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Foods and raw materials

Foods and raw materials №1 2022 (660,00 руб.)

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АннотацияFoods and Raw Materials reports pioneering research in the food industry and agricultural science. We publish the results of fundamental and applied research as scientific papers, peer reviews, brief scientific reports, etc. The Journal is a single platform for scientific communication that bridges the gaps between regional, national, and international publications. Foods and Raw Materials has been published in the English language since 2013. Two volumes a year come out in print and online. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarisms via ithenticate.com and antiplagiat.ru and undergo a double-blind peer review. Authors are responsible for the content of their article. As the Journal is fully supported by the Kemerovo State University, we do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review, or publication.
Foods and raw materials .— 2013 .— 2022 .— №1 .— 198 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/912213 (дата обращения: 16.01.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Foods and Raw Materials, 2022, vol. 10, no. 1 E-ISSN 2310-9599 ISSN 2308-4057 Available online at https://jfrm.ru/en/ CONTENTS Editor’s column ...................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Sheir Marwa A. Innovative use of date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) press cake in the food industry ............................................................2 Chernukha Irina M., Fedulova Liliya V., Kotenkova Elena A. White, beige and brown adipose tissue: structure, function, specific features and possibility formation and divergence in pigs .............................................................................10 Hien Bui Thi Thu, Diem Pham Thi, Tung Le Anh, Huong Tran Thi, Hoang Nguyen Huu, Bat Nguyen Khac, Nghia Nguyen Viet Optimizing enzymatic hydrolysis for feed production from catfish by-products ........................................................................................................................................................................................19 Babich Olga O., Milentyeva Irina S., Dyshlyuk Lyubov S., Ostapova Elena V., Altshuler Olga G. Structure and properties of antimicrobial peptides produced by antagonist microorganisms isolated from Siberian natural objects ...........................................................................................................................................................................27 Ndinchout Alvine Sandrine, Chattopadhyay Debapriya, Ascension Nyegue Maximilienne, Kaur Varinder, Singh Narpinder, Paul Moundipa Fewou Muffins fortified with Dacryodes macrophylla L. fruit: quality and sensory evaluation ..................................................................................................................................................................40 Büyükkormaz Çağrı, Küçükbay F. Zehra Kumquat fruit and leaves extracted with different solvents: phenolic content and antioxidant activity ..........................................................................................................................51 Mariod Abdalbasit Adam, Abdalrahman Eshraga Mustafa, Shakak Mahdi Abbas Black mahlab (Monechma ciliatum L.) seeds: processing effects on chemical composition and nutritional value ........................................................67 Mohammed Nameer Khairullah, Ragavan Hemala, Ahmad Nurul Hawa, Hussin Anis Shobirin Meor Egg-free low-fat mayonnaise from virgin coconut oil .................................................................................76 Saniewski Michał, Falandysz Jerzy, Zalewska Tamara 137Cs and 40 K activity concentrations in edible wild mushrooms from China regions during the 2014–2016 period ............................................................................................86 Parada Romina B., Marguet Emilio, Campos Carmen A., Vallejo Marisol Improving the nutritional properties of Brassica L. vegetables by spontaneous fermentation ...............................................................................................................97 Tan Sook Ling, Meriam Suhaimy Syazwan Hanani, Abd Samad Nur Azimah, Hamizi Nor Aliya Effects of adulterated palm cooking oil on the quality of fried chicken nuggets ......................................................................................106 Pogorelov Alexander G., Ipatova Larisa G., Pogorelova Maria A., Kuznetsov Alexander L., Suvorov Oleg A. Properties of serum albumin in electrolyzed water .........................................................................................................117 Rimareva Liubov V., Serba Elena M., Overchenko Marina B., Shelekhova Nataliya V., Ignatova Nadezhda I., Pavlova Anzhelika A. Enzyme complexes for activating yeast generation and ethanol fermentation ............................................................................................................................................................................................127 Papuga Saša, Pećanac Igor, Stojković Maja, Savić Aleksandar, Velemir Ana Mead fermentation parameters: Optimization by response surface methodology .........................................................................................................................137 Buryndin Victor G., Artyemov Аrtyem V., Savinovskih Аndrei V., Krivonogov Pavel S., Krivonogova Аnna S. Biostability of binder-free wood and plant plastics protected with antiseptics ................................................................................................................................................148 Khrundin Dmitrii V., Ponomarev Vsevolod Ya., Yunusov Eduard Sh. Fermented oat milk as a base for lactose-free sauce ..................................................................................................................................................................................155 Fedortsov Nikita M., Budkevich Elena V., Evdokimov Ivan A., Ryabtseva Svetlana A., Budkevich Roman O. Bovine serum albumin with gallic acid: Molecular modeling and physicochemical profiling ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................163 Beketov Sergey V., Kaledin Anatoly P., Senator Stepan A., Upelniek Vladimir P., Kuznetsov Sergey B., Stolpovsky Yury A. Zeboid cow milk: physicochemical quality indicators ....................................................171 Samoylov Artem V., Suraeva Natal’ya M., Zaytseva Mariya V., Petrov Andrey N. Bioassay of oxidative properties and toxic side effects of apple juice ................................................................................................................................................176 Marynich Aleksandr P., Abilov Batyrkhan T., Semenov Vladimir V., Dzhafarov Novruz M. O., Kulintsev Valery V., Serdyukov Igor G. Effects of high-protein feed supplements on lamb productivity ........................................185 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21603/2308-4057-2022-1

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