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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №2 2016


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Первый авторМинязева Татьяна Федоровна
АвторыСеребренникова Анна, Абдикарим Али
АннотацияВ статье рассматриваются иные меры уголовно-правового характера в России, Германии и Сомали. Выявляется основание и критерии их применения. Авторы определяют сходство и различие данных мер в разных странах, их разграничение с наказанием Модель: в статье используется сравнительно-правовой метод исследования, который позволяет лучше осмыслить институты уголовного права России и определить основные направления их развития.
Минязева, Т.Ф. МЕРЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ: ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬНАЯ РЕГЛАМЕНТАЦИЯ В РОССИИ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ СТРАНАХ / Т.Ф. Минязева, Анна Серебренникова, Али Абдикарим // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2016 .— №2 .— С. 116-124 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/563195 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

SECURITY MEASURES: LEGISLATIVE REGULATION IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD Minyazeva Tatiana Fedorovna, Dr of law. <...> The article discusses other measures of criminal law in Russia, Germany and Somalia. <...> The authors define the similarities and differences of these measures in different countries, their distinction with punishment. <...> The comparative method used in this article enablОs bОttОr unНОrstanНinР of Russian Мriminal laа’s rulОs and also determines the main direction of Russian criminal laа’s НОvОlopmОnt. <...> It is noted that in different countries of the security measures (this is the more common of their term) are called differently. <...> For example, in Germany they arО МallОН "mОasurОs of СotfiбОs anН sОМuritв" (§ 61-70 criminal code of the Federal Republic of Germany), Italy, Spain, Somalia - security measures (art.article 202-228 of the criminal code of Italy; art. senior 95-105 of the Spanish criminal code; Art. <...> Art. 162-180 MC Somalia), in Russia - other measures of criminal law (Art. <...> Criminal law does not define the security measures. <...> The article emphasizes that the generalized analysis of the regulations on security measures, the grounds, conditions and purposes of their application, similarities and differences from punishment, legislative regulation of this institution in foreign countries can formulate their definition as set forth by the criminal law of preventive measures applied by the authorized bodies to a person who was socially dangerous because of his mental condition or propensity to use drugs, minority or not reached the age of criminal responsibility and in restricting their rights and freedoms until isolation from society in order to prevent the Commission of such person socially dangerous acts and (or) its cure, or improve mental state". <...> The article is about that, in connection with the RF criminal law reform studying the experience of foreign countries, including Germany, the legislative design Institute measures to repair (and security) appears to us to be quite interesting and necessary. <...> This article can be of interest for students, PHD-students and everybody who is interested in German criminal law. <...> The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Somalia, Mogadishu 1960. 8. <...> Ganzglass, Martin R. The Penal code of the Somali Democratic Republic; with cases, commentary and examples. <...> Integration of Laws in the Somali Republic. <...> The Criminal Procedure Code <...>