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Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Серия: Экономика

Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Серия: Экономика №3 2012 (290,00 руб.)

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Аннотацияпубликуются результаты фундаментальных исследований по развитию теории и методологии экономико-математического моделирования слабоструктурированных проблем социально-экономических систем на основе когнитивного подхода, разработке научных основ устойчивого социально-экономического развития региона.
Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Серия: Экономика .— 2012 .— №3 .— 286 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/218512 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

I `д/геL“*,L г%“=!“2"е……/L 3…,"е!“,2е2, 2012 #2# ISSN 2074-1065 pеце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `cr[. b/C3“* 3 (104) 2012 According to the decision of Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the journal is included in the List of the leading reviewed scientific journals and editions issued in the Russian Federation which publish the basic scientific results of Dissertations for a Doctor’s and Candidate’s degree MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION rdj 001:331.102.312 aaj 72.6 (2p%“.`д/) b 38 ISSUE 3 The founders: 2012 Adyghe State University, Adyghe Regional Interbranch Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Peer-reviewed scientific journal of Adyghe State University BULLETIN xI.…/гA.гA3=ƒ ADYGHE STATE UNIVERSITY Series œEconomicsB Maikop 2012 #3# ISSN 2074-1065 pеце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `cr[. b/C3“* 3 (104) 2012 The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. <...> C!="=, r…,"е!“,2е2 ,м. o=л=ц*%г% (г. nл%м%3ц, )е., ). #5# ISSN 2074-1065 pеце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `cr[. b/C3“* 3 (104) 2012 Editorial Board: Editor-in-chief: R.D. Khunagov, Rector, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department; Deputy Editor-in-Chief: A.V. Shakhanova, Pro-rector on Scientific Work, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Physiology Department; Editor-in-chief: A.A. Kerashev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Dean of Economic Faculty. <...> Editorial Commission: Economics: Economics: A.A. Kerashev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Dean of Economic Faculty; E.N. Zakharova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of Economy and Management Department; A.Sh. <...> A.A. Apishev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Economy and Management Department, Chairman of the Adyghean Regional Division of RAEN. <...> N.V. Bgan Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, Maikop State University of Technology <...>
ISSN 2074-1065 pеце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `cr[. b/C3“* 3 (104) 2012 в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук lhmhqŠepqŠbn nap`gnb`mh“ h m`rjh pnqqhiqjni tedep`0hh rdj 001:331.102.312 aaj 72.6 (2p%“.`д/) b 38 b{orqj 3 2012 rч!ед,2ел,: `д/геL“*,L г%“3д=!“2"е……/L 3…,"е!“,2е2, `д/геL“*%е !ег,%…=ль…%е ме›%2!=“ле"%е %2деле…,е p`em Рецензируемый, реферируемый научный журнал АГУ beqŠmhj qе!, &}*%…%м,*=[ l=L*%C 2012 # 1 # Решением президиума Высшей аттестационной комиссии Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации журнал включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, выпускаемых в Российской Федерации, xI.…/гA.гA3=ƒ `d{ceiqjncn cnqrd`pqŠbemmncn rmhbepqhŠeŠ`
ISSN 2074-1065 pеце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `cr[. b/C3“* 3 (104) 2012 bе“2…,* `д/геL“*%г% г%“3д=!“2"е……%г% 3…,"е!“,2е2=. qе!, &}*%…%м,*=[. # l=L*%C: ,ƒд-"% `cr, 2012. # b/C. 3 (104). # 286 “. &bе“2…,* `д/геL“*%г% г%“3д=!“2"е……%г% 3…,"е!“,2е2=[ # !еце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л, %“"е?=ю?,L "%C!%“/ е“2е“2"е……/. , г3м=…,2=!…/. …=3*. hƒд=е2“ `д/геL“*,м г%“3д=!“2"е……/м 3…,"е!“,2е2%м …= %“…%"=…,, !еше…, rче…%г% “%"е2= `cr , q",де2ель“2"= % !ег,“2!=ц,, “!ед“2"= м=““%"%L ,…-%!м=ц,, tеде!=ль…%L “л3›K/ C% …=дƒ%!3 " “-е!е “" ƒ,, ,…-%!м=ц,%……/. 2е.…%л%г,L , м=““%"/. *%мм3…,*=ц,L oh 1tq77-49223 %2 04 =C!ел 2012 г. n“…%"…/е …=C!="ле…, …=3ч…/. ,““лед%"=…,L C!ед“2="ле…/ C 2ью “е!, м,, *=›д= ,ƒ *%2%!/. %!,е…2,!%"=…= …= %“"е?е…,е =*23=ль…/. "%C!%“%" 2е%!,, , C!=*2,*, “%"!еме……%L …=3*,, = 2=*›е C!%Kлем C!еC%д="=…, %“…%"…/. д,“ц,Cл,… " "3ƒе. m=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `д/геL“*%г% г%“3д=!“2"е……%г% 3…,"е!“,2е2=[ "*люче… " oе!ече…ь …=3ч…/. ›3!…=л%" , ,ƒд=…,L, !е*%ме…д%"=……/. b`j l,…,“2е!“2"= %K!=ƒ%"=…, , …=3*, pt дл C3Kл,*=ц,, %“…%"…/. !еƒ3ль2=2%" д%*2%!“*,. , *=…д,д=2“*,. д,““е!2=ц,L. b C!едл=г=ем%м ч,2=2елю 2!е2ьем "/C3“*е ›3!…=л= &bе“2…,* `д/геL“*%г% г%“3д=!“2"е……%г% 3…,"е!“,2е2=[ ƒ= 2012 г%д C3Kл,*3ю2“ …=3ч…/е “2=2ь, , %K“3›д=ю2“ !еƒ3ль2=2/ …=3ч…/. ,““лед%"=…,L " %Kл=“2, .*%…%м,че“*,. …=3*. l=2е!,=л/ !=ƒме?е…/ C% !=ƒдел=м , %2!=“л м …=3*, " “%%2"е2“2",, “ c%“3д=!“2"е……/м !3K!,*=2%!%м …=3ч…%-2е.…,че“*%L ,…-%!м=ц,,. ISSN 2074-1065 q",де2ель“2"% % !ег,“2!=ц,, oh 1tq77-49223 %2 04 =C!ел 2012 г. I `д/геL“*,L г%“3д=!“2"е……/L 3…,"е!“,2е2, 2012 # 2 #
ISSN 2074-1065 pеце…ƒ,!3ем/L, !е-е!,!3ем/L …=3ч…/L ›3!…=л &bе“2…,* `cr[. b/C3“* 3 (104) 2012 According to the decision of Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the journal is included in the List of the leading reviewed scientific journals and editions issued in the Russian Federation which publish the basic scientific results of Dissertations for a Doctor’s and Candidate’s degree MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION rdj 001:331.102.312 aaj 72.6 (2p%“.`д/) b 38 ISSUE 3 The founders: 2012 Adyghe State University, Adyghe Regional Interbranch Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Peer-reviewed scientific journal of Adyghe State University BULLETIN UNIVERSITY Series œEconomicsB Maikop 2012 # 3 # xI.…/гA.гA3=ƒ ADYGHE STATE