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Вестник Московского университета. Серия 22. Теория перевода.  / №1 2013

Аннотации статей, опубликованных в журнале "Вестник Московского университета. Серия 22. Теория перевода" в 2008-2012 гг. (60,00 руб.)

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АннотацияАннотации статей на английском языке.
Аннотации статей, опубликованных в журнале "Вестник Московского университета. Серия 22. Теория перевода" в 2008-2012 гг. // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 22. Теория перевода. .— 2013 .— №1 .— С. 119-194 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/341179 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ТЕОРИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА» В 2008—2012 гг. № 1 2008 V.V. Mironov, PhD, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИЯ КАК ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ГУМАНИТАРНОЙ СУЩНОСТИ ФИЛОСОФИИ The present article deals with the specific character of philosophy as a field of knowledge and cognition. <...> Philosophical dialogue is a dialogue of texts, and the comprehension of a text can be achieved only by individual interpretation, hence multiple ways of understanding are possible. <...> For instance, history can be perceived as the dialogue of a source text (e.g. a chronicle) and a researcher, who interprets facts or, rather, primary narration of facts; and history can be regarded as a collection of texts. <...> In general, the object of the humanities is a text as a system of signs. <...> Texts include particular facts, events and phenomena as well as complex systems (e.g. science, arts, religion, etc.). <...> Philosophy is a hermeneutical activity; it is an interpretation of interpretations. <...> Philosophical interpretation is an independent creative process of meaning search and creation; it can be considered as the consciousness of culture which determines the values of human existence. <...> N.K. Garbovskiy, PhD, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, Lomonosov Moscow State University ТЕОРИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА. <...> ВЕК XXI: ОТ ЭМПИРИЗМА К РАЦИОНАЛИЗМУ The article deals with the philosophy of translation as a particular type of speech activity. <...> It particularly focuses on the translator's personality ane the freedom of decision-making. <...> The theory of translation is represented as an interdisciplinary field of studies that goes far beyond the limits of linguistics. 119 M. Ballard, Professor, Director of Research Centre “Lettres et Langues”, Artois University, Arras (France) BASIS OF REALISTIK. <...> METHODOLOGY IN TRANSLATION STUDIES Translatology has been defined as the scientific study of translation. <...> In order to carry out this program the present paper proposes to study translation from the translators’ productions, in other words the study of translation corpora, as the best basis for an objective observation of the process. <...> This approach supposes the implementation of specific tools for the observation and analysis of the translation process: the unit of translation and comparative textual analysis as a device to trace back to the translator’s choices and motives. <...> Such an approach involves as well the taking into account of multiple <...>