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Петербургский исторический журнал  / №1 2015

The Romanesque Door of Płock. State of research (100,00 руб.)

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Первый авторKnapiński Ryszard
АннотацияThe Romanesque Door cast in bronze in the years 1152–1154 in Magdeburg and intended for the Płock Cathedral2 that are presently on the western façade of the Orthodox Church of The Wisdom of God in Velikij Novgorod (USSR) were the fi rst monument of art of this type in Poland. Together with the Door of Gniezno they belong to the best works of the European bellfounders of the 12th century
Knapiński, R. The Romanesque Door of Płock. State of research / R. Knapiński // Петербургский исторический журнал .— 2015 .— №1 .— С. 113-149 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/553775 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Saint-Petersburg Historical Journal N 1 (2015) УДК 94(438).02 Ryszard Knapiński The Romanesque Door of Płock. <...> State of research1 The Romanesque Door cast in bronze in the years 1152–1154 in Magdeburg and intended for the Płock Cathedral2 that are presently on the western faзade of the Orthodox Church of The Wisdom of God in Velikij Novgorod (USSR) were the fi rst monument of art of this type in Poland. <...> No historical evidence has been retained that could reveal the circumstances of ordering the door by bishop Alexander of Malonne (1129–1156) and the fulfi llment of the order by Riquin and his assistants. <...> Neither was the history of the monument of art recorded in any documents. <...> However, we only learn that there is the door of western origin in Novgorod with a portrait of a bishop of Magdeburg. <...> The author owed the information to Friedrich Adelung who wrote an extensive monograph about the Door from Płock, which he called the Door of Cherson. 1 Translated from Polish by Eva Pychek. 2 The present work is the fi rst chapter of a comprehensive doctor’s thesis entitled Credo Apostolorum w romańskich drzwiach płockich [Credo Apostolorum in the Romanesque Door of Płock]. <...> S. 166–169; T. Dobrzeniecki (in his footnote to the article: Joachim Lelewel jako historyk sztuki w świetle badań Drzwiockich i Gnieźnieńskich [Joachim Lelewel as a historian of art in the light of the investigations concerning the Door of Płock and the Door of Gniezno]: BHS, R. 14: 1952 nr 1. <...> S. 10–38) states that it is one of the fi rst mentions in Polish literature about the monument of art that Lelewel calls the Door of Płock in Novgorod. <...> Петербургский исторический журнал № 1 (2015) 114 Th e Romanesque Door of Płock. <...> State of research F. Adelung‘s work — Die Korsunischen Thьren in Kathedralkirche zur Hl. <...> Up to now, F. Adelung’s monography remains the most penetrating description of the Door of Płock, which is why we will dedicate quite a lot space of our paper to the discussion of that work <...>

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