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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторЕлисеев Александр Павлович
АннотацияВ статье осуществлен анализ правового регулирования и механизма реализации отдельных аспектов реализации права через призму правоприменительной деятельности в целом. Авторы предприняли попытку выявления проблемных и пробельных аспектов сформированной нормативно-правовой базы, регулирующей исследуемую сферу отношений. По результатам изучения темы сформулированы выводы и поведены итоги
Елисеев, А.П. 9.2. НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРАВОПРИМЕНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ КАК ОСОБОЙ ФОРМЫ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРАВА / А.П. Елисеев // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 225-229 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571807 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

SOME ASPECTS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AS A SPECIAL FORM OF REALIZATION OF THE RIGHT Eliseev Alexandr Pavlovich, PhD in Economics. <...> Place of employment: Ufa law institute of MIA Russia. <...> Place of employment: Ufa law institute of MIA Russia. <...> E-mail: muhortov.002@ mail.ru Annotation In article the analysis of legal regulation and mechanism of implementation of certain aspects of the implementation of the law through the prism of law enforcement in General. <...> The authors attempted to identify problem and whitespace aspects of the regulatory framework governing the sphere of relations. <...> According to the results of study subjects conclusions and moved up. <...> Task - identified problems of legal regulation, as well as ProSelect enforcement activities in General. <...> Model is in the study, the authors used a complex of methods of knowledge: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, formal-legal. <...> Conclusions - the results of the study authors concluded that enforcement is a special form of the right, as expressed in the existing state authorized non-state agencies and officials in power, organizing and organizationalstructured creative activities taking place in the established procedural procedural order, which consists in making on the basis of legal standards and factual circumstances allow legal Affairs of individual legal commands (instructions) in a form and show the effectiveness of the law. <...> Scope of the study/the possibility of subsequent use of the results of scientific work - the work covers the relationship of citizens to exercise their rights through statutory will of the state. <...> The results of the study can serve as a basis for improving the legal regulation of the Institute of law enforcement and will be of interest to a wide circle of persons. <...> Originality/value - due to the fact that at the present stage of development of the Russian society in the conditions of permanent reforms in all spheres of the state law enforcement agencies bear a special responsibility to strengthen the country's law and order, protect and secure 225 6'2014     the rights and liberties of the citizen. <...> Ershov centuries of Judicial enforcement: current theoretical and practical problems // the Russian justice. <...> Kornukov C. M. Advocacy in the law enforcement and human rights organizations and its impact on the development of legal thought and enforcement // Bulletin of the Saratov state Academy of law. <...> Popov S. C. Law enforcement relations // the Right and the state: the priorities of the XXI century. <...> See: Lazarev centuries the Use of Soviet legal norms <...>