Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 635165)
Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Современное общество и право

Современное общество и право №1 2021 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал посвящен теоретическим вопросам и практическим аспектам государства и права. Представлены статьи по различным отраслям права: конституционному, трудовому, гражданскому, уголовному, административному и т.д.
Современное общество и право .— Орел : ФГБОУ ВПО "Госуниверситет - УНПК" .— 2021 .— №1 .— 112 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/760327 (дата обращения: 08.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

–-  -  2010   -     1 (50) 2021 :    .. . . -, .    - .. - . -, .    .. . . -, .  .. - . -, . - .. - . -, .  -   « - --  .. » ( . .. ) -- – --- -- -- -- --- -   -   -;   ; - -    .. -   -   - - - - ..   --    - -    ……………………………………………………. - .. - . -  .. - . -, .  .. - . -  .. . . -, .  .. - . -, .  .. - . -, . - .. . . -, . - .. - . -, .  - .. - . -, .  .. - . -, . -   --  - ……………………………………………………………… - -; - -;  -  ..    -    …..  ..   4-  :       - ……………………………………………….  ..   - «-      » ……………………………………………………………………….  .. - . -, .  .. - . -, . - .. - . -, .  .. - . -  .. . . -, .  .. - . -, .  .. - . -, .   .., - . -,  ..- . -,   .  .. . . -, . - . -, . . - . -, .   - - .. - . -, .   302001, . -, . , . 39 (4862) 75-21-18 www.oreluniver.ru E-mail: soip-unpk@yandex.ru -.  -- -    -- ,  -   . --:    77-67170  16 - 2016   - 12002  --    ©  . .. --, 2021  -  «   ,  -  -    -- -    - - ,    - - »    - 12.00.00 –  : 12.00.01 –   -   -; 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--  Scientifically-practical journal The journal is published since 2010 The journal is published 6 times a year  1 (50) 2021 Editorial Committee: Editor-in-chief Pashin A.L. Cand. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Deputy chief editor Astrahan V.I. Doc. Sc. Hist., Ass. Prof. Member of editorial board Abashina L.A. Cand. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Aronov D.V. Doc. Sc. Hist., Prof. Astafichev P.A. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Baumshtejn A.B. Doc. Sc. Law Borisov G.A. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Vasjanina E.L. Doc. Sc. Law Vasjukov S.V. Cand. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Guseva T.A. Doc. Sc. Law, Ass. Professor Demin A.V. Doc. Sc. Law, Ass. Professor Dihtjar A.I. Cand. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Kantor V.K. Doc. Sc. Philos., Professor Kara-Murza A.A. Doc. Sc. Philos., Prof. Komkova G.N. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Kuz'min S.I. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Livshic Ju.M. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Matveev S.P. Doc. Sc. Law, Ass.Professor Mel'nikov N.N. Doc. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Mironova S.M. Cand. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Rumjancev F.P. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Sizov V.E. Doc. Sc. Law, Ass. Professor Tumanova A.S., Doc. Sc. Hist., Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Tychinin S.V. Doc. Sc. Law, Professor Tsukanova N.P. Cand.Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Sheveleva S.V. Doc. Sc. Law, Ass. Prof. Responsible for edition Astrahan V.I. Doc. Sc. Hist., Ass. Prof. Address 302001 Orel,Komsomolskaya str., 39A (4862) 75-21-18 www.gu-unpk.ru E-mail: soip-unpk@yandex.ru Journal is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Pressa Rossii 12002 catalogue of the Modern society and law The founder – The Federal State Budgetal Higher Education Institution «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev» (Orel State University) Contents Jurisprudence Constitutional law; constitutional litigation; municipal law Banshchikova S.L. Actual issues legal regulation in the sphere of training lawyers on higher education programs in Russia ……………………………………………………………………………. Gutorova A.N. Legal position of the Constitutional Court in determining the position of a deputy in the structure of public positions ……………………………………………………………………. Shulyakovskaya J.M. Constitutional and legal foundations for using social technologies by employees of state security agencies in the field of countering extremism and terrorism …………… Financial law; tax law; budget law Nikolaev A.V. Izotov A.V. Communications in tax legal relationship in the conditions of digitalization …………. Land law; natural resource law; environmental law; agrarian law Vlasova E.L., Ustyantseva O.V. Environmental education of the population as an element of the protection system of marine mammals ……………………………………………………………….. Criminal law and criminology; criminally-executive law Bidzyan D.R. Problems of criminal liability for involvement in prostitution and ways of tkh solutions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Isakov V.S. Administrative prohibition on attendance at official sporting events: to the question of use as a measure provided for by criminal law …………………………………………………… Kalyuzhni A.N. Tactical features of using the opportunities of communication operators when carrying out operative-search measures aimed at identification of crimes against personal freedom ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Polivanov A.V. Prank as a composition-forming feature knowingly false report of an act of terrorism …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Trofimov V.E. Some features of the subjective side of the crime under st. 264.1 of the Criminal code ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Shurukhnov N.G. Definitions of special "knowledge" and "knowledge" in criminal proceedings in Russia: problems of conceptable agreement …………………………………………………………. Administrative law; administrative process Mass Communications    7767170 from 16.06.2016 Index on the © Orel State University, 2021 The journal is included in the «List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of a candidate of sciences, for the academic degree of a doctor of science « for a group of scientific specialties 12.00.00 - Juridical sciences: : 12.00.01 – Theory and history of law and state; the history of the teachings on law and the state; 12.00.02 – Constitutional law; constitutional litigation; municipal law; 12.00.03 – Civil law; business law; family law; private international law; 12.00.04 – Financial law; tax law; budget law; 12.00.06 – Land law; natural resource law; environmental law; agrarian law; 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; criminally-executive law 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process. The journal is indexed in the system of the Russian scientific citation index, as well as Google Scholar. Guseva .., Fominova .. Features of procurement of goods, works, and services by state security agencies …………………………………………………………………………………………. t Lokhbaum V.A. Some issues of improving particular elements of administrative roadShevtsova K.A.raffic-related violations preventing system ……………………………………………………... About responsibility for involvement of minors in unauthorized public events … 92 101 106 53 59 67 74 80 87 47 Tax of the times of the 4th industrial revolution: issues of taxation in the epoch of the disappearance of the mass taxpayer ……………………………………………………………… Novikov O.V. Review of the round table "Actual problems of taxation in modern economic conditions" ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28 34 40 3 13 19 2 _______________________________________________________________________ 1 (50) 2021

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