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Сухие строительные смеси

Сухие строительные смеси №5 2019 (535,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2007 г.
Сухие строительные смеси .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2019 .— №5 .— 50 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/652221 (дата обращения: 24.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

s u m m a r y Сonstruction industry in focus (p. 4) MATERIALS Krivoborodov Yu.R., Kuznetsova T.V. The influence of plasticizer on aluminum cements Authors studied the influence of super- and hyperplasticizers on the hydration of alumina and high-alumina cements. It is established that plasticizers reduce the water requirement of cement paste and thereby increase the strength of the cement stone. At the same time, being adsorbed on particles of cement and their hydration products, plasticizers slow down hydration of alumina cements. Accordingly, the potential of these cements is not fully utilized. It is recommended when using aluminous cements to the choice of plasticizers is more attentively than at the use of Portland cement (p. 8). Kucherenko A.A. Energetics of domain granuС О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса ............................................. 4 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Кривобородов Ю.Р., Кузнецова Т.В. Влияние пластификатора на свойства алюминатных цементов ............ 8 Кучеренко А.А. Энергетика доменного гранулированного шлака ....................................................................................... 12 Керш В.Я., Фощ А.В., Колесников А.В. Модернизированный критерий водостойкости и гипсосодержащих материалов ............................................. 16 Сивков С.П., Логинова Т.В., Мымрина А.К. Биодобавки для сухих строительных смесей ............................................... 20 Логанина В.И., Пышкина И.С. Реологические свойства известковой отделочной смеси с применением синтезированных гидросиликатов кальция ............................ 24 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Уфимцев В.М. Технологическая известь на дисперсном сырье ... 26 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Корчунов И.В., Торшин А.О., Курдюмова С.Е., Дмитриева Е.А., Потапова Е.Н. Влияние эффективных водоредуцирующих добавок на свойства цемента ................. 30 Мухамедбаев Аг.А. Механоактивация алюмосиликатного компонента безобжигового щелочного вяжущего .................. 36 ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Давидюк А.Н., Батдалов Ю.Р. Бетонные смеси, готовые к употреблению, не являются сухими, как полагают эксперты Росстандарта ............................................................. 40 СОБЫТИЯ Копылов И.А. Итоги bauma CTT RUSSIA 2019 ............................ 44 lar slag According to the chemical composition and taking into account the electrical structure of the atoms, the thermodynamic characteristics of the domain granulated slag as a raw material for Portland slag cement or an additive to cements of any kind and as already calcined substance are studied in comparison with similar characteristics of Portland cement 500, whose raw materials require roasting. The material and quantitative compositions of slag oxides were studied, their charge and energy of interatomic bonds were calculated. The identity of the properties of slag and cement is shown. An example of slag adjustment by the number of charges of a different sign is given. Based on a stable slag composition, it was proposed to develop an unbaked binder technology (p. 12). Kersh V.Ya., Foshch A.V., Kolesnikov A.V. The modance of materials containing gypsum is the water resistance index. The advantages of this criterion in comparison with the softening coefficient are considered – the correct account of the strength of the material in a water-saturated state, statistical determinism, a wide range of changes. The water resistance index has been successfully used in solving problems of optimizing the composition of the material (p. 16). Article proposes a new criterion for water resistadditives for dry mortars The influence of bacteria on the properties of ceSivkov S.P., Loginova T.V., Mymrina A.K. Biological ment stone was investigated. It is shown that the introduction of bacteria in the composition of cement at the stage of mixing with water leads to increase strength of hardened cement stone and to compaction of the cement stone due to the filling of its pores by calcium carbonate released as a waste product of the bacteria existence. The technology of production of dry bio-additives on the basis of bacteria spores was developed and it is established that its effectiveness are not inferior in comparison to living cultures of bacteria (p. 20). Loganina V.I., Pyshkina I.S. Rheological properties calcareous compounds structure formation using additives based on calcium hydrosilicates (p. 24) Paper deals with the information on the patterns of of lime finishing mixtures with the use of synthesized hydrosilicate calcium ernized criterion of water resistance and gypsumcontaining materials
