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Первый авторSadullaeva
АннотацияIn this paper we demonstrate the possibilities of the self-similar and approximately self-similar approaches for studying solutions of a nonlinear mutual reaction-diffusion system. The asymptotic behavior of compactly supported solutions and free boundary is studied. Based on established qualitative properties of solutions numerical computation is carried out. The solutions are presented in visualization form, which allows observing evolution of the studied process in time.
Sadullaeva, ShahloA. Numerical Investigation of Solutions to a Reaction-diffusion System with Variable Density / ShahloA. Sadullaeva // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics & Physics .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 90-101 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453714 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Mathematics & Physics 2016, 9(1), 90-101 УДК 519.21 Numerical Investigation of Solutions to a Reaction-diffusion System with Variable Density Shahlo A. Sadullaeva∗ Tashkent University of Information Technology Amir Temur, 108, Tashkent, 700084, Uzbekistan Received 15.10.2015, received in revised form 06.11.2014, accepted 30.12.2014 In this paper we demonstrate the possibilities of the self-similar and approximately self-similar approaches for studying solutions of a nonlinear mutual reaction-diffusion system. <...> The asymptotic behavior of compactly supported solutions and free boundary is studied. <...> Based on established qualitative properties of solutions numerical computation is carried out. <...> In the present work we suggest a method of construction of self-similar equations system (1) based of splitting of system (1), and study asymptotics of compactly support solutions and a free boundary and asymptotics of self-similar solutions for the quick diffusion case. <...> It is shown that the coefficient of the main member of the asymptotics of the solution satisfies a certain system of nonlinear algebraic system equation. <...> Based on established qualitative properties of the solution, using approximately self-similar solutions, numerical experiments, visualization of processes described by reaction-diffusion system (1) with variable density were carried out. 1. <...> Construction of a self-similar system of equations Studying different properties of solutions to system (1) is a complicated problem, even for particular cases of system (1) [2, 6–9]. <...> In these works for particular cases of system (1)–(2) the effectiveness was shown of the self-similar approach for studying different properties of solutions to problem (1)–(2). <...> This method gives us a more simple way of investigation of qualitative properties of solutions to problem (1)–(2). <...> The existence of a self-similar weak solution to problem (10)–(11) for one equation, in the case γ(t) = 0, n = l = 0, p = 2 was studied in [1] and conditions for the existence of c.s. solutions were obtained. <...> Therefore it is possible to say that (7) is an asymptotically self-similar system for system of Shahlo A. Sadullaeva Numerical Investigation of Solutions to a Reaction-diffusion System . one equation in [10] and for other system, but with other nonlinear coefficients in [3–6,11] when p=2. p+m2−3 > 0. <...> Such transformation (12) allows us <...>