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Changing Societies & Personalities

Changing Societies & Personalities №4 2021 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияВ издании представлены теоретические и эмпирические исследования, связанные с широким кругом дисциплин в контексте ценностного плюрализма и социальной гетерогенности (пост)-модерного общества. Статьи соответствуют следующим тематическим блокам: ценностные измерения взаимосвязи между социально-политическими трансформациями и личностной идентичностью; изменения в ценностных ориентациях; гендерные и эйджинговые идеологии как факторы политических, моральных, религиозных и социальных изменений; образовательные стратегии как способы обучения особым социальным компетенциям; пост-секулярный религиозный индивидуализм; социальная эксклюзия и инклюзия и пр. Журнал публикует оригинальные статьи, дискуссии, обзоры и рецензии на английском языке. Transformation of societies entails the replacement of existing socio-cultural values with new ones and the development of new ideas applicable to new situations. These changes involve values concerning political life, social order, religion, work motivation, gender roles, behavior patterns, social interactions, etc. Changes of values do not occur in a uniform fashion in all domains and social settings. In many cases, values gradually become personal concerns leading to individual choice of life-style. Rules and prescriptions imposed by political and non-political structures are no longer taken for granted. However there are defenders of so-called traditional values representing hierarchical institutions, both religious and secular in many regions of the world.
Changing Societies & Personalities .— 2017 .— 2021 .— №4 .— 174 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/731009 (дата обращения: 10.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Changing Societies & Personalities, 2021 Vol. 5, No. 4 CONTENTS Editorial In Search of New Research Paradigms Elena A. Stepanova ............................................................................ 549 Articles Knowledge: From Ethical Category to Knowledge Capitalism Dmitry M. Kochetkov, Irina A. Kochetkova .......................................... 553 Changing the Paradigm of Inclusion: How Blind People Could Help People without Disabilities to Acquire New Competences Konstantin V. Barannikov, Fayruza S. Ismagilova, Zijun Li, Oleg B. Kolpashchikov ....................................................................... 581 Surviving COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social Media and Family Social Capital in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle in Indonesia Rini Sudarmani, Tri Wahyuti, Prima Naomi ......................................... 600 A General Attitude towards Shopping and Its Link with Basic Human Values in the UK Francesco Rigoli ................................................................................ 618 Urban Identities in Russian Cities and the Prospects of Their “Smart” Development Natalya A. Kostko, Irina F. Pecherkina ............................................... 636 Cognitive Attitudes and Biases of Victim Mentality Olga O. Andronnikova, Sergey I. Kudinov .......................................... 654
Changing Societies & Personalities, 2021 Vol. 5, No. 4 Gender-Related Attitudes toward Homosexuality in Greece Christos Konstantinidis, Evangelos Bebetsos, Filippos Filippou, Eleni Zetou ............................................................. 669 Book Review Trade, Politics and Borderlands: Russia and Britain in the Age of Enterprise Sergei V. Sokolov ............................................................................... 686 Orwellian Doublespeak: Dialogicality and the English Language Thomas Beavitt .................................................................................. 690 Reactualisation of Triadology in Polemics with Postmetaphysics Andrey V. Lavrentiev ........................................................................... 695 Ethical Code. .................................................................................... 700 Instruction for Authors .................................................................. 704

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