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Первый авторVostretsov
АвторыIvanova E.V.
АннотацияThis article is dedicated to the study of inversion of basic ethical categories – “good” and “evil” – in modern culture, especially in artistic works. The authors analyze the phenomenon of religious fantasy as an element of religious mythology, and also try to justify the attractiveness of a cultural hero endued with negative ethical connotations. The article continues the series of reяections on ontological and ethical grounds for the category of “religious mythology”.
Vostretsov, E.Y. Contemporary Religious Fantasy: Inversion of Ethical Categories / E.Y. Vostretsov, E.V. Ivanova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 14-20 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/447672 (дата обращения: 22.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2015 8) 1534-1540 ~ ~ ~ УДК 111.84:82-312.9 Contemporary Religious Fantasy: Inversion of Ethical Categories Evgeny Y. Vostretsov and Evgenia V. Ivanova* Ural Federal University named after the B.N. Yeltsin 19 Mira Str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia Received 07.06.2015, received in revised form 22.05.2015, accepted 30.05.2015 This article is dedicated to the study of inversion of basic ethical categories – “good” and “evil” – in modern culture, especially in artistic works. <...> The authors analyze the phenomenon of religious fantasy as an element of religious mythology, and also try to justify the attractiveness of a cultural hero endued with negative ethical connotations. <...> The article continues the series of refl ections on ontological and ethical grounds for the category of “religious mythology”. <...> In other words, we deal with ethical pluralism as a particular case of global pluralism, or inversion of basic ethical categories. <...> It is fair to say that there are now several “new” mythologies: © Siberian Federal University. <...> Unlike archaic characters, modern people do not have a universal mythological outlook; however, in the context of modern social realities mythology becomes ever more compelling. <...> The more complicated personal existence is, the more pressing is the perception of how meaningless and absurd individual abilities are, followed by fear of facing the reality, which is beyond human control. <...> Myth-making sets modern people free of their fears, their dread of chaos, and also embodies their commitment to excellence and their Utopian hopes. <...> Its principal Evgeny Y. Vostretsov and Evgenia V. Ivanova. <...> Contemporary Religious Fantasy: Inversion of Ethical Categories characteristics are the following: 1) Religious myth simplifi es reality and narrows all the existing controversies down to a plain formula of struggle between good and evil; 2) The world in religious mythology is straightforward and absolutely conceivable, which provides for a sense of harmony with the surrounding universe; 3) Religious myth rids people of their fears of reality, being oriented towards future improvements instead of here and now (E.V. Ivanova, 2012, P. 58). <...> Its structure can consist of fairy tales, eschatological myths, religious fantasy, etc. <...> Fantasy is <...>