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The elements of Christian science (60,00 руб.)

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Первый авторAdams William
Adams, W. The elements of Christian science : A treatise upon moral philosophy a. practice / By William Adams; W. Adams .— 3. ed., rev. — : Hooker, 1857 .— 1 с. — Lang: eng .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/49723 (дата обращения: 03.10.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

J&~-)C^ п/х-ь c J2A СЕ. ' A T R E A T I S E U P O N MORAL PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE. <...> XHIBD EDITION, REVISED. " All things are double one against another, and God hath made nothing imperf t i c t . " — J E S U S , S O N OF S I R A C H . "Man's perfection is not bxj himself, nor by any thing in or of himself, but by that which is to him external." < » • » » P H I L A D E L P H I A : П. <...> All these differences, and a thousand more, may be produced, and exist in oaks that have come from acorns of the same parent-tree. <...> To explain this, we know that all of these trees had, each of them, a constitution, a germ of vegetable life peculiar to the oak, suited to take up supplies from external things, and to grow thereby, became it is a life. <...> To use the example again,—wherever the tree grows, in the North or the South, in the valley or upon the mountains, from the cleftod rock or in the fertile plains,—there, amidst all variety of circumstance, the constitution is the same,—if the tree is anywhere capable of living, it is as an oak that it lives, and not as any other tree. <...> Nature and Position,—and 3 m 4 PREFACE. infinite varieties are produced in individuals, but the one element never wbolly overcomes the other,—Position never entirely changes Nature,— Nature never wholly conquers Position. <...> We have been so careful in laying out precisely, and illustrating this example, that our readers may clearly see, that wherever there exists organized life, then, if we would examine the state of the individual existence, these two elements must always be taken into account,—first, Nature, and secondly Position. <...> And in them, all the variety can be shown to have arisen from Position. <...> The Nature can be proved to be the same in all, and the circumstances <...>
J&~-)C^ п/х-ь
c J2A СЕ. ' A TREATISE UPON MORAL PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE. BY WILLIAM LADAMS, D. D., PBESBTTER OF THE PROTESTAKT EPISCOPAL CHORCHj IN THE DIOCESE OF "WISCONSIN. XHIBD EDITION, REVISED. "Man's perfection is not bxj himself, nor by any thing in or of himself, but by that which is to him external." " All things are double one against another, and God hath made nothing imperftict."—JESUS, SON OF SIRACH. < » • » » PHILADELPHIA: П. HOOKER & CO., CORNER OF CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH STS. 18 5 7.