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Английский язык для экономистов (5000,00 руб.)

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Первый авторШевелева С. А.
ИздательствоМ.: Проспект
АннотацияВ пособии представлены основные экономические темы на основе пояснительных текстов, газетных и журнальных статей, аннотаций, деловых писем, диалогов, лекций, выступлений. Упражнения отрабатывают фонетические, грамматические и лексические навыки для развития устной речи, переводов текстов, написания эссе и рефератов, чтения газет и журналов. По каждому уроку даются тесты с последующими ключами.
Кому рекомендованоДанное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, обучающихся по экономическим специальностям, владеющих английским языком в объеме средней школы и продолжающих изучение языка.
Шевелева, С.А. Английский язык для экономистов : учеб. пособие / С.А. Шевелева .— Москва : Проспект, 2015 .— 400 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-392-15474-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/633052 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

You are a student of economics Conversation: Texts: Annotations: Grammar: Word formation: 11 Teacher and students Adam Smith Economics Economics reading room The Economics of Networks Industries Entertainment Industry Economics The Present and Past Indefinite Tense The Active and Passive Voice Suffixes of nouns Lesson 2. <...> Economics and economy Conversation: Texts: Annotation: Newspaper items: Grammar: Word formation: 29 Teacher and students Microeconomics and macroeconomics GDP and GNP Topics in Microeconomics Russia GDP growth rate Path to Turkish rate cut open as growth slows Brazil’s economy grows by 5.4% The Future Indefinite Tense Prefixes of nouns Lesson 3. <...> Sales and products Newspaper items: Conversation: Texts: Grammar: Word formation: 47 The Times pulls even further ahead Unwilling spenders hit German growth Record industry turns fire on individual piracy Teacher and students Retailers and wholesalers Product life cycle The Present Perfect Tense The Present Continuous Tense Articles Conversion 4 Lesson 4. <...> People and economy Dialogue: Annotation: Texts: Newspaper item: Grammar: Word formation: Contents 65 A stockbroker Economics and Culture The economy Economic activity and business cycle Economic man Eurozone economic growth to slow in second half The Past Perfect Tense Modal Verbs The Past Continuous Tense Articles Suffixes of adjectives Lesson 5. <...> Markets and production Dialogue: Newspaper items: Text: Annotation: Grammar: Word formation: 83 Selling cars Toyota profits boosted by weak yen and strong sales In the industry biosphere, only the strongest survive Blyk taps European mobiles Market schema From Silicon Valley to Singapore Participle I The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses Attributes Prefixes of adjectives Lesson 6. <...> Prices and money Lecture: Text: Newspaper items: Business letter: Annotation: Grammar: 104 Price elasticity Price support N Korea forced to lift food prices sharply Gold provides refuge from declining dollar Regretting price increase Bimetallism Word formation: The Gerund Tag-questions General negative questions if-, when-clauses The Present Perfect Continuous Tense <...>
ББКУДК 811.111:65.0(075.8) 81.2Англ-923 Ш37 Электронные версии книг на сайте www.prospekt.org Ш37 Английский язык для экономистов : учебное пособие. — Москва : Проспект, 2015. — 400 с. Шевелева С. А. ISBN 978-5-392-15474-6 эконДанное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, обучающихся по омическим специальностям, владеющих английским языком в объеме средней школы и продолжающих изучение языка. В пособии представлены основные экономические темы на основе пояснительных текстов, газетных и журнальных статей, аннотаций, деловых писем, диалогов, лекций, выступлений. Упражнения отрабатывают фонетические, грамматические и лексические навыки для развития устной речи, переводов текстов, написания эссе и рефератов, чтения газет и журналов. По каждому уроку даются тесты с последующими ключами. ББК УДК 811.111:65.0(075.8) 81.2Англ-923 Учебное издание Шевелева Светлана Александровна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ ЭКОНОМИСТОВ Учебное пособие Оригинал-макет подготовлен компанией ООО «Оригинал-макет» www.o-maket.ru; тел.: (495) 726-18-84 Печать цифровая. Печ. л. 25,0. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № ООО «Проспект» Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение №Д.004173.04.09 от 17.04.2009 г. Подписано в печать 01.08.2014. Формат 60×90 1 111020, г. Москва, ул. Боровая, д. 7, стр. 4. ISBN 978-5-392-15474-6 © Шевелева С. А., 2013 © ООО «Проспект», 2013 /16 .
