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Agricultural Biology  / №5 2011


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Первый авторRomanov
АннотацияIn soft species of Triticum spelta L., T. compactum Host. and T.sphaerococcum Persiv. the author studied manifestation of complex quantitative determinants on basis of phenome—genome approach, when the genome-phenome interrelation are considered similarly to gene— phene. It was shown, that at identical genome composition (AABBDD) in T. aestivum L.,T.spelta L., T. compactum Host. and T. sphaerococcum Persiv. , in three last-named cultivars the quantitative determinants are controlled on tetraploid twophenome level (diploid genome—phenome), that the author suggests to reflect in genomic formulae and take into account in selection and practical work.
Romanov, B.V. ABOUT TETRAPLOID LEVEL OF CONTROL OF COMPLEX QUANTITATIVE DETERMINANTS IN HEXAPLOID WHEAT CULTIVARS / B.V. Romanov // Agricultural Biology .— 2011 .— №5 .— С. 3-7 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436655 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2011, № 5, p. 31-39 UDC 633.111:631.523.4:631.52/.524 ABOUT TETRAPLOID LEVEL OF CONTROL OF COMPLEX QUANTITATIVE DETERMINANTS IN HEXAPLOID WHEAT CULTIVARS B.V. Romanov Don State Agrarian University, Rostov province, Oktyabrsky region, Persianovsky 346493, Russia е-mail: triticumRBW@mail.ru Received April 15, 2008 S u m m a r y In soft species of Triticum spelta L., T. compactum Host. and T.sphaerococcum Persiv. the author studied manifestation of complex quantitative determinants on basis of phenomegenome approach, when the genome-phenome interrelation are considered similarly to gene— phene. <...> It was shown, that at identical genome composition (AABBDD) in T. aestivum L.,T.spelta L., T. compactum Host. and T. sphaerococcum Persiv. , in three last-named cultivars the quantitative determinants are controlled on tetraploid twophenome level (diploid genome—phenome), that the author suggests to reflect in genomic formulae and take into account in selection and practical work. <...> Keywords: Triricum aestivum L., T. spelta L., T. compactum Host., T. sphaerococcum Perсiv., hexaploid wheat, genome, quantitative traits expression. <...> Many researchers have reported about complex mutations of speltoid, compactoid and sphaerococcoid type in soft wheat (2-5). <...> It has been shown the difference in weight of 1000 grains amounted to 29,0-35,0 % (mean 32,7%) during 3 years between the original soft hexaploid wheat cv Belotserkovskaya 198 and its sphaerococcoid mutant descendants (2). <...> The weight of grains per ear in compactoid, sphaerococcoid and speltoid mutants of T. aestivum (cv Norran and cv Bezostaya 1) obtained via a mutagenic impact was 32-40% lower than that of the original form (3). <...> Studying the hybrids F1, F2 and F3 obtained by crossing T. sphaerococcum Ч T. aestivum, resulting sphaerococcoid mutants were found to develop the 31% lower weight of grains in than the soft wheat (8). <...> Such hexaploids exhibit the weight of 1000 grains amounted to 32,0 g and more (depending on the used sample of Aegilops), so this trait had been improved by the effect of diploid DD genome. <...> The role of diploid genomes in formation of this quantitative <...>

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