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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Вестник ОрелГАУ  / №4(49) 2014


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АвторыSuhocheva N.A. , Plygun S.A. , Glinushkin A.P.
Аннотацияdoi: 10.15217/279711
FORMING THE PRICE POLICY OF MARKETABLE RAPE GRAIN CONSIDERING THE MARKET OF OIL AND FAT PRODUCTS / Suhocheva N.A., Plygun S.A., Glinushkin A.P. // Вестник ОрелГАУ .— 2014 .— №4(49) .— doi: 10.15217/279711 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/279711 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Vetnik OrelGAU, 4(49), August 2014 UDC 633.853.494:631.576.331.2:658.62:339.13:664.3 FORMING THE PRICE POLICY OF MARKETABLE RAPE GRAIN CONSIDERING THE MARKET OF OIL AND FAT PRODUCTS Suhocheva N.A.*, Candidate of Economic Sciences Plygun S.A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia Glinushkin A.P., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg, Russia *E-mail: suhoceva@bk.ru ABSTRACT Increased attention to the production of rape is caused by a number of energy and economic factors. <...> The first relates to the limited production of the traditional forms of energy, ensuring environmental security, bioenergy development. <...> The second factor is defined by the fact that conditions of managing are encourage agricultural producers to look for different ways to improve the economic efficiency of their production, to ensure the competitiveness of their products. <...> Forming pricing policy and supporting pricing system is a key and priority function of the participants of oil and fat subcomplex. <...> It contributes to achieve sustainable output production and solvent demand of population; overcome the disparity in prices; regulation of relations between the spheres of agriculture. <...> Only taking into account the indicated conditions, it is possible to effectively use of resource potential and changes in the structure of the food complex due to the priority in the production of the most valuable and energyintensive products and raw materials. <...> KEY WORDS Rape; Pricing policy; Oil and fat products; Effectiveness; Agrarian economy; Selling price; Commodity; Market. <...> Efficiency of agricultural production requires its translation to industrial methods, renovation of industrial and economic activity, the reorganization of the payment systems and work stimulation. <...> At the same time questions of the pricing policy formation of commodity rape grain becoming one of the main problems of the agricultural sector. <...> Determining the size of cultivated areas and the identification of reserves of its extension, studying the features of the structure of sown areas has great importance. <...> Structure of sown areas shall comply with the accepted system of agriculture and its specialization; ensure the most effective use of arable land in these soil and climatic and economic conditions [3]. <...> Area under oil crops in Russia in the last 2 years have expanded to record levels. <...> At the same time, due to the increased demand <...>