36. ПОПЕРЁК — across ......................................................... 78
3.3.37. ПОРЯДКА — of the order of .............................................. 79
3.3.38. ПОСЛЕ — after, since ....................................................... 79
3.3.39. ПОСРЕДИ — in the middle of ............................................ 80
3.3.40. ПОСРЕДСТВОМ — by means of, by the use of .................. 80
3.3.41. ПРЕЖДЕ — before ........................................................... 81
3.3.42. ПРОТИВ — against, opposite ............................................ 81
3.3.43. ПУТЁМ — by means of...................................................... 82
3.3.44. РАДИ — for the sake of ..................................................... 83
3.3.45. С — from, off .................................................................... 83
3.3.46. СБОКУ — from one side, on one side ................................ 85
3.3.47. СВЕРХ — over, besides, above, beyond ............................. 86
3.3.48. СВЫШЕ — over, more than, beyond .................................. 85
3.3.49. СЗАДИ — behind ............................................................. 86
3.3.50. СНИЗУ — from below ....................................................... 87
3.3.51. СРЕДИ (СРЕДЬ) — among, in the midst of, amongst .......... 87
3.3.52. ТИПА — kind of, like, similar to .......................................... 88
N. Ryan
3.3.53. У — at, by, near ................................................................ 88
3.4. Genitive case prepositional constructions with double
prepositions ............................................................................... 89
3.4.1. ИЗЗА — from around, from behind, because of, owing to .... 89
3.4.2. ИЗПОД — from under ....................................................... 90
3.4.3. Special uses of double prepositions .................................... 90
3.5. Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex adverbial
prepositions ............................................................................... 91
3.5.1. ВБЛИЗИ ОТ — close to ...................................................... 91
3.5.2. ВДАЛЕКЕ ОТ — far from, in a distance ................................ 91
3.5.3. ВДАЛИ ОТ — far from ........................................................ 92
3.5.4. ВПРЕДЬ ДО — until............................................................ 92
3.5.5. ВПЛОТЬ ДО — right up to .................................................. 92
3.5.6. НАИСКОСЬ ОТ — obliquely/crosswise from ........................ 92
3.5.7. НЕВДАЛЕКЕ ОТ — not far from ........................................... 92
3.5.8. НЕЗАВИСИМО ОТ — irrespective of ................................... 92
3.6. Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex nominal
prepositions ............................................................................... 93
3.6.1. БЕЗ ПОМОЩИ — without help of ........................................ 93
3.6.2. БЕЗ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЯ — without attendance of .............. 93
3.6.3. В АДРЕС — in address of .................................................... 94
3.6.4. В ВИДЕ — as, in a form of ................................................... 94
3.6.5. ВО ВРЕМЯ — during, in the time of ..................................... 94
3.6.6. ВО ВСЕОРУЖИИ — in full capacity of, fully armed with ........ 95
3.6.7. ВГЛУБЬ — into the depths of, into the heart of ..................... 95
3.6.8. В ДЕЛЕ — for the cause of, for the business of,
in the matter of ................................................................... 95
3.6.9. В ДУХЕ — in the spirit of ..................................................... 95
3.6.10. В ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ — in conclusion ..................................... 95
3.6.11. В ЗНАК — as a sign of, as a token of .................................. 95
3.6.12. ВО ИЗБЕЖАНИЕ — in avoidance of .................................. 95
3.6.13. ВО ИМЯ — in the mane of, for the sake of .......................... 96
3.6.14. В ИНТЕРЕСАХ — in the interest of ..................................... 96
3.6.15. В КАЧЕСТВЕ — in character/capacity of ............................ 96
3.6.16. В КОЛИЧЕСТВЕ — in the number of, in the quantity of ....... 96
3.6.17. В КРУГУ — in the circle of, in the company of ..................... 96
3.6.18. В ЛИЦЕ — in the person of ............................................... 97
3.6.19. В МЕРУ — to the extent of, in accordance with ................... 97
3.6.20. В НАПРАВЛЕНИИ — in the direction ................................. 97
3.6.21. В НАЧАЛЕ — at the beginning of ....................................... 97
3.6.22. В ОБЛАСТИ — in the field of, in the area of ........................ 97
3.6.23. В ОБРАЗЕ — in the person/image of ................................. 97
3.6.24. В ОТНОШЕНИИ — in respect of ........................................ 98
3.6.25. В ПОЛЬЗУ — in favour of, for the benefit of ....................... 98
3.6.26. В ПОРЯДКЕ — in order of, as a matter of ........................... 98
3.6.27. В ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ — during, for, in the course of .............. 98
3.6.28. В РАМКАХ — within the framework of ................................ 98
3.6.29. В РЕЗУЛЬТАТЕ — as a result of ......................................... 98
3.6.30. В СВЕТЕ — in the light of .................................................. 99
3.6.31. В СИЛУ — by virtue of, owing to, by force of ...................... 99
3.6.32. В СЛУЧАЕ — in the case of ............................................... 99
3.6.33. В СМЫСЛЕ — in the sense of, in the meaning of ................ 99
3.6.34. В ТЕЧЕНИЕ — during, for a period of, all through ............... 99
3.6.35. В ХОДЕ — during, in the course of................................... 100
3.6.36. В ЦЕЛЯХ — for the purpose of ........................................ 100
3.6.37. В ЧЕСТЬ — in honour of.................................................. 100
3.6.38. ЗА ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЕМ — with the exception of ................... 100
3.6.39. ЗА СЧЁТ — at the expense of .......................................... 101
3.6.40. НА ВЕРХУ — above, on the top of .................................... 101
3.6.41. НА ДЕЛО — for the cause of, for the purpose of ............... 101
3.6.42. НА ПРЕДМЕТ — for ........................................................ 101
3.6.43. НА ПРОТЯЖЕНИИ — for the duration of .......................... 101
3.6.44. НА ПУТИ — on the way to ............................................... 101
3.6.45. НА СЛУЧАЙ — against the eventuality of, in case of .......... 102
3.6.46. НА ФОНЕ — against the background of ........................... 102
3.6.47. ПОД ВИДОМ — on the pretext of .................................... 102
3.6.48. ПО ЛИНИИ — along the line of, in the field of ................... 102
3.6.49. ПО МЕРЕ — as ............................................................... 102
3.6.50. ПО ПОВОДУ — with regard to ......................................... 102
3.6.51. ПО ПРИЧИНЕ — for the reason of, because of ................. 102
3.6.52. ПО СЛУЧАЮ — on the occasion of .................................. 103
3.6.53. ПО ЧАСТИ — in the line of, in respect of, as far as...
is concerned .................................................................. 103
3.6.54. ПРИ ПОСРЕДСТВЕ — by the means of, through,
thanks to ........................................................................ 103
3.6.55. CO СТОРОНЫ — on the part of ....................................... 103
3.6.56. С ПОМОЩЬЮ (ПРИ ПОМОЩИ) — with the help of ......... 103
3.6.57. С ТЕЧЕНИЕМ — in the course of ..................................... 103
3.6.58. С ЦЕЛЬЮ — with the aim of ............................................ 104
3.6.59. В ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ — depending on .......................... 104
3.6.60. В ОТЛИЧИЕ ОТ — unlike ................................................ 104
3.6.61. В СТОРОНУ ОТ — away from .......................................... 104
3.7. Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex verbal
prepositions ............................................................................. 104
3.7.1. ИСХОДЯ ИЗ — proceeding from....................................... 104
3.7.2. НАЧИНАЯ С — starting with .............................................. 105
3.7.3. HE СЧИТАЯ — not counting .............................................. 105
Bibliography ....................................................................................... 106