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Changing Societies & Personalities

Changing Societies & Personalities №3 2022 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияВ издании представлены теоретические и эмпирические исследования, связанные с широким кругом дисциплин в контексте ценностного плюрализма и социальной гетерогенности (пост)-модерного общества. Статьи соответствуют следующим тематическим блокам: ценностные измерения взаимосвязи между социально-политическими трансформациями и личностной идентичностью; изменения в ценностных ориентациях; гендерные и эйджинговые идеологии как факторы политических, моральных, религиозных и социальных изменений; образовательные стратегии как способы обучения особым социальным компетенциям; пост-секулярный религиозный индивидуализм; социальная эксклюзия и инклюзия и пр. Журнал публикует оригинальные статьи, дискуссии, обзоры и рецензии на английском языке. Transformation of societies entails the replacement of existing socio-cultural values with new ones and the development of new ideas applicable to new situations. These changes involve values concerning political life, social order, religion, work motivation, gender roles, behavior patterns, social interactions, etc. Changes of values do not occur in a uniform fashion in all domains and social settings. In many cases, values gradually become personal concerns leading to individual choice of life-style. Rules and prescriptions imposed by political and non-political structures are no longer taken for granted. However there are defenders of so-called traditional values representing hierarchical institutions, both religious and secular in many regions of the world.
Changing Societies & Personalities .— 2017 .— 2022 .— №3 .— 245 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/744958 (дата обращения: 11.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Changing Societies & Personalities, 2022 Vol. 6, No. 3 CONTENTS Editorial Values Under the Influence of Various Contexts: Cross-Cultural Reflections Elena A. Stepanova ............................................................................ 483 Articles Fluid Intelligence Test Scores Across the Schooling: Evidence of Nonlinear Changes in Girls and Boys Tatiana N. Тikhomirova, Artem S. Malykh, Sergey B. Malykh ............. 488 Short Learning Programmes for Skills Development Beyond COVID-19 Israel Kibirige ...................................................................................... 504 Representing the Powerful Principle of Virtue Ethics: Commitment at Workplaces Mitashree Tripathy .............................................................................. 524 In the Eyes of the Beholder: Leaders’ Personality and Courageous Followership Wajeeha Brar Ghias, Syed Zaheer Abbas Kazmi ............................... 547 Moral Foundations of Dietary Behavior and its Linkage to Sustainability and Feminism Benedikt Hackert, Lilith C. Voeth, Ulrich Weger ................................. 564 The Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Oocyte Donors’ Motivations and Disclosure Decisions Irina G. Polyakova, Dmitry O. Mazurov, Elvira E. Symanyuk, Aleksandra Yu. Khramtsova ............................................................... 594 Social and Economic Factors of Violence Against Women in the South of Moldova: Identification, Estimation, and Mechanisms of Elimination Elena V. Bazueva ............................................................................... 610
Changing Societies & Personalities, 2022 Vol. 6, No. 3 Patriarchal Language Evaluation of Muslim Women’s Body, Sexuality, and Domestication Discourse on Indonesian Male Clerics Preaching Eva Leiliyanti, Dhaurana Atikah Dewi, Larasati Nur Putri, Fariza, Zufrufin Saputra, Andera Wiyakintra, Muhammad Ulul Albab ............ 634 The Concept of Mladostarchestvo as a Tool for Criticizing Religion in Modern Russia: An Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies Eugene I. Lyutko, Alexey I. Cherny ..................................................... 655 Research Note Perceived Discrimination of Old Settlers in Sikkim Bhasker Malu, Santhosh Kareepadath Rajan, Nikhita Jindal, Aishwarya Thakur, Tanvi Raghuram ................................................... 677 Book Reviews I. Strenski (2022). Muslims, Islams and Occidental Anxieties: Conversations about Islamophobia. Ethics International Press Ltd. Elena A. Stepanova ............................................................................ 692 V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.). (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i Vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press Olga F. Rusakova, Ekaterina G. Gribovod, Yan Yu. Moiseenko ......... 696 A Theology of History: In Search of a Method Andrey V. Lavrentiev ........................................................................... 700 Ethical Code. .................................................................................... 706 Instruction for Authors .................................................................. 710

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