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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Морской сборник

Морской сборник №12 2018 (70,00 руб.)

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Аннотация«Морско́й сбо́рник» — старейший в мире ежемесячный журнал по военно-морской тематике, официальный орган военно-морского ведомства, издающийся с марта 1848 года без перерыва и смены названия. В настоящее время учредителем «Морского сборника» как ежемесячного журнала Военно-морского флота является Министерство обороны Российской Федерации.
Морской сборник .— 2018 .— №12 .— 108 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/677165 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

@ IP © ~@ И Д 2018  РЕДАКЦИО АЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ ОСТАЛЕ КО В  В СЛВВОВ - Г       Р   УРСУК В            ВМФ  Г  Г ВМФ   ДОВ Е КО      -       ВУ Ц ВМФ Д ГАЛО И  В   1    Р      МОРФ  ВМФ ЗВАРИ  ~-   Т  Л     И       ВМФ ЗЕМСКОВ В  И В ОВ -     -    Г  ВМФ   ОЛТУ ОВСКИ В  М  KBrnmJH 1    ВО      В     ВМФ В    Г К КАР ОВА       ВУ Ц ВМФ В    Г К � КАСАТО ОВ В Л О   М ИК ВУ Ц ВМФ В    Г К    КИДОВ Р А  1        ВМФ КО И  С Г Р    У   ВМФ КОЗ МЕ КО Gepre;,       Р КТОР С З Д ОГО    ЛУК У Р       Г  ВМФ ЛУКА ОВ  И   Г   И Л  Р      Л ТКУС М А   Р ЦИИ МО АКОВ М С   1       МОСКОВЕ КОМ В   -    1        ВМФ ВАГ ВС РФ    АВ МОСЯГ И  Г     М  Г    ВМФ     ЕУ КОЕВ MlfXlll!UI АРОВИ -    О   Г ВМФ    Г ВМФ АВЛОВ С     1   Г ВМФ РУСА ОВ И  -         ВАГ ВС РФ СИДОРЕ КО Л Г   Г Р КО Т АМИ       ОАО �ЦКБ МТ �Р� СУРОВ А  Б  -   1      М   ТРАВИ С     МО РФ ТРЯПИ ИКОВ В А    У    Г  ВМФ ПО ОД И ПОЛЕТ М С А    П  ................................................... 57 ОБУ Е ИЕ И ВОСПИТА ИЕ В Б В Г С Р О        ................................................ 65 В   1   У    В    -        С К Т  С  Р У - М  Р Ф  М С      В   ВАК    О           П      А  105066,  М  О  25 Д  105066, М М С E-mail: mor_sbornik@mil.ru Т  (495) 693-08-16 С   � С   20.10.2018. П   26.11.2018. Ф     У   8,4 +  1/4   У   14,88. У   10,9. З � 2379-2018. Т О  В    И ФГБУ Р  К  МО РФ О  АО К З 123007,  М    38 Т (495) 941-32-09, (495) 941-34-72, (495) 941-31-62, http://www.redstarph.ru E-mail: kr_zvezda@mail.ru М С 2018. �  30.12.1992  СТРА ИЦ ИСТОРИИ 75     ........................ 80 О     XIX  ........................................... 83 С М П П ................................. 85 К И Р  .................... 89 У   М   2018  ...................................................................... 92 СВЕДЕ ИЯ ОБ АВТОРА ............................................. 96 В � 3 2018         59, 60, 61. В   С »  С      Т  С П ВООРУ Е ИЕ И ТЕ ИКА Б Б М С К К М            ВМФ РФ ..................................................... 69 ПО И ОСТРА М ФЛОТАМ И    ........................ 75 КР Л Я АД МОРЕМ Е В М  - Г С С ............................................... 78 В Л ИК 12 (2061} ОФИЦИАЛ ВРЕМЯ И ФЛОТ Т  П     ........................... 28 Е Я 85  ВВМУР  А С П ......... 33 И Т В  Г     675   ........................................................ 37 О С А С В  С С С ......................................... 41 М Г   ....................................... .45 Е Л Д   ............... 47 П П    Д В ............................................................................ 50 ВОПРОС ТЕОРИИ Р М Т -       ....................................... 53 СОДЕР А ИЕ ОТДЕЛ ................................................ 3 00 УР АЛ ВОЕ О МОРСКОГО ФЛОТА И   1848       С Б 1
К П К COLLECTED NAVAL ISSUES EDITION OF Т Е RUSSIAN NAVY FOUNDED IN 1848 Т В Ostapenko Vlktor Yyacheslavovlch Head edltor, meml>ef of the Russlan Geographlcal Society Bursuk Vlktor losifovich Vice-Admlral, head of armaments and the Navy armaments operation - deputy Navy Commander-in-Chief, armaments Dovzhenko Vladlmlr Nlkolayevlch Rear-Admiral, Professor. Candidate of Military Sciences, the Navy Military Educational-Scientific Centre Dygalo lgorVlktorovlch Captaln 1 st Rank, the representatlve of the Department of 1nformation and communicatJons of the RF M1nistry of Defence, the Navy Zvarich lgor Mlkhallovich Aear-Admiral, head of the Technical Management - deputy head of shipbuilding, armaments and the Navy armaments operation Zemskov Vladlmlr lvanovlch Rear-Admiral, communlcations head - deputy head of the Navy General Headquarters, communlcat1ons К AlexanderYadlmovlch Rear-Admiral, deputy head of the Navy Mllltary Educatlonal-Sclentlflc