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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторВасин Юрий Геннадьевич
АннотацияСтатья посвящена вопросам построения модели организованной преступности. Построению количественной модели в сфере борьбы с преступностью, всегда должно предшествовать теоретическое моделирование. Сначала выдвигается гипотеза, затем на ее основе формируется теоретическая модель рассматриваемого негативного социально- правового явления, а затем уже можно переходить к построению количественной модели. После того как модель сформирована, ее надежность признана подходящей, можно переходить к ее изучению. Вопросы построения моделей преступности находятся в центре внимания и зарубежных криминологов. Так, данным вопросам были посвящены работы Готлиба. Аренберга, Сингха, Вито. Латесса, Вильсон. Хейга-на, Джонсона, Левенбака, Клэри. Гринберга, Миллера, Вайтхэда, Фокса и др.
Васин, Ю.Г. 5.2. О МЕТОДИЧЕСКИХ ПОДХОДАХ К ПОСТРОЕНИЮ УГОЛОВНО-ПРАВОВОЙ И КРИМИНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ МОДЕЛИ ОРГАНИЗОВАННОЙ ПРЕСТУПНОСТИ / Ю.Г. Васин // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 101-109 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571779 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGICAL MODELS OF ORGANIZED CRIME Vasin Yury Gennadievich, PhD at law. <...> Place of employment: Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. <...> E-mail: criminal_law@igpran.ru Annotation Article is devoted to constructing a model of organized crime. <...> Construction of a quantitative model in the fight against crime, must always be preceded by theoretical modeling. <...> First, the hypothesis, then it formed the basis of a theoretical model considered negative socio-legal phenomenon, and then you can proceed to the construction of a quantitative model. <...> Questions of construction of models of crime are the focus and foreign criminologists. <...> With implementation of the proposed techniques are used qualitative methods, traditionally a legal, analysis, methods of expert assessments and mathematical apparatus of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. <...> This approach makes it possible to provide the necessary balance of quantitative and qualitative characteristics and properties of the object. <...> Instead commonly used in the practice of modeling parameters is proposed to form predictive models of objects in two probability values. <...> This approach will greatly expand the number of possible predictive models themselves. <...> The proposed appointment is consistent with the notion of a plurality of component models predictive function used for planning purposes in the fight against organized crime. <...> In this case, the formation of the criminal law and criminological model using quantitative parameters it is advisable to take into account the need to determine the reliability of the model. <...> The proposed approach can be used created criminal and criminological models of crime in formulating programs for combating crime and practical refractions provisions of criminal policy. <...> Society should see that law enforcement agencies have a future-oriented, clear and practically implemented a program of action in the fight against organized crime. <...> Society must see that law enforcement bodies has prospectively oriented, clear and practically implemented a program of action in the fight against organized crime. <...> It seems that it can cause not only of interest from experts in criminal policy and criminology, lawmakers and law enforcers, but also students and graduate law schools interested in this problem. <...> Vasin Y.G. Features theoretical criminal law and criminological simulation measures to combat organized crime // Business-in-laа. 2013. №6. . 70-74.; 3. <...> Vasin <...>