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Имагология и компаративистика

Имагология и компаративистика №2 2016

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АннотацияЖурнал основан в 2014 году по инициативе кафедры русской и зарубежной литературы Томского государственного университета. первое в России научное периодическое издание, посвященное вопросам сравнительного изучения литературы и культуры. Он призван объединить усилия российских и зарубежных ученых в деле исследования международных литературных связей и предоставить площадку для обсуждения актуальных проблем методологии компаративистики, истории литературных отношений, мировой литературы. Специальная цель журнала – способствовать развитию имагологии, междисциплинарного научного направления, изучающего образы регионов, стран, народов в родной или инокультурной среде. Редакционный совет надеется тем самым внести посильный вклад в преодоление взаимных мифов и фобий и укрепление международной интеграции. Мы приветствуем статьи из смежных областей гуманитарного знания – сравнительной культурологии, истории, социологии и политологии, поскольку компаративистика изначально представляла собой междисциплинарную сферу. Целостное видение международных контактов – необходимая база для понимания места и специфики литературного трансфера.
Имагология и компаративистика : Научно-практический журнал .— Томск : Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет .— 2016 .— №2 .— 168 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/332595 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

National comparisons in the travelogues of Milan Jovanovi and Wadysaw MichaZaleski . 40 Kovalchuk Yu. <...> A. The conception of the Korean cult of nature in Western travel literature of the 19th – early 20th centuries . 58 Koroleva S.B. Searching for the true Russia (A complicated choice for Maurice Baring). 69 Chkhaidze E.K. “A cut-off chunk”, or ulticulturalism in the works of Alexander Ebanoidze. 81 V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “THE DIALOGUE OF CULTURES: POETICS OF THE LOCAL TEXT” Alekseev P.V. Editorial. 94 Safronova E.Yu. <...> Spanish topos in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Siberian novellas.101 Shastina T.P. Oirotia – Gorny Altai: a national project in early Soviet literature (Mountains by V.Ya. <...> Zazubrin).113 Shilova N.L. The Kizhi island in Russian literature of the Khrushchev Thaw.136 Mikhailin V.Yu. <...> Chateaubriand F.R. Itinйraire de Paris а Jйrusalem et de Jйrusalem а Paris: in 3 v. <...> E-mail: poplavskaj@rambler.ru PRINTED AND HANDWRITTEN TRAVELOGUES IN THE BOOK COLLECTION OF BARON A.S. STROGANOFF Imagologiya i komparativistikaImagology and Comparative Studies, 2016, 2(6), pp. 15–39. <...> The research is supported by RHSF grant no. 15-14-70002 ) Manuscript Heritage in the Book Collection of the Stroganovs. <...> The article describes the printed and handwritten travelogues from the collection of Baron A.S. Stroganov, part of the Stroganovs’ family book collection. <...> The subject of the study are Voyage en Italie, an “academic” journey of Abbot J.J. Barthйlemy, Itinйraire de Paris а Jйrusalem et de Jйrusalem а Paris, an autobiographical journey of F.R. de Chateaubriand, Baroness N.M. Stroganov’s handwritten family diary-travelogue in French on her stay in the countries of Western Europe in 1780–1782. <...> Chateaubriand’s journey is considered as a basis of the formation of the local text of the Holy Land in the French literature of the early 19th century. <...> From the handwritten travelogues of Baron A.S. Stroganov’s collection, the diary of his mother, Baroness N.M. Stroganov, nee Princess Beloselsky, is analyzed. <...> A special role in constructing the image of the family in the diary belongs to what Baroness N.M. Stroganov reads and to her personal book collection. <...> Aleksandrova-Osokina, O.N. (2012) Special features of religious <...>
   » .  ) – .  .  () – . .  .  () – . .  .  () – .  .  () .  () .  () .  () .  () .  () .  () .  (, ) .  (, )  (, )  (, )  (, )  (, ) EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE JOURNAL “IMAGOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES” Aleksandr S. Yanushkevich (Tomsk) – Chairperson Olga B. Lebedeva (Tomsk) – Deputy Chairperson Vitaliy S. Kiselev (Tomsk) – Deputy Chairperson Nikolay V. Khomuk (Tomsk) – Executivt Editor Alexey A. Kazakov (Tomsk) Natalia Ye. Nikonova (Tomsk) Elena N. Penskaya (Moscow) Vladimir V. Abashev (Perm) Kirill V. Anisimov (Krasnoyarsk) Lyudmila A. Hodanen (Kemerovo) Rostislav Yu. Danilevsky (St. Petersburg) Ilya Yu. Vinitsky (California, USA) Vasily G. Shchukin (Cracow, Poland) Susi K. Frank (Berlin, Germany) Rita Giuliani (Rome, Italy) Antonella d’Amelia (Salerno, Italy) Timur Guzairov (Tartu, Estonia)
  ........................................................................................................ 6  . .  .............................................................................................. 15 Ewertowski T. The Image of the Chinese in the Southeast Asian Contact Zone. National Comparisons in the Travelogues of Milan Jovanovi and Wadysaw Micha Zaleski .............................................................................................................. 40 .    – . ........................................................... 58 .  ( )............................................................................................................................ 69 . «»,   ................................................................................................ 81 V  : »  ................................................................................................................ 94 .. .......101 .  – :  («» . ) ...........................................................113 . «»................136 .: ...........................146 .: . . ..........................................................................................................155 ..................................................................................................163
CONTENTS Instead of obituary......................................................................................................... 6 IMAGOLOGY Poplavskaya I.A. Printed and handwritten travelogues in the book collection of Baron A.S. Stroganov.................................................................................................... 14 Ewertowski T. The image of the Chinese in the Southeast Asian contact zone. National comparisons in the travelogues of Milan Jovanovi and Wadysaw Micha Zaleski ............................................................................................................... 40 Kovalchuk Yu.A. The conception of the Korean cult of nature in Western travel literature of the 19th – early 20th centuries ................................................................... 58 Koroleva S.B. Searching for the true Russia (A complicated choice for Maurice Baring)........................................................................................................................... 69 Chkhaidze E.K. “A cut-off chunk”, or ulticulturalism in the works of Alexander Ebanoidze................................................................................................................ 81 V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “THE DIALOGUE OF CULTURES: POETICS OF THE LOCAL TEXT” Alekseev P.V. Editorial................................................................................................. 94 Safronova E.Yu. Spanish topos in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Siberian novellas.....................101 Shastina T.P. Oirotia – Gorny Altai: a national project in early Soviet literature (Mountains by V.Ya. Zazubrin).....................................................................................113 Shilova N.L. The Kizhi island in Russian literature of the Khrushchev Thaw..............136 Mikhailin V.Yu. The all-Union indigene: the Chukchi in Soviet jokes and cinematography....................................................................................................................146 Chantsev A.V. Beauty beyond frontiers: reception of T. Mann’s aesthetics by Y. Mishima.........................................................................................................................155 Information about the authors ...................................................................................163