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Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство, комментарии, проблемы

Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство, комментарии, проблемы №4(155) 2017 (365,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал выходит с 1994 года. Единственный журнал, который выходит при участии комитетов и депутатов Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации. Журнал - научно-практическое издание по политологии, экономике, праву - социально-гуманитарным наукам и специальностям. Журнал выходит с 1994 года. Журнал посвящен проблемам и вопросам экономики, права, политики - социально-гуманитарным наукам и специальностям, деятельности представительной ветви власти; содержит комментарии и оценки законодательных актов, законопроектов; правовую. экспертизу, вопросы парламентской этики; анализ практики применения законов и иных нормативных актов, проблем правового регулирования судебной системы, финансовой деятельности, налогообложения, науки, образования, глобализации, деятельности религиозных организаций, политических партий и общественных объединений, обеспечения прав и свобод человека и гражданина, развития гражданского общества и др. Развитие России идет нелегко. Это задача трудная и сверхактуальная. Сильная высокопрофессиональная представительная власть может и должна способствовать эффективности экономических и иных реформ. Эту цель преследует наш журнал. Издание распространяется в Государственной Думе, Совете Федерации, рассылается в Администрацию Президента РФ, Правительство РФ, министерства и ведомства, во все органы законодательной власти субъектов РФ, научные и общественные организации, библиотеки. Его читают в СНГ и дальнем зарубежье.
Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство, комментарии, проблемы : Научно-практическое издание .— Сердобск : Макарова Лариса Михайловна, индивидуальный предприниматель .— 2017 .— №4(155) .— 50 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/431532 (дата обращения: 16.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

XXI век ВЛАСТЬ ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬНАЯ WWW.PVLAST.RU РГАИС – лидер по подготовке специалистов в области интеллектуальной собственности . . стр. <...> 18 2017 • №4 (155) ПОЛИТИКА • ЭКОНОМИКА • ПРАВО №4 (155) • 2017 ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬНАЯ ВЛАСТЬ — XXI ВЕК: ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВО, КОММЕНТАРИИ, ПРОБЛЕМЫ №4 (155) • 2017 ГОСУДАРСТВО И ПРАВО ГОСУДАРСТВО И ПРАВО АктуАльные проблемы зАщиты российской госудАрственности и нАционАльного суверенитетА в современных условиях дамаскин о.в., холиков и.в. <...> Определяются потребности и возможности защиты российской государственности и национального суверенитета в современных условиях. <...> Актуальные проблемы защиты российской государственности и национального суверенитета в современных условиях // Представительная власть — ХХI век. <...> Souverenitet) — полная независимость государства от других государств в его внутренних и внешних отношениях, национальный суверенитет — совокупность прав нации (народа) на свободу выбора социального и политического строя, на территориальную целостность, экономическую независимость и т. д. <...> Политика глобализации ведёт к разделению мира на доминирующий центр и зависимую периферию. <...> Нарастающие социально-экономические проблемы, инфляция, коррупция и преступность подрывают основы среды обитания большинства законопослушных граждан. <...> Решение задачи повышения качества жизни напрямую зависит от органично выстроенной системы власти и её эффективного функционирования в ГОСУДАРСТВО И ПРАВО интересах законопослушного большинства населения [6]. <...> Сложившаяся ситуация вынуждает искать такой порядок формирования и организации системы власти, который обеспечил бы её системность и сбалансированность, приход к власти людей, генерирующих действенные программы социального и экономического развития страны и добивающихся приведения их в жизнь, в целях укрепления российской государственности, как механизма обеспечения жизненно важных интересов законопослушного большинства граждан. <...> Рассмотрение <...>
CONTENTS CONTENTS Contents, Key words, About the Authors And summAries — 2017, №4 STATE AND LAW Damaskin O.V., Kholikov I.V. Current problems of protection of the Russian state system and national sovereignty in modern conditions // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 1–5 . Damaskin Oleg V. — Moscow Boarder-troops Institute of Federal Security Service of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor; Kholikov Ivan V. — Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor. Abstract. The article deals with the issues related to the influence of the new geopolitical changes in the world on international and national security. The new approaches to comprehension of transformation of threats to national sovereignty in the conditions of globalization are shown. The reasons and conditions that contribute to the increase of international tensions in the modern world are studied. The key problems of internal threats to national security are revealed. The requirements and possibilities to protect the Russian state system and national sovereignty in modern conditions are determined. Key words: globalization, society, state, state system, threats, international security, national security. Ibragimov I. M. Conceptual problems of truth in contemporary Russia // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 6–11 . Ibragimov Ibragim M. — Institute of Economics, Finance and law, doctor of law, head of the Department of criminal law disciplines, honorable lawyer of the Republic of Dagestan, judge of the Supreme court of the Republic of Dagestan. Abstract. The proposed article identified certain provisions of the author’s conception of truth in criminal proceedings, are conceptual, legal and practical problems of establishing the truth in the criminal process, formulated and expressed the urgency of specific scientific and reasonable proposals on the introduction of legislative and implementation in practice of the principle of truth in criminal proceedings, the introduction of amendments and additions to the law on criminal procedureaimed at implementing the high political purpose of criminal proceedings for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and organizations, victims of crime, as well as individuals from illegal unwarranted accusation, conviction and restriction of rights and freedoms. Key words: truth, objective truth in criminal proceedings, to establish the true circumstances of the criminal case, proof and evidence in criminal proceedings, the completeness and comprehensiveness of the investigation of the criminal case, the presumption of innocence, adversarial, equality of the parties, the rights of the victim. KozlovaN.V., FilippovaS.Y. The Charter as a form of legal existence // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 