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Кардиология в Беларуси  / №3 2017

Оказание кардиологической помощи коренному населению северных регионов Канады (60,00 руб.)

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Первый авторЗападный Рууд Чарльз
АннотацияНемногим более четырех процентов населения Канады являются коренными жителями страны. Отмечено, что заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы встречаются в два раза чаще среди коренных жителей, чем среди некоренного населения.
Западный, Р.Ч. Оказание кардиологической помощи коренному населению северных регионов Канады / Р.Ч. Западный // Кардиология в Беларуси .— 2017 .— №3 .— С. 210-215 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/609408 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Оптимизация восстановительного лечения пациентов с дуоденальной язвой, ассоциированной с Helicobacter pylori 3. <...> Canducci F., Cremonini F., Amuzzi A. et al. (2002) Probiotics and Helicobacter pylori eradication. <...> Rustamov M.N., Baryshnikova N.V., Rustamova L.M. (2016) Anti-Helicobacter Pylori abilities of diff erent probiotic strains: in vitro and in vivo studies. <...> Rustamov M.N., Baryshnikova N.V., Lazebnik L.B. (2016) Nonpharmacologic factors improve Helicobacter Pylori eradication in patients with duodenal ulcer. <...> Zvereva S.I., Nikitina O.I., Yeremina Y.Yu. (2009) Synbiotics in the complex therapy of patients with duodenal ulcer of the duodenum. <...> The health of this population is not improving, however, and heart disease is twice as likely as among the non-native population of Canada. <...> This article is about cardiac care among aboriginal people in the Сanadian north. <...> The health of this population is not improving, however, and heart disease is twice as likely as among the non-native population of Canada. <...> There are highly trained doctors, nurses and medical technicians to meet the needs of all Canadians. <...> The Inuit are most likely to live in the most northern regions of the country. <...> My purpose is to talk about those who live in the northern regions of Canada, that is, mainly the Inuit but also the First Nations. <...> About 40 percent of the Aboriginals in Canada now live on reserves, territories designated by the government. <...> Information about the condition of the populations on the reserves is not especially good because there are reserves that have been by-passed by the census takers, but estimates are that 60% of the children on the reserves live in poverty. <...> Aboriginal people of Canada are about twice as likely to contract heart disease as the general Canadian population. <...> First Nations people and Inuit have heart attacks more frequently than non-First Nations people and they are more likely to have the diseases such as diabetes that raise the threat risk of heart attacks. <...> Early visitors to the region did not fi nd this and assumed the opposite, that the diet, hearty living, and absence of stress produced a population that was remarkably free of heart disease. <...> In the early 1900s the «Кардиология в Беларуси» 2017, том <...>