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Foods and raw materials

Foods and raw materials №1 2021 (660,00 руб.)

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АннотацияFoods and Raw Materials reports pioneering research in the food industry and agricultural science. We publish the results of fundamental and applied research as scientific papers, peer reviews, brief scientific reports, etc. The Journal is a single platform for scientific communication that bridges the gaps between regional, national, and international publications. Foods and Raw Materials has been published in the English language since 2013. Two volumes a year come out in print and online. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarisms via ithenticate.com and antiplagiat.ru and undergo a double-blind peer review. Authors are responsible for the content of their article. As the Journal is fully supported by the Kemerovo State University, we do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review, or publication.
Foods and raw materials .— 2013 .— 2021 .— №1 .— 203 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/912211 (дата обращения: 13.01.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Foods and Raw Materials, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1 E-ISSN 2310-9599 ISSN 2308-4057 Available online at http://jfrm.ru/en/ CONTENTS Editor’s Note ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Tamova Maya Yu. , Barashkina Elena V., Natalʹya R. Tretyakova, Zhuravlev Rostislav A., Penov Nikolay D. Beet pulp dietary fiber exposed to an extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field: detoxification properties ................................... 2 Volkov Vladimir V., Mezenova Olga Ya., Moersel Joerg-Thomas, Kuehn Sascha, Grimm Thomas, Hoehling Axel, Barabanov Sergei A., Volkov Kirill S. Hydrolysis products from sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka L.) heads from the Kamchatka Peninsula produced by different methods: biological value ....................................................................... 10 Habashi Venus, Elhamirad Amir Hossein, Pedramnia Ahmad. Textural properties of low fat mayonnaise with whey protein concentrate and Tragacanth gum as egg and fat substitutes ............................................................ 19 Mbarga Manga Joseph Arsene, Desobgo Steve Carly Zangue, Tatsadjieu Léopold Ngoune, Kavhiza Nyasha, Kalisa Louis. Antagonistic effects of raffia sap with probiotics against pathogenic microorganisms .................................................. 24 Gorbacheva Mariya V., Tarasov Vasily E., Kalmanovich Svetlana A., Sapozhnikova Alla I. Electrochemical activation as a fat rendering technology ...................................................................................................................... 32 Azra Jeallyza Muthia, Setiawan Budi, Nasution Zuraidah, Sulaeman Ahmad. Effects of variety and maturity stage of coconut on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of powdered coconut drink ....................................... 43 Serba Elena M., Tadzhibova Polina Yu., Rimareva Liubov V., Overchenko Мarina B., Ignatova Nadezhda I., Volkova Galina S. Bioconversion of soy under the influence of Aspergillus oryzae strains producing hydrolytic enzymes .............. 52 Ryabtseva Svetlana A., Tabakova Yulia A., Khramtsov Andrey G., Anisimov Georgy S., Kravtsov Vitalii A. Modelling formation and removal of biofilms in secondary dairy raw materials ................................................. 59 Dubkova Nailya Z., Kharkov Vitaly V., Vakhitov Marsel R. Using Jerusalem artichoke powder in functional food production ......................................................................................................... 69 Shad Zahra, Mirhosseini Hamed, Motshakeri Mahsa, Sanjabi Mohammad Reza, Hussin Anis Shobirin Meor. α-amylase from white pitaya (Hylocereus undatus L.) peel: optimization of extraction using full factorial design ............................. 79 Gorbatovskiy Andrey A., Rakityanskaya Irina L., Kaledina Marina V. Minced products from undersized sea fish: new industrial technology .................................................................................................. 87 Vafin Ramil R., Radaeva Iskra A., Kruchinin Alexandr G., Illarionova Elena E., Bigaeva Alana V., Turovskaya Svetlana N., Belozerov Georgy A., Gilmanov Khamid Kh., Yurova Elena A. κ-casein polymorphism effect on technological properties of dried milk ................................................................. 95 Rejeb Abderahman, Keogh John G., Rejeb Karim, Dean Kevin. Halal food supply chains: A literature review of sustainable measures and future research directions ............................................... 106 Duy Le Xuan, Toan Tran Quoc, Anh Dang Viet, Hung Nguyen Phi, Huong Trinh Thi Thu, Long Pham Quoc, Dat Nguyen Manh, Le Do Thi Thuy, Pham Dung Thuy Nguyen, Nhan Nguyen Phu Thuong, Manh Do Van. Optimization of canthaxanthin extraction from fermented biomass of Paracoccus carotinifacuens VTP20181 bacteria strain isolated in Vietnam .................................................... 117 Asyakina Lyudmila K., Fotina Natal’ya V., Izgarysheva Natalia V., Slavyanskiy Anatoliy A., Neverova Olga A. Geroprotective potential of in vitro bioactive compounds isolated from yarrow (Achilleae millefolii L.) cell cultures .............................................................................. 126 Bychkova Svetlana M., Karelskaia Svetlana N., Abdalova Elena B., Zhidkova Elena A. Social responsibility as the dominant driver of the evolution of reporting from financial to non-financial: theory and methodology ................................. 135 Savić Aleksandar, Velemir Ana, Papuga Saša, Stojković Maja. Influence of blackberry juice addition on mead fermentation and quality .......................................................................................... 146 Milentyeva Irina S., Le Violeta М., Kozlova Oksana V., Velichkovich Natalia S., Fedorova Anastasiya M., Loseva Anna I., Yustratov Vladimir P. Secondary metabolites in in vitro cultures of Siberian medicinal plants: Content, antioxidant properties, and antimicrobial characteristics ......................................... 153 Ibrahim Gamil E., Bahgaat Wafaa K., Hussein Ahmed M. S. Egyptian kishk as a fortificant: Impact on the quality of biscuit .......................................................................................................... 164 Althagafi Alisraa Mohammed, Alshegifi Hamad Majob, Qussyier Thamer Salem, Tobaiqy Mansour, Mariod Abdalbasit. Mycotoxin-contaminated food and feed in Saudi Arabia: review of occurrence and toxicity ........................... 174 Faryabi Sajad, Ghorbiani Mohsen, Nazarpak Hadi Haghbin, Rashidimehr Azadeh. Lead exposure through eggs in Iran: health risk assessment ................................................................................................................ 184 Ogori Akama Friday, Amove Julius, Evi-Parker Precious, Sardo Giacomo, Okpala Charles Odilichukwu R., Bono Gioacchino, Korzeniowska Małgorzata. Functional and sensory properties of jam with diffetent proportions of pineapple, cucumber, and Jatropha leaf ................................................ 192 DOI: http://doi.org/10.21603/2308-4057-2021-1

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