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Personnel Management (290,00 руб.)

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АвторыValeeva N. Sh., Мurtazina E. М., Nurutdinova А. R., Ziyatdinova J. N., Valeeva E. E., Kazan National Research Technological University
АннотацияThe Study Guide is intended for practical courses in ESP (English for Special Purposes) and namely, for the human resource management program (personnel management). The Study Guide is designed for Bachelors in Personnel Management program (38.03.03), as well as, for the students in additional qualification «The translator in the sphere of professional communication», also for graduate students and others who are interested in English. It is cooperatively designed by the Department of Social Work, Pedagogics and Psychology and the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication.
Кому рекомендованоThe Study Guide is designed for Bachelors in Personnel Management program (38.03.03).
Personnel Management = [Управление персоналом] : Study Guide / N. Sh. Valeeva, E.М. Мurtazina, А.R. Nurutdinova, J.N. Ziyatdinova, E.E. Valeeva; Kazan National Research Technological University .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2016 .— 213 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7882-2044-4 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/773109 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDK 802.0 (07) BBK 81.2 Англ я7 Authors: N. Sh. Valeeva, E. М. Мurtazina, А. R. Nurutdinova, J. N. Ziyatdinova, E. E. Valeeva Personnel Management : Study Guide / N. Sh. Valeeva [et al.]; The Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan Publishing House, 2016. – 212 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-2044-4 The Study Guide is intended for practical courses in ESP (English for Special Purposes) and namely, for the human resource management program (personnel management). The Study Guide is designed for Bachelors in Personnel Management program (38.03.03), as well as, for the students in additional qualification «The translator in the sphere of professional communication», also for graduate students and others who are interested in English. It is cooperatively designed by the Department of Social Work, Pedagogics and Psychology and the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication. Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: E. M. Galishnikova, Professor of Kazan Federal University, D.Sc. in education I. I. Galimzyanova, Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages of Kazan State Conservatoire named after N. Zhiganov, D.Sc. in education ISBN 978-5-7882-2044-4 © Valeeva N. Sh., Мurtazina E. М., Nurutdinova А. R., Ziyatdinova J. N., Valeeva E. E., 2016 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2016 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Unit 1.2. Principles and methods of personnel management. Objectives, functions and organizational structure of the personnel management system Unit 1.3. Motivation and stimulation of Personnel labor activity. Working conditions of staff Unit 1.4. Provisions of personnel management system. Human resource planning. Certification of personnel PART 2. INNOVATIONS IN STAFF MANAGEMENT Unit 2.1. Modern conditions of economic activities and their impact on the innovation process. Theory of innovation Unit 2.2. Organizational forms of innovation, management of programs and projects Unit 2.4. Innovative personnel management technologies Unit 3.1. Ideas of social technology in science and practice of personnel management Unit 3.2. Methods of social and technological activities in personnel management Unit 3.3. Stages and procedures of social and technological in the human resources Unit 4.1. Entrepreneurship as a form of professional activity. Unit 4.2. Classification of business activities. Internal and external environment of business structure Unit 4.3. Organizational design of an entrepreneurial firm Unit 4.4. Business administration and business planning Bibliography 4 5 13 24 33 43 43 innovative 57 Unit 2.3. Management of innovative activity of the personnel in the organization 83 103 PART 3. SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES IN WORKING WITH PERSONNEL 120 120 130 acitivities 137 Unit 3.4. Personal characteristics related to communicative processes 145 PART 4. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE SOCIAL AND LABOR SPHERE 153 153 167 181 194 211 PART 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 5 Unit 1.1. Personnel of a company as an object for management 3

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