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Первый авторErokhina
АннотацияThe article discusses the integration-fragmenting role of ethnic diversity in the development of Russian society (the post-Soviet period). As a theoretical model for research we propose the wave model of a dynamic process that explains its development in the logic of the alternation of two phases of one cycle, which is started by the introduction and then is accompanied by the subsequent distribution of a socio-cultural innovation. The article concludes that the processes of ethnic convergence and segregation are part of social and cultural transformation of society.
Erokhina, ElenaA. Ethnic Diversity in the Socio-Cultural Dynamics: Russia’s Experience / ElenaA. Erokhina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 43-54 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446347 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 6 (2015 8) 1065-1076 ~ ~ ~ УДК 316.4 Ethnic Diversity in the Socio-Cultural Dynamics: Russia’s Experience Elena A. Erokhina* Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB RAS 8 Nikolaev Str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia Received 08.10.2014, received in revised form 11.11.2014, accepted 10.03.2015 The article discusses the integration-fragmenting role of ethnic diversity in the development of Russian society (the post-Soviet period). <...> As a theoretical model for research we propose the wave model of a dynamic process that explains its development in the logic of the alternation of two phases of one cycle, which is started by the introduction and then is accompanied by the subsequent distribution of a socio-cultural innovation. <...> Keywords: ethnic diversity, socio-cultural dynamics, social and cultural transformation, variability and stability, integration and fragmentation. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: leroh@mail.ru # 1065 # the degree of ethnic diversity, twice went to the peak of activity: the fi rst time after World War I, the fi nale of which coincided with the collapse of empires and the emergence of new nation states in Europe, the second time after the end of World War II, one of which resulted in the end of political colonialism. <...> Volatile forms of social and cultural transformation include economic models (pre-industrial, agro-industrial, industrial), ways of legitimizing of political power (dynasty-monarchic, national-citizenship), Elena A. Erokhina. <...> Stable forms of alternating activity social transformation include convergence and isolation of social, including ethnic, groups, of dominant relationships, cultural unifi cation and nondominant communities, strengthening of either solidary or competitive forms of social, including interethnic, and growth of the mosaicity. <...> Being dependent on the process of social and cultural transformation in the stable aspect, ethnic diversity plays a fragmenting-integration role in the development of a particular society. <...> Alternation of integration and fragmentation component of dynamic process and the appropriate role of ethnic diversity allow to put the question of the signifi cance of this phenomenon in the social and cultural transformation. <...> The mechanism of the transition from one state to another can be described by the wave of two-phase models, and socio-cultural dynamics of interrelated concepts: integration, fragmentation, resource, innovation. <...> In the post-Soviet period it was applied in the studies of social and cultural dynamics of semiotic systems [Lotman] and political institutions [Pantin, Lapkin <...>