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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторКовтун Юрий Анатольевич
АннотацияВ статье рассматриваются и анализируются проблемы взаимодействия следователей следственных подразделений органов внутренних дел с оперативными подразделениями. Выявляются проблемные аспекты взаимодействия в его правовой регламентации и практической реализации, предлагается авторское видение их разрешения
Ковтун, Ю.А. 7.2. ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ СЛЕДОВАТЕЛЕЙ ОРГАНОВ ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ С ОРГАНАМИ ДОЗНАНИЯ ПРИ РАСКРЫТИИ И РАССЛЕДОВАНИИ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ / Ю.А. Ковтун // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 178-181 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571795 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE INTERACTION OF INVESTIGATORS OF THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, BODIES OF INQUIRY IN THE DISCLOSURE AND INVESTIGATION OF CRIMES Kovtun Yuriy Anatolyevich, PhD at law, police lieutenant colonel. <...> Place of employment: Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia. <...> E-mail: Belad@yandex.ru Zhukova Natalia Alekseevna, PhD at law, associate professor, police lieutenant colonel. <...> Place of employment: Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia. <...> Shevtsov Roman Mikhailovich, PhD at law, associate professor, police lieutenant colonel. <...> Place of employment: Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia. <...> Place of employment: Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia. <...> Annotation: This article discusses and analyzes the problems of interaction between the investigators of the investigative units of the internal Affairs bodies with operational units. <...> Alexeev, I. M. To the question about the effectiveness of pre-trial proceedings in criminal procedure of the Russian Federation. <...> Bulletin of the Kaliningrad branch of the St.-Petersburg University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. 2012. <...> Bazhanov, S. C. Basic directions of perfection of interaction of bodies of preliminary investigation in terms of investigative groups. - Vladimir: Vladimir juridical Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 1997. – 60 3. <...> E. Kulkova Century Problematic issues investigative ensure the investigation of crimes against life and health. <...> Plesneva L. P. Legal and organizational basis of the interaction between an investigator and inquiry bodies: Dis. . candles. jorid. <...> Rusakov C. K. To the question of the classification of administrative decisions in the ATS. // The investigator. - 2003. <...> Dancevic O. C. Professional interaction of the investigator with the bodies of inquiry: Textbook.-method. manual / O. Century Dancevic. - Grodno:, 2003. - 115 C. 8. <...> Tarasov M. Y. Interaction of the investigator with the bodies of inquiry in the investigation of homicides // Black holes in the Russian Legislation. 2003. <...> Using results HORDES in the criminal proceedings. <...>