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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №8 2016


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Первый авторБанис Павел Андреевич
АвторыИльяшевич Марианна
АннотацияСтатья подготовлена в рамках реализации проекта РГНФ №16-03-00467/16. Настоящее исследование направлено на анализ международно-правовых основ сотрудничества государств в борьбе с насилием в отношении детей на современном этапе развития международного права. В статье изучаются подходы к решению проблемы, выработанные с целью реализации положений основополагающих международно-правовых документов в рассматриваемой области, принятых на универсальном и региональном уровне. Речь идет, в первую очередь, о Конвенции ООН о правах ребенка 1989 г., а также о Конвенции Совета Европы о защите детей от сексуальной эксплуатации и сексуального насилия 2007 г. Помимо положений конвенций целью анализа выступает деятельность механизмов, созданных для обеспечения реализации государствами своих обязательств
Банис, П.А. 10.10. МЕЖДУНАРОДНО-ПРАВОВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА ГОСУДАРСТВ ПО БОРЬБЕ С НАСИЛИЕМ В ОТНОШЕНИИ ДЕТЕЙ: ОПЫТ ГЕРМАНИИ / П.А. Банис, Марианна Ильяшевич // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2016 .— №8 .— С. 380-385 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576747 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ASPECTS OF COOPERATION BETWEEN STATES ON COMBATING ANY FORMS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: GERMANY Banis Pavel Andreevich, magister student. <...> The present research has its aim to analyze international legal framework for cooperation of States in combating child abuse in the contemporary international law. <...> Approaches, designed to fulfill provisions of the basic international legal documents adopted on universal and regional levels in the distinguished area, are examined in the article. <...> First of all, it touches the UN Convention on the rights of the child 1989 and the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse 2007. <...> TСТs КrЭТМХО ОбКЦТnОs ЭСО proЛХОЦ ПroЦ the point of domestic violence and sexual abuse against children. <...> Questions of combating violence against children have been raised by foreign scholars, such as van Bueren, Cullen H., Kydd W., Kilkelly U., Lindhorst T. and Edleson J.L., Meyersfeld B., Mower A.G., Hyder T. and MacVeigh J. Certain aspects of the problem of violence against children were a subject for research by Russian scholars: Alexeeva L.S., Safuanova O.V., Girfanov R.M., Kalinkina M.U. and others. <...> With that the international legal aspects of campaigns against child abuse have not been a subject of a separate and comprehensive research. <...> In the frames of the present research general (in particular, dialectical) and special methods of scientific knowledge were used. <...> Rather-legal analysis (special method) allows to determine elements uniting and separately characterizing the functioning of mechanisms in the sphere of violence against children on the universal and regional levels with the aim of determining their effectiveness; the systematic approach (particular method) was used with the aim of analysis and research of the problem in correlation and accumulation of all its aspects; apart from those distinguished, the general-logical methods, such as analysis, synthesis, deduction, functional and historicism methods were applied. <...> Cooperation against child abuse in all its forms today occupy a very prominent part of the inter-State relationship; a considerable amount of documents with the aim of combating domestic, scholastic, sexual and other forms of violence against children are currently adopted on international legal level; the UN Convention on the rights of the Child 1989 and the Committee on the rights of the child, established under it, hold the first place on the univОrsКХ ХОvОХ; ЭСО <...>