12–17. Kozlova V. Natalia — Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Law, professor, professor of Civil Department ; Filippova Sofia Y. — Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Candidate of Law, Docent, Docent of Commercial Department. Abstract. The nature of the charter of a legal entity is considered in the article. From the formal legal side the charter is a constituent document. In terms of content the charter represents a unity of three wills: the founder (founders), the legal entity itself, the legislator. It is concluded that through the Charter of a legal entity manifests itself in the outside world. Key words: internal documents of a legal entity, charter, corporate contract, founder (founders), legal entity. Lyubimov A.P., Shields A.N. RGAIS–the leader in the profiles of training in the field of protection of intellectual property rights // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 18–20. Lyubimov A.P. — Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the Centre for international law; Shields Alexey N. — Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation, postgraduate student. Abstract. Examines current issues in higher education and results of training of the RGAIS in 2017. Key words: state and law, higher education, intellectual property, training, RGAIS. POLITICAL SCIENCE Shvedovsky V.A. The filtering role of cultural codes in the choice of the vector of transformations of the socium of Russia // Representative Power– Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 21–29. Shvedovsky Vyacheslav –Moscov State University M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Ph.D. in Physics and Maths; Associate Professor of the department of Social Engineering. Abstract. Based on the concept of reproductive life cycles and in the framework of the information-informational and cybernetic approach, an attempt is made to present the influence of cultural codes on the definition of a strategy for managing the evolution of the Russian society. 2017 №4 (155) Key words: Code, cultural code, social reproduction, reproductive cycles, lifestyle, complexity theory, evolutionary trajectories, synchronous and diachronic approaches, index of cultural code rootedness. Mikhailov A.P. Prayer, Knowledge, Case «Cursed days» (based on the works of I. A. Bunin) // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 30–31 . Mikhailov Alexander P. — Professor of mathematics, researcher at M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS and M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Abstract. Presents a cycle of poems constant author of the magazine — Mikhailov A.P. Described the historical events in our country. The author talks about ways of achieving a just world order. , urgent need of reorientation of work of power structures for spiritual rebirth and attainment of the welfare of the people of Russia. Key words: Russia, the ideals of freedom, Saint Vladimir, Dostoevsky, Stolypin, Krasnaya Presnya, government, the Kremlin. the law. ECONOMY Shapkin V.N. About the work of the Committee for property relations and land use: objectives, tasks, perspectives // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 32–34. Shapkin Vladimir Nikolaevich — the Deputy of Moscow regional Duma, the Chairman of the Committee for property relations and land use. Abstract. The Committee for property relations and land use is a permanent collegial body of the Moscow regional Duma. Administered by the Committee are the issues of formation, management and disposition of property of Moscow region, regulating land and forest relations. Key words: Moscow regional Duma, politics, power, law, property relations, land use. Klochko E.N., Prokhorova V.V., Kalayzhan A.A. Shadow activity of small business: an estimation and ways of an exit (on materials of the Krasnodar territory) // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 35–41. Elena N. Klochko — Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Production Management and Economics of the National Economy of the Kuban State Technological University; Victoria V. Prokhorova — Doctor of Economics. In Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Production Management and Economics of the National Economy of the Kuban State Technological University; Anaida A. Kalayjan — master student of the Kuban State Technological University. Abstract. Small business in the emerging market economy, as a special “development institution”, generates positive general economic effects, expressed firstly in supporting the market (protecting property rights, developing market infrastructure, promoting “transparency” of the market and the state), and secondly, the addition of the market (the ability to change the behavior of enterprises, the development of investment incentives). At the same time, the business community consists of people with diverse personalities, personal qualities and values. The philosophy of business in all its own: from maintaining moral principles and norms of behavior, to profit by any means from the point of view of law and morality. Karl Marx noted this as follows: “Provide capital 10% profit, and capital agrees to any application, at 20% it becomes brisk, at 50% is ready to break his head, at 100% he tramples all human laws, at 300% There is no such crime that he would not venture to risk, even if he was afraid of the gallows. “ In the article, small business is considered from the point of view of difficult legal and economic conditions, financial and economic activity, which is forced in the sector of the shadow economy. Key words: business, small business, shadow activities, shadow operations, the level of corruption, deviant behavior, economic relations Danilin E.M., Davydova N.V. Organization of cultural and leisure for convicts with involvement of figures of artist, cultural and sportsmen // Representative Power–Century 21. 2017. — № 4, pp. 42–46. Danilin Evgeny Mikhailovich — Scientific Research Institute of the FPS (Moscow), candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor; Davydova Nadezhda Vassilyevna — Scientific Research Institute of the FPS (Moscow), Senior Researcher. Abstract. The article is based on the results of a survey conducted in 2017 by the personnel of the Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The concept and structure of the cultural leisure of convicts is defined. The problem of systematization in the organization of cultural leisure for convicts with involvement of artists, cultural figures and sportsmen is considered. The modern practice of correctional facilities and territorial bodies of the penitentiary system in this direction is analyzed. Suggestions are made for improving the organization of cultural leisure for convicts. Key words: convicts, free time, leisure, club work and workshops, involvement of artists, cultural figures and sportsmen. 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