Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638458)
Филологический класс

Филологический класс №1 2013 (50,00 руб.)

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Аннотация«Филологический класс» издается как для учителей-словесников, так и для ученых-филологов. Журнал стремится к сближению академической науки с непосредственной практикой школьного преподавания русского языка и литературы.
Филологический класс : Научно-методический журнал .— Екатеринбург : Уральский государственный педагогический университет .— 2013 .— №1 .— 153 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/265183 (дата обращения: 12.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Hypothesis Leiderman N. L., Lipovetsky M. N. The Troublous Times: Sholohov’s Novel “Tikhii Don” . .7 Dyrdin A. A. Free Will as Leading Motive in Prouse M. A. Sholohov . 18 On the Anniversary of L. Petrushevskaya Scoropanova I. S. The Problem of Evil in the L. Petrushevskaya’s Novel “Number One, or in the Gardens Other Facilities”. 24 Merkotun E. A. Transcendence of Familiar: a Microcosm of One-act Petrushevskaya's Plays . 33 Educational Techniques Strelets L. I. Receptive Program of Understanding Reader . 37 Turysheva O. N. E. Brontл’s “Wuthering Heights” and St. Meyer’s “Twilight Series”: Reading Classics in the Context of its Actualization in the Mass Culture . 41 Abramova N. S. Psycholinguistic Aspects of Studying Grammatical Standards in High School (Grades 10–11) . 47 Psycholinguistics in Education Oshchepkova E. S. Educational Associative Dictionary as a Method of Creating of Language Consciousness Images . 51 Zolotykh E. A., Fedoseev S. V. Meaning of the Word “School” in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language and Russian Language Consciousness . 55 The Voices of Silver Century Barkovskaya N. V. On the Educational Views of F. Sologub . 58 Kulikova Ye. <...> Sea Topos in the “African Diary” of N. Gumilev . 62 Getting Prepared for the Lesson Alekseeva M. A. “It’s Important to Understand the Way of a Persion’s Development…”: the Image of Porfiry Petrovich in the Dostoyevsky’s Novel «Crime and Punishment» . 65 Zorina M. E. To Studying of Syntactic Subjects: Text as Stylistic Unity . 72 Sokolova A. V. Psycholinguistic Bases of Studying of the Expressional Syntactic Means in the Text . 76 A Lesson in Progress Chudnovsky V. V. The Problem of the Author Related to the Main Character in the Bulgakov’s Novel “The Master and Margarita” . 80 Pipko E. I. We Study Word Formation: Didactic Complex with Methodical and Psycholinguistic Comments. 85 Malyavina A. M., Artemova O. A. Bilingual Lesson as the Means of the Forming of the Versatile Educational Activities . 90 Analytical Reading Kubasov A. V. Contamination and Compression as a Structure Principles Feuilleton Bulgakov “Biblifetchik” . 94 Sapir A. M. A The epic <...>
   ---  --  1(31) / 2013
-    -    «  - »   . .    ,    ,  - ,    . .  – . . ,  - ,  . . - –  ,  - ,  . .  –  ,  - ,  . .  –   ,  - ,  . .  –  ,  - ,  . .  – -  . .  – -   . . -  - ,    . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . . - –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  (  , ), . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  ( , . , ), . . - –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  -  ( , . ), . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  (. , ), . .  –  - ,  (, . -).   620017, . , . , 26   «  - »   «- » : (343) 235-76-66; (343) 235-76-41  : sovliter@gmail.com ISSN 2071-2405 ©   «», 2013
 ,  1(31)/2013 . .  - . .,  . . «  ...»:  .  « » ...................................................................................................................... ..7  . .      . .  ...................................... 18   . .   . .     .  « ,     » ....................................................................................................... 24  . .  -:    .  ................................................................................................................ 33 -   . .    - ........................................... 37  . . « » .   «- » . : -      ............................................. 41 - . . -  - -   10–11  ................................................................................................................... 47     . . -         ............................................................................................................ 51  . .,  . . -  «»           .............................................................................. 55     . .    -  .  ................................... 58  . .    « » .  ............................ 62     . . «   ,     -...»:   -   . .  «  » 65  . . -  - -  ................. 72  . . -  -  -    .................................................................................................................. 76    . .         . .  «  » ........................................................................... 80  . . - : -   -  -  ...................................................................... 85  . ., - . .       -  .................................................................................... 90  -  . .        . .  «-» ....................................................................................... 94  . . -   :  « » ................. 99
4  -  -  . .  –  – : « »   .  « »  « » ........................... 105  . .     . .  « » ........................... 111 -   . . , « , ...» ( 900-  «  ») ................................................................................................ 116  . ., - . .  . . - «   »:    ..................................................................................................... 121     . .        1980- . (« » .  — « -,   » . ) ................. 132  . . .  .  «- »:    ............... 138     . .      ( . .  : . – ., 2012) ..................................................................... 143 - . .   .      (- . .        . – , 2012) ............................................................................................................ 146  . .,  . .  :  « -» .............. 149
