Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 635051)
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Журнал структурной химии

Журнал структурной химии №3 2008 (341,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал физико-химического профиля. Адресован специалистам, работающим в области квантовой химии, физических методов исследования, кристаллохимии, супрамолекулярной химии, структуры и свойств наноматериалов, строения жидкостей, а также широкому кругу химиков. Своеобразие журнала заключается в том, что для исследования электронного и пространственного строения химических соединений в публикуемых работах широко применяются современные физические методы, оригинальные теоретические и экспериментальные подходы. Форма публикаций - статьи, краткие сообщения, тематические обзоры по различным проблемам структурной химии. С 2004 г. Издаётся ежегодное Приложение к Журналу, в котором публикуются статьи по актуальным направлениям структурной химии. Журнал переводится на английский язык, издается и распространяется за рубежом Издательством Springer. Название англоязычного издания Journal of Structural Chemistry.
Журнал структурной химии .— Новосибирск : Издательство Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук .— 2008 .— №3 .— 195 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/155370 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

De Lang R.-J. Transition metal catalysed cross couplings in organic synthesis. <...> SDBSWeb: http: // www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS/ (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 29.03.2006) Baran J., Davydova N.A., Drozd M., Pietraszko A. // J. Phys.: Condens. <...> Method for automatic removal of background // 5th Austin Symposium on Gas-Phase Molecular Structure. <...> Method for automatic removal of background // 5 Austin Symposium on Gas-Phase Molecular Structure. <...> P. 349 353. ., - . . .: - . , 1964. 2008. 49, 3 . 465 475 UDC 547.822.3; 543.429.23; 543.51 SYNTHESIS AND CONFORMATIONAL ANALYSIS OF SOME CYANOMETHYLENE DERIVATIVES OF PIPERIDINES 2008 A. Manimekalai*, J. Anusuya, J. Jayabharathi Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar 608 002, India Received 8 May, 2007 Five 4-dicyanomethylene derivatives 610, N-cyanoacetyl-cis-2,6-diphenylpiperidin-4-one 11 and 4-cyano(ethoxycarbonyl)-methylene-cis-2,6-bis(o-chlorophenyl)piperidine 12 were synthesised by condensing the appropriate piperidin-4-ones 1317 with malononitrile/ethylcyanoacetate and their 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded. <...> The 1H-1H COSY spectrum for 6 and NOESY spectra for 8, 10 and 11 were also recorded. <...> Based on coupling constants and the results obtained from NOESY spectra boat conformation for 10 and epimerised chair conformations for 8 and 9 have been proposed. <...> Theoretical calculations and the 1H and 13C chemical shifts also support the above conformations. <...> K e y w o r d s: molecular conformations, saturated heterocycles, six-membered heterocycles, computations, NMR spectra, mass spectra, A1,3 strain. <...> Recently Manimekalai and Anusuya [ 4 ] reported the synthesis and spectral studies of six cyanomethylene derivatives of cis-2,6-diaryltetrahydrothiopyrans 4. <...> The study of conformations of heavily substituted ring compounds possessing A1,3 strain is highly interesting since in these compounds conformational changes are expected to occur in order to avoid A1,3 strain. <...> Considerable work has been carried out on the conformational behaviour of several substituted 2,6-dialkyl- and 2,6-diarylpiperidine derivatives possessing A1,3 strain through spectral analysis [ 512 ]. <...> Therefore, there is considerable interest in the synthesis and the study of the molecular structures of cyanomethylene derivatives possessing A1,3 strain. <...> In 5 the alkyl groups at C(3 <...>
          1960 .  49  –            ..     :             : - ,    ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  .. -         sp-        : -  ,  ,  ,         ..,  ..,  ..     2-, 3-  4-  :  , ,  , -, ,   ,  ,  , ,  ..,  ..,  ..,  .., ..           :  ,    ,  ,   427 419 415   () () ( )p rr  407  6     3, 2008    
..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..              :  ,  ,    ..,  ..            : ,  ,  ,    .. -        :     , -- ,   Manimekalai A., Anusuya J., Jayabharathi J. Synthesis and conformational analysis of some cyanomethylene derivatives of piperidines Keywords: molecular conformation, saturated heterocycles, sixmembered cycles, computations, NMR spectra; mass spectra, A1,3 strain      ..         :  , , ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  ..            :  (),  (), ,  ,    (),       ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..         : ,  ,  ,  ,   ..,  ..      (NH4)3ZrF7  (NH4)3NbOF6  :     ,  ,  ,   500 495 490 476 465 445 439 433
 ..,  ..,  ..,  ..  - - (II)     (II)  : , ,  -,  , -  ..,  ..,  .., ..,  ..,  ..      {[(C6H5)NH]2C=NH(C6H5)}[B(C6H5)4]·C2H5OH  : , ,    ,  ,  ,   ..,  .., .., .. ,     3-(1--2,2,2-)-1,1,4,5,6,7-2-, 2--1,1,4,5,6,7--3         :  , , , , , ,  ,        ..,  ..,  ..     ,      C3O4  :  , ,  in situ  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..                 :  ,  , , , 4--4-,  ,  , ,  ,     ..,  ..,  ..          :  , , ,  , ,  541 535 530 522 512 507
   ..,  ..,  . .             -        :  , -  DFT B3LYP/dgdzvp  B3LYP/6-311G(d)  ..           (III)         : - ,   ,   , , ,  ,  ,   ,    ..,  ..,  .,  ..   --(4--2-) (II)  :  , , (II),   .., ..,  ..   [(C6H5)4P][Ni(B9C2H11)2]·CCl4  :  -(12),   (III), , ,      ..,  ..,  ..   (III)  (NH4)2[Ru(H2O)Cl5]  : , ,  ,  Wang J.-L., Liu B., Yang B.-S., Huang S.-P. Novel copper(II) complex with unusual -stacking structure, [Cu(SSC)Cl]2·CH3OH·2H2O (SSC = salicylaldehyde semicarbazone anion) Keywords: HSSC, copper(II), complex, crystal structure, - interactions, weak interactions .,  ..,  ..     [N-(2-)](III) , Ba(µ4-HCO3)[(N)-Co(heida)2] 2H2O  :  ,  (III),  , N-(2-)-    —    ©      , 3, 2008 594 589 585 579 575 572 567