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Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке)

Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке) №4 2013 (954,80 руб.)

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АннотацияЕжеквартальный информационно-аналитический бюллетень «Экономика Узбекистана» это единственное в стране издание: выпускается ежеквартально на трех языках: узбекском, русском, английском; представляет комплексный, системный анализ осуществляемых экономических преобразований, складывающихся тенденций социально-экономической трансформации и модернизации в стране в максимально доступной форме. Издание особенно полезно в ситуациях, когда нужно не просто владеть цифрами, но и знать причину их происхождения, понимать, почему в экономике страны формируются те или иные тенденции; где широко представлена статистическая информация из различных министерств и ведомств, зачастую не публикуемая в одном издании. Эта отраслевая и региональная статистика, статистика по труду, банковская и бюджетная статистика, статистика по рынку ценных бумаг и малому предпринимательству в динамике за ряд лет как в абсолютных и относительных значениях.
Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке) .— : Центр экономических исследований .— 2013 .— №4 .— 85 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/193511 (дата обращения: 06.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISSN2091-5071 Uzbekistan Economic Trends Information and Analytical Bulletin for 2013 Tashkent –2014 Editorial Board D.R.Turdiyev Sh. <...> High economic growth rates were supported by macroeconomic stability characterized by low inflation rate, state budget surplus and positive foreign trade balance. <...> Implementation of measures aimed at further diversification of industrial sectors, expanded production of competitive products and raising industrial potential of regions, predominantly, by deeper processing of local raw materials and saturation of domestic market by ready-made goods resulted in the 8.8% growth of industrial output, including consumer goods by 14.1%. <...> Implementation of measures aimed at strengthening material and technical resources of farms, introduction of advanced technologies and higher productivity of agrarian crops as well as expanded processing capacities ensured growth in gross agrarian output by 6.8%. <...> Efficient investment policy directed at further improvement of investment climate, promotion of investment activity in private sector and expanded attraction of foreign investment along with accelerated implementation of key production and infrastructure projects resulted in the increased investment by 9.8% and construction works by 16.6%. <...> The following factors were key factors for preserving high and stable social and economic growth: 4 Source: State Statistics Committee Macroeconomics / ECONOMIC GROWTH Structural transformations in industrial sectors. <...> Expansion of modernization, technical and technological renovation of production, diversification of industrial output, promotion of consumer goods production, localized and export goods along with measures aimed at formation of competitive environment, ensured further deepening in structural transformation of the industrial sector. <...> Due to comprehensive measures implemented with aim to modernize, technically renovate production facilities and update competitiveness of industrial sector, in 2013 Uzbekistan managed to ensure steady high growth of industrial production and efficient structural transformation of the industrial sector. <...> The most significant input into the growth of industrial output was made by machine building and metal working (121.1%), industry of construction materials (113.6%), light (113.2%), food (109.1%) and woodworking (114.9%) industries. <...> Also, in 2013 in frame of the Program on priorities for industrial development in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2011-2015 there were finalized 54 projects engaged in modernization of existing and establishment of new production facilities <...>
ISSN2091-5071 Uzbekistan Economic Trends Information and Analytical Bulletin for 2013 Tashkent –2014
Editorial Board D.R.Turdiyev Sh.Kh.Khaydarov M.М. Mirzayev A.A. Abduhakimov А.А. Khaitov Chief Editor B.M. Eshonov Deputy Chief Editor J.A. Fattakhova Project Coordinator Kh.M. Muradova Advisors O.Z. Gaybullayev U.A.Abdullajonov Technical Assistance A. Yuldasheva Translator Z.Kh. Zaitova Section Coordinators: F.F. Nasritdinov D.R. Abduazizov J.R. Sidikov A.Ya. Khaydarov M.A. Mirsadikov E.S. Akulova B.S.Yusupov (section 1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2) (section 1.2, 1.4, 3.3, 3.4) (section 2.1) (sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) (section 2.5) (section 2.6) (section 2.7) V.V. Baturina. S.Abdurakhmonhodjayev (section 4) T.M. Akhmedov. H.M. Saidakhmedov (section 5) The publication has been produced with support of Turkish Cooperation Agency © Center for Economic Research © TIKA