Contents Lesson 1. You are a student of economics Conversation: Texts: Annotations: Grammar: Word formation: Texts: Annotation: Newspaper items: Grammar: Word formation: 11 Teacher and students Adam Smith Economics Economics reading room The Economics of Networks Industries Entertainment Industry Economics The Present and Past Indefinite Tense The Active and Passive Voice Suffixes of nouns Lesson 2. Economics and economy Conversation: 29 Teacher and students Microeconomics and macroeconomics GDP and GNP Topics in Microeconomics Russia GDP growth rate Path to Turkish rate cut open as growth slows Brazil’s economy grows by 5.4% The Future Indefinite Tense Prefixes of nouns Lesson 3. Sales and products Newspaper items: Conversation: Texts: Grammar: Word formation: 47 The Times pulls even further ahead Unwilling spenders hit German growth Record industry turns fire on individual piracy Teacher and students Retailers and wholesalers Product life cycle The Present Perfect Tense The Present Continuous Tense Articles Conversion
4 Contents Lesson 4. People and economy Dialogue: Annotation: Texts: Newspaper item: Grammar: Word formation: 65 A stockbroker Economics and Culture The economy Economic activity and business cycle Economic man Eurozone economic growth to slow in second half The Past Perfect Tense Modal Verbs The Past Continuous Tense Articles Suffixes of adjectives Lesson 5. Markets and production Dialogue: Newspaper items: Text: Annotation: Grammar: Word formation: 83 Selling cars Toyota profits boosted by weak yen and strong sales In the industry biosphere, only the strongest survive Blyk taps European mobiles Market schema From Silicon Valley to Singapore Participle I The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses Attributes Prefixes of adjectives Lesson 6. Prices and money Lecture: Text: Newspaper items: Business letter: Annotation: Grammar: 104 Price elasticity Price support N Korea forced to lift food prices sharply Gold provides refuge from declining dollar Regretting price increase Bimetallism Word formation: The Gerund Tag-questions General negative questions if-, when-clauses The Present Perfect Continuous Tense Suffixes and prefixes of verbs
Contents 5 Lesson 7. Types of economies Interview: Texts: Newspaper items: Annotation: Grammar: Word formation: Text: Annotations: Newspaper items: Grammar: Lesson 9. Production Speech: Texts: Figure: Business letter: Newspaper item: Grammar: Lesson 10. Companies Dialogue: Business letter: Text: 125 Economies and manufacturing Allocation of products and resources Public and private sectors in the UK UK may move to save British Energy All areas of the US show growth, Fed reports Between Politics and Markets many — much; few, a few — little, a little Equivalents of modal verbs Participle II Compound nouns Lesson 8. The transitional economy Dialogue: 147 About a lecture on Hungary The Russian Federation The Vanishing Rouble Building capitalism The New Russia Europed together The Infinitive The Adverb Privatisation in doubt Europeans gloomy on economy but shun US model The Degrees of Comparison 171 The quality of the goods produced Production function Production possibility boundary Location of production Object clauses Attributive clauses The pronoun one A job interview Offering an agency An Apple a day Industrial and office accommodation Drought forces Australia to cut wheat forecast by third 191
6 Contents Newspaper items: Annotation: Grammar: IKEA celebrating 80th anniversary Companies ‘bigger than many nations’ The Entrepreneurship Dinamics Conditionals The Absolute Participial Construction The word other The word which Lesson 11. People and labour Conversation: Texts: Annotations: Newspaper item: Grammar: 214 Labour conditions The sources of economic health Thomas Maltus Labour market Work, Employment and Society The American Workplace Brussels’ plan to give temps more rights Indefinite Pronouns and Adverbs Complex Object Lesson 12. Demand and supply Lecture: Texts: Newspaper items: Grammar: 235 Equilibrium, shortage and excess The discoverers of the laws Demand and supply curves John Maynard Keynes US to list exempted products next week Mini helps lift BMW earnings Subject clauses Clauses of reason Lesson 13. Monopolies, markets and competition Interview: Texts: Annotation: Grammar: 255 McDonalds may face fierce competition Monopolies in the UK Monopolistic competition Market Structure and Competition Policy Newspaper items: World Cup gives Adidas a kick start Israel diamond market counts cost of conflict Indirect Speech Lesson 14. Newspapers, profits and prosperity Texts: Profit maximisation 276 Newspaper headlines Profit
Contents 7 Radio report: Newspaper items: Grammar: From the spot Volvo earnings rise Hair cosmetics help increase Henkel profits Latin America dents Wella The Complex Subject Modals and Perfect Infinitives Lesson 15. Capital loans, credits Text: Dialogue: Business letter: Annotation: Newspaper items: Use of English: Lesson 16. Investments Dialogue: Business letter: Text: Newspaper items: Use of English: Lesson 17. Stock market Texts: Radio report: Newspaper items: Use of English: Text: Newspaper items: 299 The terms A syndicated loan Request for a loan without security The Political Economy of Capital Controls Ford succeeds in defusing credit unit time bomb China’s regulators announce rules to tackle capital flight The press and media 321 Negotiating an investment Personal investment Investment Investors positive in face of weak economic data Global investment bank seeking banking licence US English 339 UK markets in securities Share price indices On the stock markets Nikkei drops below 9,500 after S&P’s credit warning Markets plunge on fears of US slowdown Abbreviations Lesson 18. Commodity markets Radio report: 354 On the commodity market Spot market and quotations Gold imports to Japan show sharp increase
8 Contents Comments from OPEC help lift futures prices US wheat prices soar to record Corn and soybean battle Use of English: Text: Radio report: Newspaper items: Annotation: Use of English: Text: Newspaper items: Use of English: Tests Key to some exercises Key to the tests Idioms and fixed expressions (general) Lesson 19. Foreign exchange markets and currencies Market and rates Dollar in focus Lesson 20. Government and budget Speech: 367 From the currency markets Record high euro not blamed for slowdown — yet Monetary Policy in the Euro Area The role of government UK government budget Idioms connected with problematic situations 378 Spain ‘baby-cheque’ budget targets families France’s confused budget Warning on Dutch budget surplus Proverbs 385 399 400