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Foods and raw materials

Foods and raw materials №1 2023 (660,00 руб.)

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АннотацияFoods and Raw Materials reports pioneering research in the food industry and agricultural science. We publish the results of fundamental and applied research as scientific papers, peer reviews, brief scientific reports, etc. The Journal is a single platform for scientific communication that bridges the gaps between regional, national, and international publications. Foods and Raw Materials has been published in the English language since 2013. Two volumes a year come out in print and online. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarisms via ithenticate.com and antiplagiat.ru and undergo a double-blind peer review. Authors are responsible for the content of their article. As the Journal is fully supported by the Kemerovo State University, we do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review, or publication.
Foods and raw materials .— 2013 .— 2023 .— №1 .— 190 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/912215 (дата обращения: 16.01.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Foods and Raw Materials. 2023;11(1) ISSN 2310-9599 (Print) ISSN 2308-4057 (Online) Available online at https://jfrm.ru/en/ CONTENTS Editor’s column ...................................................................................................................................................................................................ii Pchelkina Viktoriya A., Chernukha Irina M., Nikitina Marina A., Ilin Nikolai A. Pig adipose tissue of two different breeds and locations: morphology and Raman studies .......................................................................................................................................1 Kaledin Anatoly P., Stepanova Marina V. Bioaccumulation of trace elements in vegetables grown in various anthropogenic conditions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Ali Haimoud Safia, Allem Rachida Algerian date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruit cultivars: HPLC fingerprinting and antibacterial activity .......................................................................................................................................................................................17 Romanova Olga V., Vjurtts Tatiana S., Mineykina Anna I., Tukuser Yana P., Kulakov Yuri V., Akhramenko Vladislav A., Soldatenko Alexey V., Domblides Elena A. Embryogenesis induction of carrot (Daucus carota L.) in isolated microspore culture ...........................................................................................................................................25 Krikunova Ludmila N., Meleshkina Elena P., Vitol Irina S., Dubinina Elena V., Obodeeva Olga N. Grain bran hydrolysates in the production of fruit distillates ..............................................................................................................................................35 Islam Md Saiful, Mustafa Ramal Ahmed Assessment of trace elements in canned fish and health risk appraisal ...........................43 Asan-Ozusaglam Meltem, Celik Irem White pitahaya as a natural additive: potential usage in cosmetic industry .........................57 Ramos Judith, Villacrés Nelson Adrián, Cavalheiro Éder Tadeu Gomes, Alarcón Hugo A., Valderrama Ana C. Preparation of sodium alginate films incorporated with hydroalcoholic extract of Macrocystis pyrifera L. .........................................64 Yüzer Mustafa O., Gençcelep Hüseyin Sesame seed protein: Amino acid, functional, and physicochemical profiles .....................72 Batçıoğlu Kadir, Küçükbay Fatümetüzzehra, Alagöz Mehmet Abdullah, Günal Selami, Yilmaztekin Yakup Antioxidant and antithrombotic properties of fruit, leaf, and seed extracts of the Halhalı olive (Olea europaea L.) native to the Hatay region in Turkey ...............................................................................................................................................................................84 Logutov Vladimir I., Abdrakhmanov Valery I., Kulikovskii Andrey V., Knyazeva Alexsandra S., Utiyanov Dmitry A. Liquid products of meat and bone meal pyrolysis: comprehensive assessment by chromatographic methods ......................................94 Noskova Evgenia N., Lisitsyn Eugene M., Shchennikova Irina N., Svetlakova Elena V. Top-dressing treatment of spring barley to modify its quality ................................................................................................................................................................106 Arriaga-Lorenzo Pedro, de Jesús Maldonado-Simán Ema, Ramírez-Valverde Rodolfo, Martínez-Hernández Pedro Arturo, Tirado-González Deli Nazmín, Saavedra-Jiménez Luis Antonio Cold chain relevance in the food safety of perishable products ........................................................................................................................................116 Abakumov Evgeny V., Tembotov Rustam Kh. Agriculture in the Baksan Gorge of the Central Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia ...............................................................................................................................................................................129 Sekhavatizadeh Seyed Saeed, Banisaeed Khadijeh, Hasanzadeh Mahboobeh, Khalatbari-Limaki Sepideh, Amininezhad Hanieh Physicochemical properties of kashk supplemented with encapsulated lemongrass extract ..........................141 Flyurik Elena A., Ermakova Olga S. Medusomyces gisevii L.: cultivation, composition, and application .......................................152 Asyakina Lyudmila K., Vorob'eva Ekaterina E., Proskuryakova Larisa A., Zharko Maria Yu. Evaluating extremophilic microorganisms in industrial regions ......................................................................................................................................162 Milentyeva Irina S., Fedorova Anastasiya M., Larichev Timothy A. , Altshuler Olga G. Biologically active compounds in Scutellaria baicalensis L. callus extract: Phytochemical analysis and isolation .............................................................172 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21603/2308-4057-2023-1

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