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Первый авторDalbergenova
АвторыZharkynbekova Sh.K.
АннотацияThis article tries to reveal a universal cognitive model of the causal relations reflected in the language consciousness of a subject. The cognitive model as a frame is considered to survey a certain typical causal situation through a human perception as the case of the connection of cause and effect propositions. Frame models of internal subjective causality are being revealed; semantic types and means of verbalization of internal subjective causality of frame models in the German and Russian languages are established.
Dalbergenova, L.Y. СOGNITIVE MODEL OF THE SUBJECTIVE CAUSALITY (in the german and russian languages) / L.Y. Dalbergenova, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Теория языка. Семиотика. Семантика .— 2013 .— №4 .— С. 58-69 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/414823 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

КОГНИТИВНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ УДК 81′37 СOGNITIVE MODEL OF THE SUBJECTIVE CAUSALITY (in the german and russian languages)* L.Y. Dalbergenova, Sh. <...> K. Zharkynbekova The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Philological Faculty Eurasian National University n.a. <...> L.N. Gumilyev Kazhymukana str., 11, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010008 This article tries to reveal a universal cognitive model of the causal relations reflected in the language consciousness of a subject. <...> The cognitive model as a frame is considered to survey a certain typical causal situation through a human perception as the case of the connection of cause and effect propositions. <...> Frame models of internal subjective causality are being revealed; semantic types and means of verbalization of internal subjective causality of frame models in the German and Russian languages are established. <...> Key words: frame, the subjective type of causality, proposition, cause, effect, means of verbalization. <...> Causality as one of the logical forms of thinking displays objects relative to reality, fixed in person’s linguistic consciousness over centuries of practice. <...> The organization of the language content is defined by the system and objective nature of linguistic consciousness which is at the same time specific in concrete national occurrence. <...> This work is aimed at identifying a cognitive model of internal subjective causality reflection in person’s linguistic consciousness as a frame form. <...> To achieve this purpose, we need to solve the following problems: to reveal frame models of internal subjective causality, to establish semantic types of frame models of internal subjective causality and to define the means of their verbalization in the German and Russian languages. <...> K. Сognitive Model of the Subjective Causality. in the article are taken from the Corpus of German language Institute in Mannheim (www.ids-mannheim.de), original stories translated into German, and entries from the National Corpus of the Russian language (www.ruscorpora.ru), i.e. samples from classical Russian literature. <...> The analyses performed showed that the causal frame model is universal to the cognitive reflection model of the cause and effect relations in the language consciousness of subjects, irrespective of their genetic accessory and typological properties; national specificity of the linguistic consciousness is observed only in the formal maintenance of frames. 1.1. <...> Internal reason The cause and effect relations which objectively exist in nature and society are <...>