SBERBANK RUSSIA Rostov-on-Don State Economic University , B.Sadovay st., 69, Rostov -on-Don, 344002, Russia e-mail: The article analysis is aimed at identifying the impact of the environment on the strategy of Sberbank. <...> As a result, a PESTLE analysis was conducted - the list of threats. <...> PESTLE analysis is a tool for long-term strategic planning and compiled for 3-5 years ahead. <...> During the PESTLE analysis Sberbank were following external influences: political (stable government, tax policy, international trade regulation, social policy), economic (GDP trends, inflation, unemployment, the global economic crisis), Social (demography of the population, social mobility, income distribution, tradition, work and leisure, education level of the population), technology (innovation, speed of diffusion of new technologies, the proportion of obsolete technologies, government support for the development of new technologies), Legal (competition laws and the monopolization of production, the laws on employment, Labour Code, laws on the protection of employees’ health, licensing products), and Environmental. <...> Keywords: financial market, financial instruments, Political factors, Economic factors, Social factors, Technological factors, Legal factors, Environmental factors. <...> DOI: 10.15217/issn1998984-9.2015.28.99 PESTLE is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organisational unit [1]. <...> PESTLE provides a simple framework for analysis of a company and aids and encourages the development of strategic thinking within the company. <...> Managers can oversimplify the information, which may lead to inappropriate strategic decisions. <...> This paper will use PESTLE analysis to identify external threats and opportunities of Sberbank, which is the biggest bank in Russia, with a yearly revenue of 30b dollars, total assets worth 490b dollars, employing 290,000 people. <...> It has 1 2 , N.S. Pogorelenko3 PEST АНАЛИЗ СБРЕБАНКА РОССИИ Ростовский государственный экономический университет, Б. <...> PEST анализ это инструмент для долгосрочного стратегического планирования сроком на 3-5 лет. <...> В ходе проведенного PEST анализа Сбербанка был учтен ряд внешних факторов, таких как: политические (стабильное правительство, налоговая политика, регулирование международной торговли, социальная политика), экономические (тенденции <...>