Idiopathic segmental infarction of the greater omentum successfully treated by laparoscopy: report of case. <...> Laparoscopic treat ment of two patients with omental infarction mimicking acute appendicitis. <...> A case of haemorrhage into the greater omentum. <...> Spontaneous segmental infarction of the greater omentum // Am. <...> Idiopathic segmentary infarction of the greater omentum: an indication for celioscopy. <...> Naffa L., Shabb N., Haddad M: CT fi ndings of omental torsion and infarction: report of a case and review of the literature. <...> Idiopathic Segmental Infarction of the Greater Omentum: A Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen. <...> Idiopathic segmental infarc tion of the greater omentum successfully treated by laparoscopy: report of case. <...> Laparoscopic treatment of two patients with omental infarction mimicking acute appendicitis. <...> ИСТИННЫЙ ХВОСТ С ДИСТАЛЬНЫМ УДВОЕНИЕМ У НОВОРОЖДЕННОГО 1 больница скорой медицинской помощи им. <...> Первомайская, 13 Для корреспонденции: Цыбин Анатолий Александрович, ГБУЗ МО "Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. <...> Щепкина, 61/2; 2 ГУЗ "Тульская городская клиническая В статье описано редкое заболевание — истинный хвост с дистальным удвоением у новорожденного. <...> Четких указаний на сроки проведения операции в литературе не приводится. <...> Mokhammad Bashir, Davlitsarov M.A., Thsybin A.A., Mashkov A.E., Vais A.V., Kruk N.N., Yakunov A.N., Stepanova I.L., Degtyarev P.Yu. <...> THE TRUE TAIL WITH DISTAL DUPLICATION IN A NEWBORN BABY 1 M.F. <...> Pervomaiskaya, 13, 300035 A rare condition, the true tail with distal duplication in a newborn baby, is described. <...> We believe that operation can be made in the absence of contraindications before the patient is 1 year of age. <...> Key words: true tail, distal duplication, newborn baby For citation: Detskaya khirurgiya. <...> For correspondence: Thsybin Anatoliy, <...>