Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634932)
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Технико-экономические вопросы дальних электропередач переменного тока (300,00 руб.)

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Первый авторКрасильникова Т. Г.
АвторыСамородов Г. И., Новосиб. гос. техн. ун-т
ИздательствоИзд-во НГТУ
АннотацияВ книге рассмотрен широкий круг вопросов, таких как надежность дальних электропередач и пути ее повышения, оптимизация конструктивных параметров и минимизация потерь мощности в линиях сверхвысокого напряжения, экологическое и техногенное воздействие дальних линий. Вниманию читателя представлены перспективы развития дальних электропередач.
Кому рекомендованоКнига может представлять интерес для специалистов в области разработки, проектирования и эксплуатации дальних электропередач СВН, студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей электроэнергетических специальностей.
Красильникова, Т.Г. Технико-экономические вопросы дальних электропередач переменного тока = Technical and Economic Issues of Long-Distance Power Transmission : [монография] / Г.И. Самородов; Новосиб. гос. техн. ун-т; Т.Г. Красильникова .— Новосибирск : Изд-во НГТУ, 2021 .— 331 с. — (Монографии НГТУ) .— Библиогр.: с. 313-322 .— ISBN 978-5-7782-4539-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/816007 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 621.315.1 К 78 Рецензенты: д-р техн. наук, доцент А. Г. Русина д-р техн. наук, профессор В. Г. Сальников Красильникова Т. Г. К 78 Технико-экономические вопросы дальних электропередач переменного тока : монография / Т. Г. Красильникова, Г. И. Самородов. ‒ Новосибирск : Изд-во НГТУ, 2021. ‒ 331 с. – (Монографии НГТУ). ISBN 978-5-7782-4539-6 В книге рассмотрен широкий круг вопросов, таких как надежность дальних электропередач и пути ее повышения, оптимизация конструктивных параметров и минимизация потерь мощности в линиях сверхвысокого напряжения, экологическое и техногенное воздействие дальних линий. Вниманию читателя представлены перспективы развития дальних электропередач. Книга может представлять интерес для специалистов в области разработки, проектирования и эксплуатации дальних электропередач СВН, студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей электроэнергетических специальностей. УДК 621.315.1 ISBN 978-5-7782-4539-6 © Красильникова Т. Г., Самородов Г. И., 2021 © Новосибирский государственный технический университет, 2021
УДК 621.315.1 К 78 Reviewers: Associate professor A.G. Rusina, D.Sc. (Eng.) Professor V.G. Salnikov, D.Sc. (Eng.) Krasilnikova T. G. К 78 Technical and economic issues of long-distance power transmission : monograph / T. G. Krasilnikova, G. I. Samorodov. – Novosibirsk : NSTU Publisher, 2021. – 331p. – (NSTU Monographs). ISBN 978-5-7782-4539-6 The book discusses a wide range of issues such as the reliability of longdistance power transmission and ways to improve it, optimization of design parameters and minimization of power losses in ultra-high voltage lines, as well as environmental and man-made effects of long-distance lines. The reader is presented with the prospects for the development of long-distance power transmission. The book may of interest to specialists in the field of development, design and operation of long-distance power transmission lines, as well as to teachers, students, and postgraduates majoring in electric power engineering. УДК 621.315.1 ISBN 978-5-7782-4539-6 © Krasilnikova T.G., Samorodov G.I., 2021 © Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2021
CONTENS Preface ....................................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 1. RELIABILITY OF LONG-DISTANCE POWER TRANSMISSION AND WAYS TO IMPROVE IT .......................... 9 1.1. General analysis of reliability indicators ....................................................... 9 1.2. Ways to ensure the reliability of EHV and UHV power transmission ........ 16 1.2.1. General provisions ............................................................................. 16 1.2.2. Double-circuit lines ........................................................................... 18 1.2.3. SPAR as an effective way to increase reliability .............................. 19 1.2.4. Application of two-phase modes ....................................................... 20 1.2.5. The use of redundant phase lines ....................................................... 22 1.2.6. Four-phase power transmission ......................................................... 23 1.2.7. Lines with parallel semi-phases ......................................................... 24 1.3. A criterion for assessing the level of operational reliability ........................ 25 1.3.1. A probabilistic criterion of operational reliability in the simplest case ........................................................................................... 26 1.3.2. A probabilistic criterion of operational reliability with due regard for changes in power transmission loads ................................ 30 1.3.3. A probabilistic criterion of operational reliability in general for the network .................................................................................. 32 1.4. A criterion for assessing the level of adequacy reliability ........................... 37 1.4.1. Calculation of reliability of a concentrated power system ................. 37 1.4.2. An effect of power transmission accidents on the indicators of power system reliability ................................................................ 44 1.4.3. Regard for the accident rate of various types of power transmission in their comparative analysis ........................................ 46 1.5. SPAR and characterisfic features of its implementation in EHV lines ....... 47 1.5.1. General provisions ............................................................................. 47 1.5.2. Analysis of HV and SAC under ideal transposision .......................... 50 327
