Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 635213)
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Медицинская сестра

Медицинская сестра №2 2023 (500,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-практический и публицистический журнал для среднего меди-цинского персонала. Издается с 1941 года. Главный редактор журнала - профессор К. И. Григорьев. Научный консультант профессор Г.М. Перфильева. В редакционную коллегию журнала входят: академик РАМН И. Н. Денисов; профес-сор Н. И. Брико; В. А. Саркисова; А.Ю.Бражников. Основные разделы: профессия - теория и практика; практикум для медсестер; образование. Периодичность выпуска - 8 журналов в год Целевая аудитория: главные врачи, главные медсестры, средний медицинский персонал, меди-цинские училища, библиотеки.
Медицинская сестра .— 2023 .— №2 .— 62 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/786457 (дата обращения: 10.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ        2’2023 Том 25     : I   ..  ( )   « »      ..     ..    ..  (.  )    ..     ..   :       ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..      ..     ..  ..      ..     ..      ..  ..    ..     ..   :    ..  () ..  ()  ..  () ..  ()    ..  ()    ..  ()          017930  22.07.98  8   :   « »       ,  ,       « »               , , ,      « »     ISSN 0025-8342 eISSN 2587-9979 https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-02 .. , ..             :             ..                       .. , ..           ..          :            .. , ..              26         . , .. , .. , .. , ..       .     .. , ..               .. , ..        ,  ,    12 22 8 .. , .. , ..   « »          3                         .. , .. , .. , .. , ..         COVID-  ..  -            « »           « »      33 21 32 38    ! 53 39    «      » 20               41   ..      ..     ..., . ..   ..    ..    28.03.23  60x90/8.  23.  .      « ..» 125413, , . , . 24, . 2     56   : ,  ,  2  4.  : 117449, ,  ,  2,  4 : 8 (499) 959-63-18 (. 4) E-mail: medsestra@rusvrach.ru Web-site: rusvrach.ru, medsestrajournal.ru     « » 3281 ©  , 2023   1942 .              :  (), Ulrichsweb  :   .  47 44 49 54
СONTENTS TOPIC A L T H E ME 2’2023 V. 25 Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) Russkiy Vrach (Russian Physician) Publishing House Doctor of Medicine G.M. Perfilyeva EDITORIAL BOARD: Doctor of Medicine K.I. Grigoryev RESEARCH ADVISOR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I.V. Ostrovskaya (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) Doctor of Medicine L.S. Agalarova Doctor of Medicine K.R. Amlaev Doctor of Medicine N.I. Briko Doctor of Medicine O.P. Dudanova Candidate of Philosophy Sciences Candidate of Medical Sciences A.V. Gazheva DocDoctor of Medicine A.V. Golenkov Doctor of Medicine A.M. Kardangusheva Doctor of Psychological Sciences N.P. Vanchakova tor of Medicine N.N. Kamynina Candidate of Medical Sciences V.V. Makienko Candidate of Psychological Sciences V N.A. Rusina O.G. Pozdnyakova Doctor of Medicine V.V. Skvortsov Doctor of Psychological Sciences S.L. Solovyova .A. Sarkisova Doctor of Medicine V.N. Fedorets Doctor of Medicine I.B. Shikina Candidate of Medical Sciences N.V. Turkina N.Candidate of Medical Sciences .I. Kaspruk (Orenburg) EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S Doctor of Medicine .I. Dvoinikov (Samara) A. Kasimovskaya (Moscow) L Doctor of Medicine .S. Eiberman (Saratov) Candidate of Medical Sciences .V. Matveichik (Minsk) T.V. Ryzhonina (Penza) ADoctor of Medicine The journal was registered by the Press Committee of the Russian Federation under No. 017930 on July 22, 1998 Published 8 times a year Reproduction of materials elsewhere or duplication of the materials published in the journal, in whole or in part, is not permitted without the written consent of the Russkiy Vrach (Russian Physician) Publishing House. The editors have no opportunity of returning manuscripts. The editors provide no warranty as to the contents of advertisements. The journal is typeset, made up, designed, and color separated by the RUSSKIY VRACH (Russian Physician) Publishing House. A.V. Golenkov Pain syndrome in patients with dementia in nursing practice N O T E T O T H E N U R S E G.S. Brudyan, V.D. Mikhailov How a nurse can help a patient overcome dentophobia? 12 S.L Solovyova Communicative competence of a nurse 22 E D U C AT I O N : P R O B L E MS A ND S O L U T I O N S A.D. Peshkova, I.V. Ostrovskaya The development of emotional burnout syndrome in future Bachelor of Nursing at the beginning and end of training PRE V ENT ION I SSUE S L.S. Evert, T.V. Potupchik3 Ya.V. Karman, P.A. Poluboyarinov, A.V. Fedorov The severity of psychosomatic disorders in hospice nurses. Methods of prevention and correction A.V. Nosov, V.P. Kutsenko The role of medical training of personnel in the prevention of mental and behavioral disorders 8 ISSN 0025-8342 eISSN 2587-9979 https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-02 PROBLEM O.V. Litvinova, E.A. Borodulina Pulmonary tuberculosis combined with psychiatric disorders PROF E SSION: T H E ORY AND PR A C T IC E 3 N.A. Rusina, V.Y. Chernetsov Comparative study of emotional burnout syndrome in medical personnel working in oncological, narcological and somatic clinics 41 K.A Shemerovsky, L.V. Savina, A.V. Eliseeva Dependence of «happiness level» in medical students on body weight and time of night sleep NURSING SERV IC E IN T HE HE A LT H C A RE SY S TEM Nazaryan S.E., Petrova V.V., Sedin V.I., Sagadeeva E.M., Botina I.A. A model of psychological support for medical workers in a COVID hospital 26 RE V IE W S.A. Masiukov Anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with coronary heart disease with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 33 HERBS L E G A L 39 General Director G.S. ZOLNIKOVA Marketing and Advertising Director N.G. DANILOVA Responsible for the issue is A.V. GOLENKOV, M.D., Prof. Maker-up: A.Yu. GORODETSKY The editor-in-chief is Yu.O. VEYALIS Signed for publication: 28.03.23 Format: 60×90/8. Order: 23. Uncontrolled price Offset printing. Printed at the «Pushkaryov S.V.» printing-house: 24, Onejskaya st., Moscow, 125413 A D V IC E INFORМ AT ION 44 49 54 21, 32, 38, 53 56 20, 47 Adress of the editorial office nd publisher: 117449, Moscow, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 2, building 4 For correspondence: 117449, Moscow, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 2, building 4 Tel.: 7 (499) 959-63-18 E-mail: medsestra@rusvrach.ru Web-site: rusvrach.ru, medsestrajournal.ru PODPISNYE IZDANIYA catalogue subscription index: 3281 © Meditsinskaya sestra (The Nurse), 2023 The Journal was launched in 1942 Indexed in Russian Research Citing Index The journal is indexed in Library and Abstract Databases: Russian Research Citing Index, Ulrichsweb

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