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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторБрюхана Евгения Рафиковна
АвторыКозлова Валерия
АннотацияЗадачи: В статье поднимается проблема невозможности, в силу определенных жизненных обстоятельств, выполнения родителями (единственным родителем) обязанностей и прав, возложенных на них законом. Авторами работы предпринята попытка исследования новелл Федерального закона "Об опеке и попечительстве" от 24.04.2008г. 48-ФЗ, закрепившего институт временной (срочной, добровольной) опеки (попечительства). Данное нововведение остается не востребованным, исследуемый институт является молодым, а, следовательно, мало апробированным. Несмотря на внешнюю безукоризненность новеллы, она все же не лишена некоторых недостатков в правовом регулировании. Правовым проблемам института временной (срочной, добровольной) опеки (попечительства) посвящена настоящая статья
Брюхана, Е.Р. 3.3. НЕКОТОРЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРАВОВОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ВРЕМЕННОЙ ОПЕКИ (ПОПЕЧИТЕЛЬСТВА)НАД НЕСОВЕРШЕННОЛЕТНИМИ В РФ / Е.Р. Брюхана, Валерия Козлова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 58-63 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571770 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ON ISSUES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF PROVISIONAL CUSTODY (GUARDIANSHIP) OF MINORS IN RUSSIAN FEDERATION Bryuknina Evgeniya Rafikovna, PhD at law. <...> PХacО ШП ОЦЩХШвЦОЧЭ: “EХОcЭrШ ЩrШdЮcЭs” TradО House, Ltd. E-mail: vskozlova@mail.ru Annotation Aims: The article focuses on the problem of incapability of parents (single parent), due to various circumstances, to perform responsibilities and rights, assigned to them by the law. <...> It is an attempt to study the new law (amendment to Federal law) Federal Law No. 48-FZ of April 24, 2008 «OЧ GЮarНТaЧЬСТp aЧН CЮЬЭШНТaЧЬСТp», аСТМС ЬЭaЭОН ТЧЬЭitution of provisional custody (custodianship). <...> This amendment is not in-demand, the institution under consideration is young, and, consequently, not enough approved by practice. <...> Despite seeming irreproachability of the amendment, it still has some disadvantages in terms of legal regulation. <...> This article is devoted to the issues of the institution of provisional (fixed, voluntary) custody (guardianship). <...> Conclusions: Basing on the analysis of law enforcement practice, the authors made a number of conclusions. <...> Firstly, this amendment is not enough in-demand due to distorted interpretation of its essence. <...> Secondly, extend of rights and responsibilities of the provisional guardian is not stated clearly in the articles of the Law. <...> Thirdly, the Guardianship Law does not contain approximate list of justifiable reasons necessary to establish provisional guardianship. <...> Finally, the issue of period of guardianship of minors, as well as some other problems of the institution are considered in the article. <...> In connection therewith the authors, in particular make proposal on possible improvement of the Law by introduction of legal response of ability to transfer rights of justified representation be means of mutual agreement executed by parents of the minor to transfer the rights for justified representation of the child to the third party for a short term absence of the parents (under one month). <...> Scope of the research: The authors made attempt to study amendment to Federal Law No. 48-FZ of April 24, 2008 «OЧ GЮarНТaЧЬСТp aЧН CЮЬЭШНТaЧЬСТp», aЬ аОll aЬ norms of Family Code of the Russian Federation No. 223FZ of December 12, 1995, and views upon the institution that exist in scientific practice. <...> Practical importance: Legal finalization of terms of temporary guardianship over minors by third party shall enable guarantee of protection of their rights <...>

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