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Kutafin Law Review (Юридический журнал имени Кутафина)  / №1 2016


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Первый авторKuryachaya
АннотацияThe article considers the problems of implementation of constitutional rights of citizens with the help of modern forms and means of participation of citizens in state administration and local self-government (electronic democracy) It is noted that in recent years one of the most notable trends in the political process has been the institutionalization of e-democracy. The e-democracy as a set of forms and tools to use information technology in order to empower the realization of the rights of any citizen is characterized by conducting on-line various campaigns, by a high level of self-organizing online community amid lack of significant social differences between members of a community, by online advocacy, by using online as the means disseminating political information.
Kuryachaya, MarinaM. E-DEMOCRACY IN MODERN RUSSIA: THE ESTABLISHMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS / MarinaM. Kuryachaya // Kutafin Law Review (Юридический журнал имени Кутафина) .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 99-111 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/468295 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

93 ARTICLE E-DEMOCRACY IN MODERN RUSSIA: THE ESTABLISHMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS Marina M. Kuryachaya (Russia) Author PhD (Law), Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2004 Associate Professor, Public Policy and Public Administration Department, Kuban State University (Krasnodar) Email: mmkur@list.ru Abstract The article considers the problems of implementation of constitutional rights of citizens with the help of modern forms and means of participation of citizens in state administration and local self-government (electronic democracy). <...> The e-democracy as a set of forms and tools to use information technology in order to empower the realization of the rights of any citizen is characterized by conducting on-line various campaigns, by a high level of self-organizing online community amid lack of significant social differences between members of a community, by online advocacy, by using online as the means disseminating political information. <...> The author states that the Internet as a communication tool is suitable not only for electoral, but to the functional system of popular representation of inhabitants’ interests, and examines the possibilities of e-democracy in the areas of the participation in the management of the affairs of the state and local government, expressing public opinion and bringing it to the attention of public authorities, public control of the activities of public authorities, the implementation of the legislative initiative of citizens, monitoring of law enforcement. <...> It is concluded that the e-democracy is impossible without providing Volume 1 April 2016 Issue 1(5) www.kulawr.ru 94 KUTAFIN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW every citizen a free access to information about the activities of public authorities. <...> The conservative mentality of Russian citizens is also a serious obstacle to the development of the e-democracy, therefore, its implementation must be gradual and the formation of legal awareness and computer literacy should be always in advance of it. <...> Keywords Human rights, civil society, direct democracy, freedom of public opinion, e-democracy DOI: 10.17803/2313-5395.2016.1.5.093-105 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. The Institutionalization of E-Democracy in Russia .94 II. <...> The Electronic Technology in the Legal Space of Russia .97 III. <...> The Electronic Technologies of the Control of Activities of Public Authorities .99 IV. <...> The Development of Crowdsourcing in the Legal Field .102 V. The Problems of the Development of Electronic Democracy in Russia .103 Bibliography .104 I. THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF E-DEMOCRACY IN RUSSIA Legal policy is inconceivable in isolation from political and socioeconomic reforms <...>