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Журнал структурной химии

Журнал структурной химии №1 2008 (341,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал физико-химического профиля. Адресован специалистам, работающим в области квантовой химии, физических методов исследования, кристаллохимии, супрамолекулярной химии, структуры и свойств наноматериалов, строения жидкостей, а также широкому кругу химиков. Своеобразие журнала заключается в том, что для исследования электронного и пространственного строения химических соединений в публикуемых работах широко применяются современные физические методы, оригинальные теоретические и экспериментальные подходы. Форма публикаций - статьи, краткие сообщения, тематические обзоры по различным проблемам структурной химии. С 2004 г. Издаётся ежегодное Приложение к Журналу, в котором публикуются статьи по актуальным направлениям структурной химии. Журнал переводится на английский язык, издается и распространяется за рубежом Издательством Springer. Название англоязычного издания Journal of Structural Chemistry.
Журнал структурной химии .— Новосибирск : Издательство Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук .— 2008 .— №1 .— 189 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/155368 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Q. Xing1, X.D. Zhang1, and R. Xu1 1 Department of Chemistry, Liaoning University, Shenyang, 110036, Peoplecs Republic of China Department of Pharmacology, Liaoning University, Shenyang, 110036, Peoplecs Republic of China 2 Received 27 February, 2007 The two title coordination compounds, (NH4)3[TbIII(ttha)] 5H2O (ttha = triethylenetetramineN,N,Nc,Ns,Nccc,Nccc-hexaacetic acid) and (NH4)4[Tb III 2 (dtpa)2] 9H2O (dtpa = diethylenetriamine-N,N,Nc,Ns,Ns-pentaacetic acid), have been prepared and characterized by FT-IR, elemental analyses, TG-DTA and single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. <...> INTRODUCTION During the past several decades rare earth metal complexes have attracted significant research efforts due to their specific biological activities and potential applications [ 18 ]. <...> In particular, some TbIII complexes with aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands were adopted as the probes for proteins because of prominent luminescence traits [ 10, 11 ]. <...> Ttha (triethylenetetramine-N,N,Nc,Ns,Nccc,Nccc-hexaacetic acid residue) and dtpa (diethylenetriamine-N,N,Nc,Ns,Nspentaacetic acid residue) (see Scheme) are two key ligands among the aminopolycarboxylic acids. <...> They both tend to form complexes with 1:1 ratio with most rare earth metal cations. <...> After years of research work on the rare earth metal complexes with various aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands, the coordination numbers and configurations were found to follow certain principles [ 1215 ]. <...> In general, the rare earth metal cations can form eight-, nine- and ten-coordinate complexes with various aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands, since they have different ionic radii and electronic configurations. <...> Furthermore, rare earth metal complexes with ttha ligand tend to form structures different from the corresponding complexes formed with dtpa ligand, as demonstrated for their ammonium salts. <...> Rare earth metal cations having middle-size radii generally form nine-coordinate complexes with ttha ligand; these complexes have mononuclear molecular structure [ 1720 ]. <...> However, TmIII and LuIII cations form binuclear eight-coordinate complexes with the ttha ligand because of their smaller ionic radii and more f-electrons [ 21 ]. <...> On the other hand, currently known rare earth metal complexes with dtpa <...>
        1960 .  49    –            ..           :  ,  ,  ..,  ..,  ..       : , ,  , , ,        ..,  ..,  ..,  ..   (NH4)3TiOF5  Rb2KTiOF5        :  ,  ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  ..     HfO2    :   , , , - .., - .., ..      -D-     : ,  ,   ,   ,       27 13 7  6     1, 2008 19 37
  ..,  ..  ,  InFeZn2O5  : ,   ,   47  .., ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  .., ..        Re0,67Rh0,33  : , , ,   ,   ,  , ,   ..,  ..,  .., ..,  .., ..        Rb2MoO4—Eu2(MoO4)3—Hf(MoO4)2  : , , ,  ,  ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..       (II)  2,2,6,6--4--3,5-  : (II), -, ,  ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..   8-  8- (III)  : 8-, 8- (III),    ..,  ..,  ..      Na3[Rh(SO3)3(NH3)3]6H2O  : , ,  ,  Wang J., Liu X.Zh., Wang X.F., Gao G.R., Xing Zh.Q., Zhang X.D., Xu R. Nine-coordinate rare earth metal complexes with aminopolycarboxylic acids: mononuclear (NH4)3[TbIII(ttha)] 5H2O and binuclear (NH4)4[TbIII 2(dtpa)2]·9H2O Keywords: Terbium(III), chelating ligands, ttha, dtpa, crystal structure, thermal analysis 81 75 70 63 58 52
 ..,  .., ..         100-295 K –    : ,  , ,  ,  ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..       [e][4,3-b]  : [][4,3-b],    ,    ..,  ..,  ..,  .., ..   N-(2-)--      - (2-)-- (II)  :  , N-(2-)-  (II), ,        ..,  ..,  ..       : ,  ,  ,   ,     ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..    [Pb(Phen) {(-C4H9)2PS2}2], [Pb(2,2'-Bipy) (-C4H9)2PS2}2]          : ,  , , Pb, Phen, 2,2'-Bipy,    ,    .., ..,  ..,  ..,  ..    -4--2,5-  :  , , ,  ,   132 123 115 108 101 90
  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..    -   s-  :  -     (), , , s- 138    ..,  ..      60         :  60, - ,  ,   ,   ..       :  ,  ,  , , , ,   ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..    (II) – --[Pd(NO3)2(2)2]  : , ,  ,  ,   ..,  ..,  ..,  ..   K2[Pd(NO2)4]22  : , ,  ,  ,  173 168 164 160  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..        Ru(NH3)5Cl]2[Re6S8(CN)6]3H2O  :  ,  , , , ,  178
 ..,  ..,  ..,  ..       [Y(Phen){(i-C4H9)2PS2}2NO3]  : ,  , (III), 1,10-,    ,   ..,  ..,  ..,  ..   2--4--6-1,3,5-  :  ,  , 2-4--6--1,3,5- 182 187  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..   ,     c     :  ,  –-,  Burchell T.J., Soldatov D.V., Ripmeester J.A. Crystal structure of the CO-crystal ALA-VAL·ALA·H2O: a layered inclusion compound Keywords: L-alanyl-L-valine, L-alanine, crystal structure, co-crystal, dipeptide, amino acid, -sheet, layered structure, clathrate, channel 193 190    —    ©      , 1, 2008