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Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Журнал научных статей  / №7 2016


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Первый авторPesotskaya
АннотацияIn modern historical context, the following discussion of methodological problems of modern medicine and public health in addressing to the problem of a man became the most important. The analysis of philosophical worldview foundation of medicine allow to study deeply the laws of an organism in connection with surroundings to prognosis its condition and processes in the light of new medical technologies and competent point of view to teaching. In these conditions the worldview is researching during doctor's medicine preparing as the foundation of forming the principle of “methodological confidence” or conviction of a doctor in true of private presentations about the world, a man, taking concrete methods of diagnostic and treatment. It is one of the important skilled characters of a doctor, the foundation of the professional activity, and the forming of it begins from medical education
Pesotskaya, E.N. THE COGNITION OF METHODOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF THE MEDICINE WORLDWIEV AS A FOUNDATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY AND MEDICAL EDUCATION / E.N. Pesotskaya // Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Журнал научных статей .— 2016 .— №7 .— С. 114-120 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/513225 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 303.4:61 THE COGNITION OF METHODOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF THE MEDICINE WORLDWIEV AS A FOUNDATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY AND MEDICAL EDUCATION E.N. Pesotskaya National Research Mordovia State University Saransk, Russia, 430005 Annotation. <...> In modern historical context, the following discussion of methodological problems of modern medicine and public health in addressing to the problem of a man became the most important. <...> The analysis of philosophical worldview foundation of medicine allow to study deeply the laws of an organism in connection with surroundings to prognosis its condition and processes in the light of new medical technologies and competent point of view to teaching. <...> In these conditions the worldview is researching during doctor's medicine preparing as the foundation of forming the principle of “methodological confidence” or conviction of a doctor in true of private presentations about the world, a man, taking concrete methods of diagnostic and treatment. <...> It is one of the important skilled characters of a doctor, the foundation of the professional activity, and the forming of it begins from medical education. <...> Key words: worldview’s potential of medicine, philosophical and methodological questions of medicine, private scientific and philosophical levels of methodology, cognitive foundation of treatment, principle of “methodological confidence”, medical education, GCP. <...> In totality with clinical present the medical knowledge represents methodological interest for philosophy, science and medical education in respect of the solution of a question how the concrete and scientific knowledge of the person and his potential is formed. <...> The philosophy always applied for the status of the complete universal teaching about the person which is constantly deepening ideas of essence of medical knowledge, opportunities of medicine to design the theory of the person and his health as the subject of history and culture. <...> As the object of medical knowledge and practice the person possesses not only a physical body, but also the sociocultural corporeality investigated as a substratum of its social and spiritual and personal properties. <...> Object of medical knowledge and practical activities is also the worldview of the person possessing sanogenetic and therapeutic potential. <...> This term designates complete set of the representations used in professional medical activity or concrete school of medicine. <...> The complex unites ideas of essence, mechanisms of development of an illness and treatment within that picЖурнал включен в Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий ВАК ~ 114 ~ Pesotskaya E.N. The cognition of methodological potential of the medicine worldwiev as a foundation. ture of the world which <...>