s u m m a r y raw material Author points out that current market value of the EQUIPMENT Ufimtsev V.M. Technological lime in dispersed 1st grade lime is balanced with cement because it has become much more complex equipment and operating costs. The use of bulk raw materials extends the life of the roasting of lime, reduces its activity, eliminate the use of small fractions of raw materials. Sinter firing of granules on the basis of fine lime diluted with petroleum coke cut the firing time, increases the activity of lime, eliminate the loss of limestone. Replacement of a piece by granules not only significantly reduces the cost of the lime, but at the same time, removing the need for highly distressed lime slaking (p. 26). Dmitrieva E.A., Potapova E.N. Influence of effective water reducing additives on properties of cement TECHNOLOGIES Korchunov I.V., Torshin A.O., Kurdyumova S.E., C O N T E N T S The use of plasticizers additives is an affordable and cost-effective way of increasing the quality of solutions and concrete. This work presents the influence of «Master» superplasticizers additives on the properties of cement. It was revealed that the adding of 0,30,7% of these supplements can increase durability and reduce porously of the cement stone what result in its frost resistance. The paper shows that the lignosulfonate additives are as effective as the additives based of polycarboxylates ether (p. 30). Mukhamedbaev Ag.A. Mechanoactivation of alumosilicate component of unburned alkaline binder chanical activation of the alumino silicate component in ball mill. The optimal duration of grinding is defined from the viewpoint of physical and mechanical characteristics and expenditure of energy in fine grinding (p. 36). The investigations have been carried out for meready to use do not be dry as Rosstandard experts believe INFORMATION Davidjuk A.N., Batdalov Y.R. Concrete mixes ready-mixed concrete mandatory declaration in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7473 «Concrete Mixtures. Specifications» and GOST 28013 «Construction Mortars. General specifications» (the standard as a whole). These standards are included in the List of standards for dry mix subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance. Unlike dry building mixes, ready-to-use ready-mixed concrete and mortars exist as a product only for the period between preparation on concrete and mortar mixing plants and delivery to the object under construction. At the same time, each batch of concrete mix or ready-made mortar shipped to the consumer is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates compliance with the requirements of regulatory state standards (p. 40). Article is devoted to the issue of the quality of EVENTS Kopylov I.A. Results of bauma CTT RUSSIA 2019 On the hottest first days of summer, the largest exhibition of construction equipment and technologies in Russia and Eastern Europe, bauma CTT RUSSIA 2019, took place in Moscow from 4 to 7 June at the international Exhibition Center Crocus Expo (p. 44). Сonstruction industry in focus ................................................... 4 MATERIALS Krivoborodov Yu.R., Kuznetsova T.V. The influence of plasticizer on aluminum cements ............................................ 8 Kucherenko A.A. Energetics of domain granular slag .................. 12 Kersh V.Ya., Foshch A.V., Kolesnikov A.V. The modernized criterion of water resistance and gypsum-containing materials ................................................................................ 16 Sivkov S.P., Loginova T.V., Mymrina A.K. Biological additives for dry mortars ....................................................................... 20 Loganina V.I., Pyshkina I.S. Rheological properties of lime finishing mixtures with the use of synthesized hydrosilicate calcium .............................................................. 24 EQUIPMENT Ufimtsev V.M. Technological lime in dispersed raw material ....... 26 TECHNOLOGIES Korchunov I.V., Torshin A.O., Kurdyumova S.E., Dmitrieva E.A., Potapova E.N. Influence of effective water reducing additives on properties of cement ........................................... 30 Mukhamedbaev Ag.A. Mechanoactivation of alumosilicate component of unburned alkaline binder ................................. 36 INFORMATION Davidjuk A.N., Batdalov Y.R. Concrete mixes ready to use do not be dry as Rosstandard experts believe .......................... 40 EVENTS Kopylov I.A. Results of bauma CTT RUSSIA 2019 ....................... 44

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