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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №3 2015


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Первый авторЛебедева Маргарита Леонидовна
АннотацияЦель написания статьи - рассмотреть проблемы трансформации практики французского регионализма в условия российского федерализма. Задачи работы - раскрыть содержание модели регионализма современной Франции, теоретические аспекты политических технологий организации власти политических сообществ субнационального уровня Франции
Лебедева, М.Л. 12.2. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ПРАКТИКИ ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО РЕГИОНАЛИЗМА В РОССИИ / М.Л. Лебедева // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2015 .— №3 .— С. 210-214 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/572815 (дата обращения: 14.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

PROBLEMS OF PRACTICE FRENCH REGIONALISM RUSSIA Lebedeva Margarita Leonidovna, PhD in politics, associate professor. <...> Place of employment: Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named after Timiryazev. <...> E-mail: lebedevameg@mail.ru Annotation The purpose of writing this article - to consider the problems of transformation of the French practice of regionalism in terms of Russian federalism. <...> Tasks of work - to reveal the content of the model of regionalism modern 210 France, the theoretical aspects of political technologies of power sub-national political communities of France. <...> Methodology: System-structural method in which social relations are seen as an integral system of interrelations of phenomena and events of the political process on the level of "center - regions". <...> Comparative method allows to relate the characteristics of constituent units of the French model of regionalism with the Russian regional policy. <...> Conclusions: An analysis of Russian and foreign sources leads to the conclusion that the major issues raised in the article is particularly relevant at the present stage of development. <...> Research possible by studying the French model of regionalism in the framework of a unitary state and territorial unit. <...> Practical: It is possible to the theoretical understanding of a number of issues related to the practice of political and legal regulation of the regional policy of modern France, identifying problems and the main directions of improving the mechanism of Russian regionalism. <...> Social consequences: Correlation of practical experience of the French model of regional development of relations with the Russian one "center-regions". <...> Valuable experience in solving problems, legal, institutional, financial organization of political power. <...> Originality, value: The novelty of the research is to separate the ways to improve the organization model of regional policy in Russia. <...> The work is intended for anyone interested in comparative politics, political regionalism, international and Russian political process. <...> European Charter of Local Self-Government (done in Strasbourg 15/10/1985) [electronic resource] . <...> URL: // http: // onventions.coe. int / treaty / rus / Treaties / Html / 122.htm (the date of circulation: 02.25.2013). 2.Zhdanov S.P. Actual problems of a political solution to the example of the Federal Law «On GОnОrКХ PrТnМТpХОs oП Local Self-GovОrnmОnЭ Тn ЭСО RЮssТКn FОНОrКЭТon» // Questions of Political Science: Scientific Journal. 2012. №3 (7). <...> S.103-109. 3.Zalisin I.Y.Pre-conflict situations in the violent political conflicts // Gaps in Russian legislatТon. 2014. № 5. <...> S. <...>