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Известия Балтийской государственной академии рыбопромыслового флота  / №1 (35) 2016

Профессор М. Рошвальд: проблема умеренного реализма, эпистемологии и метафизики (200,00 руб.)

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Первый авторБартошевски
АвторыПестшиньски В.
АннотацияРассматривается проблемы умеренного реализма, метафизики и гносеологии. Именно этот подход в контексте человеческого опыта. Статья состоит из двух частей. Обсуждается опыт умеренного реализма и гносеологии, метафизики. Представлены результаты проведенного исследования
Бартошевски, Я. Профессор М. Рошвальд: проблема умеренного реализма, эпистемологии и метафизики / Я. Бартошевски, В. Пестшиньски // Известия Балтийской государственной академии рыбопромыслового флота .— 2016 .— №1 (35) .— С. 1-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/361362 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Пестшиньски кандидат общественных наук адъюнкт Университет безопасности г. <...> Познань Польша wojterapia@wp.pl Professor Mordecai Roshwald: the problem of moderate realism and epistemological and metaphysical Профессор М. <...> Именно этот подход в контексте человеческого опыта. <...> Представлены результаты проведенного исследования Ключевые слова: реалист; эпистемология; метафизика; опыт Introduction The desire to understand reality has led us to undertake a study of the philosophical thought of Professor Mordecai Roshwald, because all of us seeking to understand ourselves, others and the natural world, and also the society in which we lived. <...> Ongoing dialogue with the past allows us to look at the human reality from the perspective of the experience of others that have occurred in previous centuries. <...> The problem of understanding reality was found out through the whole philosophy3. <...> This was born on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor, where at the end of the seventh and sixth century BC, people had the courage to try to understand the world on its own, without referring to the aid of myths and religious beliefs. <...> This test exceeded all expectations, not only because of the success within the meaning of reality, but because of some kind of chain reaction, which could no longer be stopped. <...> The rich heritage of Professor Roshwald is essentially in one stream, it is the philosophy and ethics. <...> While on the one hand it develops the issue of ethics and morality, but on the other hand, is built on the basis of this idea, a vision of reality, based on the metaphysical and epistemological realism. <...> The appearance of this reality in the context of the life experience of our author, with an emphasis moderate metaphysical and epistemological realism. 1. <...> Experience – a moderate epistemological realism Theme of this work forces us to define key in this context, the concept of what is experienced. <...> Furthermore, the term experience refers to both the untreated mentally directly feeling events, as well as to the wisdom gained by further reflection on these events and their interpretation.4 Accepting the reality that each person experiences on the basis of his cognitive apparatus, these are the senses and the mind; we advocate the same for the metaphysical and epistemological realism. <...> This is a traditional, classic object of philosophical knowledge opposed to various forms of subjectivity, reducing philosophy to analyze the character of cognitive concepts, language and data awareness. <...> Although it is easy to demonstrate significant <...>