PHILOLOGICAL CLASS,  1(31)/2013 Projects. Programs. Hypothesis Leiderman N. L., Lipovetsky M. N. The Troublous Times: Sholohov’s Novel “Tikhii Don” ........ ..7 Dyrdin A. A. Free Will as Leading Motive in Prouse M. A. Sholohov ........................................ 18 On the Anniversary of L. Petrushevskaya Scoropanova I. S. The Problem of Evil in the L. Petrushevskaya’s Novel “Number One, or in the Gardens Other Facilities”........................................................................................ 24 Merkotun E. A. Transcendence of Familiar: a Microcosm of One-act Petrushevskaya's Plays ..... 33 Educational Techniques Strelets L. I. Receptive Program of Understanding Reader ......................................................... 37 Turysheva O. N. E. Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights” and St. Meyer’s “Twilight Series”: Reading Classics in the Context of its Actualization in the Mass Culture .............................. 41 Abramova N. S. Psycholinguistic Aspects of Studying Grammatical Standards in High School (Grades 10–11) ..................................................................................................................... 47 Psycholinguistics in Education Oshchepkova E. S. Educational Associative Dictionary as a Method of Creating of Language Consciousness Images .......................................................................................................... 51 Zolotykh E. A., Fedoseev S. V. Meaning of the Word “School” in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language and Russian Language Consciousness ........................................... 55 The Voices of Silver Century Barkovskaya N. V. On the Educational Views of F. Sologub ...................................................... 58 Kulikova Ye. Yu. Sea Topos in the “African Diary” of N. Gumilev .............................................. 62 Getting Prepared for the Lesson Alekseeva M. A. “It’s Important to Understand the Way of a Persion’s Development…”: the Image of Porfiry Petrovich in the Dostoyevsky’s Novel «Crime and Punishment» .......... 65 Zorina M. E. To Studying of Syntactic Subjects: Text as Stylistic Unity .................................... 72 Sokolova A. V. Psycholinguistic Bases of Studying of the Expressional Syntactic Means in the Text ............................................................................................................................ 76 A Lesson in Progress Chudnovsky V. V. The Problem of the Author Related to the Main Character in the Bulgakov’s Novel “The Master and Margarita” ....................................................................................... 80 Pipko E. I. We Study Word Formation: Didactic Complex with Methodical and Psycholinguistic Comments.................................................................................................. 85 Malyavina A. M., Artemova O. A. Bilingual Lesson as the Means of the Forming of the Versatile Educational Activities ........................................................................................... 90 Analytical Reading Kubasov A. V. Contamination and Compression as a Structure Principles Feuilleton Bulgakov “Biblifetchik” ....................................................................................................................... 94 Sapir A. M. A The epic poems of the late Twardovski: Cycle “In memory of mother” ................ 99
6 From a Scholar’s Desk Proskurina E. N. Faust – Peter – Mephistopheles: “Contact faustiana” in the Platonov's stories “State resident” and “Doubt Makar” ..................................................................................... 105 Kogut K. S. Motif of the Food in the Platonov’s Play “Magical Creature” .................................. 111 Rereading World Classical Literature Bekasova E. N. Chroniclers, “it is Expert the Right, Speaks...” (to the 900 Anniversary of Creation of “The Story of Temporary Years”) .................................................................. 116 Sozina E. K., Yakimova L. P. D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak’s Traits from the Life of Pepko: Problems and Poetics............................................................................................................ 121 Phenomenon of the Modern Literature Bagdasaryan O. Yu. Don Juan’s Plot in Russian Drama of 1980’s (“Don Juan” by V. Kazakov – “Walpurgis Night, or the Steps of Commander” by Ven. Erofeev) ........................................ 132 Petrov I. V. G. Sadulayev’s Story “Scourge of God”: the Story of a Righteous Man .................. 138 Reviews Barkovskaya N. V. Generative models in modern poetry (Zhitenev . . Poetry of Neomodernism: Monograph. – St. Petersburg, 2012) .................... 143 Nepomniashih N. A. L. Leonov’s art world in introductory episode (Yakimova L. P. Introducrory episode as structure element of Leonov’s poetic. – Novosibirsk, 2012) ............ 146 Litovskaya M. A., Maslinskaya S. G. New Editions: Journal “Children’s Readings” ................... 149
©  . ., - . ., 2013 . .   821.161.1 ( .)  5(2=)6-4 . . , . .  ,  «  ...»:  .  « » .        .  « », -   ,  ,  .     -   ,      .       ,        - . - : , « », ,  , ,  . N. L. Leiderman, M. N. Lipovetsky Boulder, USA THE TROUBLOUS TIMES: SHOLOKHOV`S NOVEL “TIKHII DON” Abstract. The publication is a holistic understanding of the experience of Mikhail Sholokhov's novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”, starting with the history of creation, the fate of the text, the problem the authorship. Also in the center of attention of scientists originality of the novel genre, the art world and the leading issues of the text. Thoroughly studied the image of the Grigoriy Melekhov, his character and fate in the context of global history events. Keywords: Sholokhov, “Tikhii Don”, novel, Cossack world, history, novelistic character.  ,      « »,  ,    ,        (1905– 1984).   - -   «»  1927- ,   23- .         1928–1929 .,  –  1929,    1932– 1933 .,  - – -  1940 .     «-».      ,     -   « »,   « »    .   ,         ,   - ,  , -,     .      ,   . -,   -       –   -;        ,     ; ,    1917        .   ,        « » –  , . , . -, .   . –    .1 1        « »  : D* (-- ..).  « ». – Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 1974; « »:     ( . ,  :  ,   ,       -   -   . -,     - ,      « » (  - ,    «»),    ,     ,      1920–30- .  , -  , -         –   , -        - ,  -  -     ,     .    1905      .   -  («»,  - ),      - .  ,      -,    ,   , . , . ) //  . 1989.  8;    « ». – : P.S. , 1996; - ..     - / .  . . .   . . . – .: . , 2000;  .  . -. – .: -XX, 2001;  . « »:     . – .:  , 2005; - .  .  « ». – .: , 2005.  .. . « »: -    . – .: -XXI, 2011. . :  . « »: -   /  . . . , . . , . . , . . . – .:  , 2011. 7