1.6. SPAR in transposed OH lines using four-beam reactors ............................. 55 1.6.1. General provisions ............................................................................. 55 1.6.2. An algorithm for determining HV and SAC in lines with real transposition ...................................................................................... 56 1.6.3. HV and SAC analysis under real transposition.................................. 63 1.7. SPAR in transposed HV lines using automatic phase bypass ..................... 74 1.7.1. General provisions ............................................................................. 74 1.7.2. An algorithm for determining HV and SAC in lines with real transposition ...................................................................................... 76 1.7.3. HV and SAC analysis under real transposition of lines ..................... 77 1.8. Characteristic features of SPAR implementation in nontransposed lines ............................................................................................................. 81 1.8.1. General provisions ............................................................................. 81 1.8.2. An algorithm for determining HV and SAC in nontransposed lines ................................................................................................... 81 1.8.3. HV and SAC analysis ........................................................................ 85 1.9. Improvement of adaptive SPAR .................................................................. 88 1.9.1. General provisions ............................................................................. 88 1.9.2. An intermediate system scheme ........................................................ 90 1.9.3. A scheme that includes a line connecting a station and a power system or two power systems .............................................. 92 CHAPTER 2.PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ..................................................... 95 2.1. A criterion of economic performance of PT versions ................................. 95 2.2. Cost indicators of the main power transmission units ............................... 101 2.2.1. Cost indicators of OH lines ............................................................. 101 2.2.2. Cost indicators of substations .......................................................... 105 2.2.3. Cost indicators of reactive power units ............................................ 108 2.3. Power and electrical energy losses ............................................................ 108 2.3.1. Heating losses .................................................................................. 110 2.3.2. Corona losses ................................................................................... 113 2.3.3. Total losses of electrical energy in LDT .......................................... 118 2.4. The main technical and economic tasks to be solved as appied to LDT ....................................................................................................... 118 2.4.1. Optimization of the line design parameters ..................................... 118 328
2.4.2. Selection of an optimal scheme and parameters of longdistance power transmission with a given transmission capacity ........................................................................................... 134 2.4.3. Minimization of active power losses in EHV lines ......................... 156 2.4.4. Optimization of adequacy reliability when combining two power systems ................................................................................. 168 2.4.5. Comparison of LDT and DCT ........................................................ 186 CHAPTER 3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF EHV AND UHV POWER TRANSMISSION............................................................. 193 3.1. General provisions..................................................................................... 193 3.2. Classification of the power tramsmission effect on the environment ........ 195 3.3. Land transfer and land use constraint ........................................................ 196 3.4. Requirements for the aesthetic perception of power transmission ............ 201 3.5. An electric field effect ............................................................................... 205 3.5.1. A regulatory framework for the electric field .................................. 205 3.5.2. Assessment of electric fields in the OH line passage zone .............. 206 3.6. Magnetic field effect ................................................................................. 215 3.7. Corona discharge effect on the environment ............................................. 222 3.7.1. Radio interference from OH lines .................................................... 222 3.7.2. TV interference ................................................................................ 225 3.7.3.Acoustic noise .................................................................................. 228 3.8. Effect of power transmission lines on wire lines ....................................... 230 CHAPTER 4. PROSPECTS FOR LDT DEVELOPMENT ................................... 233 4.1. Three-phase power transmission ............................................................... 234 4.1.1. PT over conventional ultra-high voltage overhead lines (UHF) ...... 235 4.1.2. PT over compact overhead lines ...................................................... 238 4.1.3. PT with a backup phase of the OH line ........................................... 243 4.1.4 PT with parallel semi-phase OH ....................................................... 246 4.1.5. PT with combined compesation of the capacity parameters of overhead lines .................................................................................. 247 4.1.6. Adaptive power transmission (FACTS) ......................................... 249 4.2. Nonconventional AC power transmission ................................................. 256 4.2.1. Six-phase PT .................................................................................... 257 4.2.2. PT with controlled self-compensating overhead lines ..................... 261 4.2.3. Four-phase PT ................................................................................. 265 329
4.3. DC transmission ........................................................................................ 270 4.4. Exotic power transmission ........................................................................ 277 4.4.1. Wireless power transmission ........................................................... 278 4.4.2. Gas power transmission ................................................................... 288 4.4.3. Cryoginic power transmission ......................................................... 290 4.4.4. Resonant single-wire power transmissioin ...................................... 292 4.5. Ultra-long distance PT .............................................................................. 294 4.5.1. General characteristics of the problem of ultra-long-distance power transmission .......................................................................... 294 4.5.2. Ultra-long-distance half-wave power transmission ......................... 299 4.5.3. Comparison of reliability and perfoemance indicators of HWT and DCT ............................................................................ 303 References .............................................................................................................. 313 330

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