Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634794)
Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета

Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета №3 (60) 2019 (37,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучный журнал "Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета" включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых публикуются основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук. Журнал основан в августе 2007г. Учредитель издания: Сургутский государственный педагогический университет.
Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета .— Сургут : РИО СурГПУ .— 2019 .— №3 (60) .— 251 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/706485 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISSN 2078-7626 ВЕСТНИК Сургутского государственного педагогического университета НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ  3 (60) 2019
ИК    2007 . № 3 (60) 2019 .  6   . «    Г   «    ,             ё     Г.  ё          : , yberleninka.ru, Scienti c Indexing Services (SIS), ESJI, Ulrich lus.           ,     .      №  77-29393  24  2007 .  :     -   –  «   Г.  : . 50  , 10/2, . 408, . ,  .,  – , 628417 : 8 (3462) 22–31–87 (. 4-408) E-mail: vestnik@surgpu.ru    05.06.2019 .  70100/16 . . 25,4    DejaVu Serif  1000  № 20  , ё –       ©    , 2019 К А АИЧК ИИА Научный журнал
ISSN 2078-7626 Surgut State Pedagogical University BULLETIN AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL  3 (60) 2019
SURGUT STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY BULLETIN AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL № 3 (60) 2019. This Bulletin has started its publishing activity since 2007 in the form of 6 issues annually. Surgut State Pedagogical University Bulletin is in The List of Russian peer-reviewed journals recommended by State Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles for publication of main scienti c results of Doctror and Ph.D. theses. The Journal is in the list of Science Citation Index and internantional bibliographic database: RSCI, yberleninka.ru, Scienti c Indexing Services (SIS), ESJI, Ulrich lus. This academic journal has been registered in the Russian Federal Agency supervising over the mass media, tele- and radio- communication saving in its way the Russian Federation State Cultural Heritage. The Mass-Media Information Registration Certi cate is  №  77-29393, August 24, 2007. Founder of journal: Budgetary Institution of Higher Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra «Surgut State Pedagogical UniversityГ. The editorial o ice address is: 50 let VLKSM st., 10/2, room № 408, Surgut, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, Russia, 628417 Telephone number: 8 (3462) 22–31–87 (4-408) E-mail: vestnik@surgpu.ru ©    , 2019
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  6 9 С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ ИЗ ИСТОРИИ РЕВОЛЮЦИОННОГО ДВИЖЕНИЯ  ..       XIX  ............................................................................................ 9  .. .. -:    ..... 16  ..  ..,    –   ..  ..    « Г (      ) .......................................... 26 « Г (1884–1888 .) ............................................. 33             XIX  ...... 44 АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ИСТОРИИ  ..        XIX –  XX  ......................................... 51  ..           1920- .  ..,  ..  ..       (1961–1991 .) ................................................................................. 74          ........................... 79  ..,     90- .  .:    ..     .................................................... 86 СОЦИОКУЛЬТУРНЫЕ И ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ В ИСТОРИЧЕСКОМ ОСМЫСЛЕНИИ  ..     -         XIX –  XX  .......................................................... 95  ..        -   .     XIX  .......................................................... 104  ..       -  1945–1950 .  .. ................................................. 110  ..,  ..       (1941–1945 .) ........ 117        -       (     ) ............................... 121 ........................................................ 61  ..         1920–1940  ....................................................... 68
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  6 9 С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ НАУЧНЫЕ И ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИВАЮЩЕГОСЯ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА  ..,       ..       ....... 130  ..,       ..       ............. 136  ..           ............. 143  ..    :   ..................................................................................... 153  ..          .......................................................................... 161  ..           .... 171  ..         ........................................................................... 177  ..                ............................................. 182  ..,  ,    ..,  ..   ....................................................... 193  .., ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ И СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ МЕТОДИКА И СОЦИОЛОГИЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ    ,       ..             ................ 207  ..,        ..      ................ 213  ..,  ..,        ..         ..      .............................................. 227 МНЕНИЯ, ДИСКУССИИ  ..  ,     ......................................... 233    ................................................................................................ 240     .......................................... 245
