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Успехи геронтологии / Advances in Gerontology  / №1 2013


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Первый авторTanneberger
АвторыKöhler U.
АннотацияIn the light of the unprecedented demographic changes in many countries it is important to review and adapt existing strategies for giving old and incurable patients the adequate health care. Based on available data the importance of companion animals needs to be considered as part of individual care planning. Despite intensive research in other areas of health care, there is limited data concerning the use of companion animals in palliative care. The fi eld demands much more recognition. For many people companion animals can be a chance for better quality of life
Tanneberger, S. COMPANION ANIMALS IN PALLIATIVE CARE: A HIDDEN QUALITY OPTION? / S. Tanneberger, U. Köhler // Успехи геронтологии / Advances in Gerontology .— 2013 .— №1 .— С. 196-198 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/547656 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УСПЕХИ ГЕРОНТОЛОГИИ • 2013 • Т. 26 • № 1 © S. Tanneberger, U. Kцhler, 2013 УДК 59:616-08-039.75 S. Tanneberger1, U. Kцhler2 COMPANION ANIMALS IN PALLIATIVE CARE: A HIDDEN QUALITY OPTION? 1 Fondazione ANT Italia, Via Jacopo di Paolo 36, 40128 Bologna (Italy); e-mail: tanneberger@riemser.de; 2 Doebeln (Germany); e-mail: UweKoehlerDoebeln@t-online.de In the light of the unprecedented demographic changes in many countries it is important to review and adapt existing strategies for giving old and incurable patients the adequate health care. <...> Despite intensive research in other areas of health care, there is limited data concerning the use of companion animals in palliative care. <...> Key words: companion animals, palliative care Many industrialized countries are facing unprecedented demographic changes (an aging population, low birth rates and changing family structures). <...> In addition the incidence of age-related diseases like cancer increases with the result of a growing number of incurable patients [5, 13]. <...> In the light of these challenges it is important to review and adapt existing strategies for giving old and incurable patients adequate health care and dignity until their natural end of life. <...> For that Franco Pannuti already in 1985 proposed the name Eubiosia [21]. <...> Following a public debate, a 2006 EU policy paper identified key policy responses to manage demographic change [6]. <...> It was underlined the need of political decisions on sustainable public finances to guarantee adequate pensions, health care and longterm care. <...> Available health care technologies and the daily needs of the patients have to be considered as well. <...> Actually, research on palliative care is mainly dealing with drug treatment. <...> However providing patients with high quality palliative care is even a challenge for the care-giving staff, from the professional, social and the psychological points of view. <...> Looking for new health technologies for old and incurable patients means discussing specific problems of geriatrics, cardiology, oncology, but still more it means to consider general problems of the aging population. <...> However, the modern society with a low fertility [OECD 13, 22] is far from care-giving at home by family members. <...> It <...>