Centre "N.G.Kuznetsov Naval Academy" К Yladimir Lvovlch Vice-Admiral, Head of the Navy Mllitary Centre "N.G.Kuznetsov Naval Academy .. , Candidate of military Sciences К Roman Alexandrovlch Captain 1st Rank, Head of the organizational and mobllization department of the Navy General Headquar1ers Kozhin lgCN" Se,geyevtch the Russian Federatlon Hero, Major-General, head ofthe Navy Sea Avlatlon Management Kozmenko Sergel Yur5evlch Professor, Doctor of Economic Scierlces, Director of the Nor1hwest Sea Pollcy Research lnstlMe Lulk EdU11rd Endelyevlch Rear-Admiral, the Navy Chlef navlgatlon offlcer Lukashov S•rgel tvanovkh Deputy head editor, Society Lyutkus Romas Antanovkh Т  Moskovenko Mlkhall of the Russian Geographical Editorial Secretary Monakov Mlkhall Sefgeyevlch Captain 1st Rank, Doctor of Historical Sciences М Captain 1 st Rank,  of Historical Sciences, Navy Chair of the Military Academy of the General Headquarters of the Almed Forces of the Russlan Federatlon senlor researcher, the Corresponding of the Academy of Mllltary Sclences Mosyagln lgorGennadyevlch Head of the Navy Naval Medlclne Service, Doctor of Medical Sclences Nfllpokoev Mikhail Al•ksandrovich Rear-Admiral, Head of the Operational Administration of the Navy General Headquarters Pavlov S•rgel ln-Chief Rusanov lvan "-trovkh Rear-Admiral, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, researcher of the Military Academy of the General Headquar1ers of the Almed Forces of the Russian Federation Ln  The Russian Federation Hero, Rear-Admiral, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,  General constructor of the JSC •Rubln" Shigin VladlmlrVllenovlch Т  Editorial SUrov Andrel В literature, criticism and Secretary of the Union of writers of Russia Captaln 1st Rank, Doctor of Technlcal Sclences, Head of the Naval Sclentlflc Comml«ee "8vln Sergel Vlktonwkh Captaln 1st Rank, Head of the RF Defence Ministry Navigatlon and Oceanography Management  Vladlmlr  Rear-Admiral, head of the Main Specialists' Management of the Navy Main Command Yoltukhovsky VlktorMlkhallovlch-Captain 1st Rank, Doctorof Military Sciences, Professor, Senior scientific worker of the Navy Military Educational-Scientific Centre ~N.G.Kuznetsov Naval Academy" The Pointer to the Articles in the Morskoy Sbornik Magazine in the Year of 2018 .............................. 92 DATA ON Т Е AUTHORS ............................................... 96 М Captain 1st Rank, the assistant to the Navy CommanderEDUCATION AND UPBRINGING V.Burakov, V.Glukhov, S.Ryazanov. Organization of Educational Process of Pupils in Nakhimov School .... 65 ARMAMENTS AND EQUIPMENT B.Bystrov, M.Svetlov, К Methodological Approaches to Substantiation of the Place and Role of Unmanned Boats in the Russian Navy Armament System ............................................................ 69 ON FOREIGN FLEETS The Foreign Naval Chronicle ............................................ 75 WINGS ABOVE SEA У Vorobyev. Naval Aviators - the Heroes of the Soviet Union ........................................................... 78 PAGES OF HISTORY 75 Years Ago. The Chronicle of Confrontation ................. 80 О What Our Magazine Wrote in the 19th Century ......... 83 CONTENTS Т Е OFFICIAL SECTION ..................... .... .... .... .... .... ........ 3 TIME AND FLEET Т А Century-Long Path of Glory ..................... 28 Е Yakushenko. 85 years WMURE named after A.S.Popov ........................................................................ 33 /. Т V.Shalomov. The Head Nuclear Submarine project 675 of the Amur Shipbuilders .............................. 37 O.Soukhopyatkin, A.Sokolan. Vice-Admiral Stepan Stepanovich Sokolan ........................................... 41 N.Matyushin.  among Us ......................................... .45 E.Leonova. Time-Tested Friendship ................................. 47 Y.Patrikeeva. Singer Wave and Glory of the Far East ....... 50 QUESTIONS OF THEORY R.Makhyanova. Tactics - the etymology and application of the Prosecutor's activities ............................................ 53 MARCHES AND FLIGHTS М Arctic Campaign of the Training Ship «Perekop» (completion) .................................................... 57 2018, DECEMBER 12 (2061) S.Mozgovoy. Memory of the «Peresvet» .......................... 85 N.Kuznetsov. The Historian of the Russian Navy ............. 89 О the first page of cover: Photo  S.Balakin 2

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