Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634620)
Морской сборник

Морской сборник №7 2018 (70,00 руб.)

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Аннотация«Морско́й сбо́рник» — старейший в мире ежемесячный журнал по военно-морской тематике, официальный орган военно-морского ведомства, издающийся с марта 1848 года без перерыва и смены названия. В настоящее время учредителем «Морского сборника» как ежемесячного журнала Военно-морского флота является Министерство обороны Российской Федерации.
Морской сборник .— 2018 .— №7 .— 108 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/677160 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

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~ 2018, JULY Ostapenko Vlktor Vyacheslavovlch Head editor, Society Bursuk Vlktor lositovich Vice-Admlral, head of ~ ~ 7 (2056) of the Russian Geographical armaments and the Navy am,aments operatlon - deputy Navy Commander-in-Chief, am,aments Dovzhenko Yl•dlmlr Nlkolayevlch Rear-Admiral, Professor, Candidate of Military Sciences, the Navy Military Educational-Scientific Centre Dyg•lo lgorVlktorovlch Captaln 1 st Rank. the representatlve of the Department of 1nformatlon and head of shlpbuildlng, armaments and the Navy armaments operatlon Zemskov Vladlmlr lvanovtch Rear-Admiral, communlcatlons head - deputy head of the Navy General Headquarters, communlcat1ons а о Atuander Vadlmovlch Rear-Admiral, deputy head of the Navy Military Educational-Scientific . . Naval Academy» Vladimir Lvovlch Vlce-Admirai, Head of the Navy Mllltary Educatlonal-Sclentific Centre «N.G.Kuznetsov Naval Academy .. , Candidate of military Sciences Roman Alexandrovich Captain 1 st Rank, Head of the organizational and mobllization department of the Navy General Headquarters Kozhin lgor Sergeyevtch the Russian Federatlon Hero, Major-General, head ofthe Navy Sea Aviation Kozmenko S•rgel Yur.-Vich Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Director of the Northwest Sea Pollcy Research lnstltute Kochemazov Ylktor Nikolayevich Rear-Admlral, head of the Navy Combat Tralnlng Management Luik Eduard Endelyevlch Rear-Admiral, the Navy Chief navigation officer Lukaahov S•rgel lvanovkh Deputy head editor, Society Lyutkua Aomas Antanovkh The of the Russian Geographical Editorial Secretary Monakov Mlkhail Sergeyevich Captaln 1st Rank, Doctor of Hlstorical Sclences Moskovenko Mlkhall Yladlmlrovlch Gaptaln 1 st Rank, Gandldate of Hlstorlcal Sciences, Navy Chair of the Military Academy of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Aussian Federation senior researcher, the Corresponding of the Academy of Military Sciences Mosyagin lgor G•nnady.vlch Head of the Navy Naval Medicine Service, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mlkhail Aleksandrovich Rear-Admlral, Head of the Operatlonal Adminlstratlon of the Navy General Headquarters Pavlov S•rgel ~rovich Captain 1st Aank, the assistant to the Navy Commanderln-Chief Rusanov lvan Petrovkh Rear-Admlral, Candldate of Mllltary Sciences, Assoclate Professor, researcher of the Milltary Academy of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Aussian Federation Sidorenko Lev Georgfyevkh Aear-Admiral, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, а General constructor of the JSC «Aubln» Shigin VladlmlrVllenovlch The Editorial literature, criticism and Secretary of the Union of writers of Aussia Shtukaturov A8exander Grlgoryevk:h Aear-Admiral, head of the lntelllgence Servicedeputy head of the Navy General Headquarters, lntelllgence SUrov Andrei Captain 1st Rank, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Naval Scientific Committee Sergel Vlktorovkh Head of the AF Defence Ministry Navigation and Oceanography Management Vladimir Aleksaindrovkh Aear-Admiral, head of the Main Management of the Navy Main Command Ylktor Mlkhallovlch- Captaln 1st Rank, Doctor of Military Sclences, Professor, Senior scientific worker of the Navy Military Educational-Scientific Centre ~N.G.Kuznetsov Naval Academy" MARCHES AND FLIGHTS N.Litkovets. At the Bottom of the Sea of Japan ..................... 71 EDUCATION AND UPBRINGING R.Fattakhov, A.Fedirko, Ye.lnyusheva. The Aspects of Management the Personnel Training in Educational Organizations and lnstitutions of the RF Ministry of Defense .......................................................... 75 ARMAMENTS AND EQUIPMENT R.Akhramov, A.Gubchenko, P.Zankov. Technical Means of Food Service Creation for the Arctic ................................. 80 ON FOREIGN FLEETS V.Shchegolikhin. The Onboard System of Self-Control of the Acoustic Condition of а Submarine ............................. 83 The Foreign Naval Chronicl .................................................... 86 WINGS ABOVE SEA е. Vorobyev. Naval aviators - the Heroes of the Soviet Union ................................................................. 88 PAGES OF HISTORY 75 Years Ago. The Chronicle of Confrontation ....................... 90 О What Our Magazine Wrote in the 19th Century ................ 92 GUEST OF . Yakovlev. The Mechanic DATA ON ISSUE О the first page of cover photo 2 Vocation ................................. 94 AUTHORS .................................................... 96 N.Utkovets PROBLEMS AND OPINIONS 0 ./vanova. The lnnovation Management of Disposal of Armaments and Military Equipment ................................... 48 QUESTIONS OF THEORY P.Makhyanova. The Tactics Application is а Condition for Ensuring the Prosecution Checks Success and Quality ... 53 MILITARY ECONOMY 0.Sokolova. The Accumulative and Mortgage System As а Form of Realization of the Mechanism of Military Men's Socio-Economic Protection ......................................... 59 G.Lebedev, 0 .Kudryavtsev. The of Supply of the Northern Regions of Russia ........................................ 65 communlcatlons of the RF M1nistry of Defence, the Navy Zvarlch lgor Mikhailovic:h Aear-Admiral, head of the Technical Management - deputy Congratulation of the Navy Commander-in-Chief о the Navy Day ...................................................................... 3 OFFICIAL SECTION ........................................................ 5 TIME AND FLEET N. Yevmenov. The Northern, the Arctic, the Oceanic ............. 31 . V.Zimin, . . 60 Years of Nuclear Submarine Epic ..................................................... 35 . . The Guardian Line ........................................ 43 COLLECTED NAVAL ISSUES EDITION OF RUSSIAN NAVY FOUNDED IN 1848 CONTENTS

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