Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 661257)
Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета

Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета №1 (58) 2019 (37,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучный журнал "Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета" включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых публикуются основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук. Журнал основан в августе 2007г. Учредитель издания: Сургутский государственный педагогический университет.
Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета .— Сургут : РИО СурГПУ .— 2019 .— №1 (58) .— 226 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/706483 (дата обращения: 07.11.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISSN 2078-7626 ВЕСТНИК Сургутского государственного педагогического университета НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ № 1 (58) 2019
ИК    2007 . № 1 (∑8) 2019 .  −   . З    Ч   З    ,             ё     Ч.  ё          : , yberleninka.ru, Scienti c Indexing Services (SIS), ESJI, Ulrich lus.           ,     .      №  77-29393  24  2007 .  :     -   –  З   Ч.  : . ∑0  , 10/2, . 408, . ,  .,  – , −28417 : 8 (34−2) 22–31–87 (. 4-408) E-mail: vestnik@surgpu.ru    2−.03.2019 .  70100/1− . . 21.4    DejaVu Serif  1000  № 11  , ё –       Е    , 2019 К А АИЧК ИИА Научный журнал
ISSN 2078-7626 Surgut State Pedagogical University BULLETIN AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL № 1 (58) 2019
SURGUT STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY BULLETIN AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL № 1 (∑8) 2019. This Bulletin has started its publishing activity since 2007 in the form of − issues annually. Surgut State Pedagogical University Bulletin is in The List of Russian peer-reviewed journals recommended by State Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles for publication of main scienti c results of Doctror and Ph.D. theses. The Journal is in the list of Science Citation Index and internantional bibliographic database: RSCI, yberleninka.ru, Scienti c Indexing Services (SIS), ESJI, Ulrich lus. This academic journal has been registered in the Russian Federal Agency supervising over the mass media, tele- and radio- communication saving in its way the Russian Federation State Cultural Heritage. The Mass-Media Information Registration Certi cate is  №  77-29393, August 24, 2007. Founder of journal: Budgetary Institution of Higher Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra ЗSurgut State Pedagogical UniversityЧ. The editorial o ce address is: ∑0 let VLKSM st., 10/2, room № 408, Surgut, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, Russia, −28417 Telephone number: 8 (34−2) 22–31–87 (4-408) E-mail: vestnik@surgpu.ru Е    , 2019
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  5  С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е НАУЧНЫЕ И ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИВАЮЩЕГОСЯ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА  ..,  ..        ...................... 9  .. -     -    ..................................................................... 15  ..,  ..,  ..       .......... 28  ..,       ..      .................. 45  ..           ............................................................................................... 51 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ РАЗДЕЛ  ..,        ..,        ..        .... 58  ..,       ..  ..     (     ) .............. 66            .......................  ..,       .. 76         ................................................................... 85  ..,         ..  ..,  .. -       ё:    ................................................................ 108 C ..        4-  ..................................... 117 ё ..  ..  ..     -    .................................................................... 127            ............................................................................... 132    :    ....... 142   З Ч   ................................................................................. 100
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  5  С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е СОЦИОКУЛЬТУРНЫЕ И ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ В ИСТОРИЧЕСКОМ ОСМЫСЛЕНИИ  .. -     ..  .......................................... 148  ..    З    Ч:  .. -       XIX . ................................................................... 156  ..  ..               XIX –   . ..................................... 165           -   20–30- . XX . ......................................................... 176 ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ АГРАРНОЙ ИСТОРИИ  ..,      ..       1920- –  19∑0- . (    ... .. ) ........................................................................... 184  ..       XVIII . ............... 196  ..           XIX –  XX .:   .......................................................... 204    ................................................................................................ 215     .......................................... 220
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  5  C O N T E N T S SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPING EDUCATION AREA Vasilyeva L.V., Tolstoukhova I.V. Zhitnov E.A. Kalegina Yu.V., Kotlyarova I.O., Serikov G.N. Leushina I.V., Leushin I.O. Osipova L.B. To the Issue of the Humanitarization in Technical Universities ....... 9 Ideological and Educational Logistics in the Structural Assessment of the State Educational Policy of the Republic of Singapore ...................................................................................... 15 Integrity as a Quality of a Students' Personal Resource ................... 28 Quality Assessment of Training of Graduates of Higher Education Institution in the Conditions of Updating Educational Standards .......................................................................................... 45 Professional Socialization as a Faktor of Competence-Based Approach to the Training of Engineering Personnel ........................ 51 METHODICAL SECTION Bogatya O.F., Kapustina N.G., Rudneva O.V. Vazhenina S.S. The Role of the Regional Resource Center in the Implementation of the Concept of Complex Support of People with Disorders Rasskazova N.P. of Autistic Spectrum and Other Mental Disorders ........................... 58 Breusova E.I., Mnemonics in the Development of Spelling Competence of Students of Nonlinguistic Training Directions (based on the Descriptions of Orthographic Portrait of a Freshman) .......... 66 Identi cation of Interpretation Skills of Value-based Contents of Art Work Among Students of Higher Education Institution of Culture .......................................................................................... 76 Geraskevich N.V., Model of Interpretation of Authentic Text on The Basis of Personal Samartsev V.Yu. Commenting in Foreign Language School Education ....................... 85 Lukiyanchina E.V., Readiness Formation for Business Communication Among Students Lashkova L.l. Medvedev V.V., Malakhova L.P. Salnikova O.S. Tsaryov V.N. Scienti c and Methodical Support of the Process of Forming the Civil Identity of Students Youth: Technologies and Results .............................................................................................. 108 Pedagogical aspect of Reading Competencies Formation Among Pupils of the 4th Grade ......................................................... 117 An Individual Approach to the Training of Music Students in Pedagogical University ................................................................. 127 Cherkasova L.V. Technology of Visualization of The Training Material as The Way of Formation of Information Competence Among School Students ............................................................................................ 132 Yashina L.I. Distance Learning in University: Contents and Technologies .......... 142 of the Direction of Preparation ЗPersonnel ManagementЧ in University ...................................................................................... 100
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  5  C O N T E N T S SOCIO-CULTURAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMS IN HISTORICAL UNDERSTANDING Delvig N.A. The Educational Value of General P. Menkovs Publicistic Activity .............................................................................................. 148 Stepanenkova Z.V. The School Has to Be ЗOnly Scienti c and Exclusively Scienti cЧ V.V. Bervi-Flerovskys Views on the Education Systems In Russia in Second Half of XIX Century .......................................... 156 Tsys O.P. Frolova N.V. Activity of the Orthodox Re nement on Medical Assistance and Medical Education of the Population of the Tobolsk North in the XIX – the Beginning of the XX Century ................................... 165 In uence of Historical Science on State Policy in the Field of Selection of Contents of Historical and Social Disciplines in the 20–30th of the XX Century ...................................................... 176 ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN HISTORY Roshchevskaya L.P., Geobotanical Researches of Reindeer Pastures in Preairtic Popova K.A. Territories of the European North of Russia in the 1920-s – the Mid. 19∑0-s (on Personal Archive Materials of Ph.D. in Biology A.A. Dedov) ......................................................... 184 Lupanova .. The Technologies of Forest Plantation and Adjustment in Russia of the 18th Century ........................................................................... 196 Abselemov S.. Researchers Experience of Understanding Agrarian Colonization of a Steppe Region in the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries: Historiographic Aspect ..................................................................... 204 INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS .................................................................................. 215

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