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  6 9 C O N T E N T S HISTORICAL SCIENCE  FROM THE HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT Kvasov O.N. Kravtsova A.V. Maul V.Yu. Milevsky O.A., The Narodniks’ Expropriation Practice in the Second Half of the 19th Century ........................................................................... 9 Yu.N. Govorukha-Otrok: Revolutionary Heritage of the Monarchist .............................................................................. 16 Kuzma Prudky and «Chigirin PlotГ (an Episode from the History of the Liberation Movement in Russia) ............................................. 26 Dmitry Alexandrovich Klements – Correspondent of «Sibirskaya Panchenko A.B. GazetaГ (1884–1888) ........................................................................ 33 Pyatkova S.G. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF STUDYING THE NATIONAL HISTORY Kereibayeva A.S. The Sources of Formation of Steppe Merchants in the Second Half of the XIXth and in the Beginning of the XXth Century .................... 51 Shkarevsky D.N. The Formation of the Native Courts in the North of Western Siberia in the Second Half of the 1920s ........................................................ 61 Baramatov A.I. Training of Personnel for  re Service of the Chuvash Republic in 1920–1940 ..................................................................................... 68 Lundup T.V., Dorzhu Z.Yu. Akinin M.A. Bodrova E.V., Kalinov V.V. Complex Scienti c Researches in the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republik (1961–1991) The Activity of the RAS of the Russian Federation in the 90s  Century: the Example of Survival in the Conditions of Liberal Reforms ............................................................................ 86 SOCIO-CULTURAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMS IN HISTORICAL UNDERSTANDING Rozhkova A.M. Shkarlat L.P. Kirilyuk D.V. Mongush V.Ch., Maadyr M.S. Suetin I.N. Personnel Policy and Organization of Educational Work in the Church Schools of the Diocese of Tobolsk in the Late XIX – Early XX Century ................................................... 95 To the Question of Petropavlovsk Guardianship Activity in Parochial Schools in Simferopol in the Second Half of the XIX Century .......... 104 Some Speci cities of Schools’establishment of Khanty-Mansiysk in 1945–1950 .................................................... 110 Schools of Tuva in Wartime (1941–1945) ......................................... 117 The Role of Russian Emigrants (Labor Migrants) in the Conservation of Domestic Musical Educational Traditions in the XX Century (on the Example of Asia and Africa) .................... 121 ........................................................ 74 On the History of Establishment of the Territory with Traditional Use of Natural Resources in Neryungri District ............................... 79 The Activities of the Polish Exiles in Terms of Adaptive Processes in Siberian Exile in the Second Half of the XIX Century .................. 44
ВЕСТНИК Ск анн аичк нииа №  6 9 C O N T E N T S PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCE SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPING EDUCATION AREA Abramovskikh N.V., Features of the Practical Training of Bachelors to the Use Sinebryukhova V.L. of Educational Robotics Technology in Elementary School .............. 130 Niyazova A.A., The Formation of Ecological Culture in Future Teachers in Terms Gibadullina Yu.M. of Formal and Informal Education .................................................... 136 Kozyreva O.A. Gavrilov V.V. Bogataya O.F. Samoylenko S.G. Vartanyan A.S. Semenov A.N. Speci city of Speech Development Preschoolers: Theoretical Justi cation ....................................................................................... 153 The Author's Method f Teaching Literacy to Children with Severe Speech Disorders .............................................................................. 161 Language Training as a Component of Modern Strategy of Professional Training of Engineering Personnel .......................... 171 The Role of Student Self-Government in the Development of Extracurricular Activities of the University .................................. 177 Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Semiotic Analysis of Literary Text in the Conditions of Development of the School Program in Literature ....................................................................... 182 Kapustina N.G., Bogataya O.F., Rasskazova N.P. Gubanova M.I., Gorbunova V.A., Zyryanova S.M. Soldatenkov Ph.N., Abramov R.V., PEDAGOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCES METHODS AND SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION Satisfaction of Parents Updating Children with Health Disabilities with Additional Education Services ............................... 193 The Formation of Teachers’ Professional Competency for Work Maksimova N.A. with Trainees of Special Educational Needs in the Process of Advanced Training ........................................................................ 207 Evaluation of the Level of Motivational Readiness of Teachers of Preschool Educational Organization to the Certi cation Procedure .......................................................................................... 213 Krestyannikov A.S. Activity as a Factor of Increasing Motivation to Physical Culture Chugaevskiy E.V. The Paradigm of Olympic Education in the Aspect of Competitive and Healthy Lifestyle ........................................................................ 227 OPINIONS, DISCUSSIONS Makushchenko L.V. Protect the Past – We Go to the Future ............................................ 233 INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS .................................................................................. 240 Theorization of Formation of Culture of Self-Dependent Work of the Personality in the System of Continuous Education ............... 143

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически
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