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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Вестник аграрной науки  / №3(90) 2021


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Первый авторShilov
АвторыLyashuk R.N.
АннотацияBased on statistical, theoretical and empirical research methods we present the analysis of milk production on modern robotic farms. We have evaluated the production potential of the dairy industry. The issues of feeding, milking, housing, breeding under the conditions of using robotic milkers without the use of human resources are also highlighted. According to domestic researchers, an investment in a robot gives an additional annual revenue of about 1 million rubles. With such revenues, the payback period of the milking robot is from 3 to 5 years. The fundamental element of economic efficiency, of course, is the high milk production of cows, when the yield should be 8-10 thousand kg of milk per cow per year. The efficiency of the milking robot increases significantly when the accompanying innovative production elements are introduced on the farm. These include innovations in feeding, housing, breeding, reproduction of animals, which allow achieving the declared productivity of robots and their payback period. At the same time, robotic milking puts more demands on the cows themselves. For example, the robot does not work with cows with abnormal udders (teats close together, short or elongated, etc.) or animals that do not want to enter the milking stall. As a rule, culling of such animals is about 10- 12%. In this case the above mentioned selection of milking herd gains special significance, because cows not only of the same breed, but also of the same type, close in their biological and technological indicators, belonging to several homogeneous families will be more preferable in their selection to milking stalls. It depends on how correctly the initial path for organizing a new economic approach will be determined, first of all, its other management both in terms of selection, in terms of reproduction, and in terms of working with the herd as a whole.
Shilov, А.I. MILK PRODUCTION ON A MODERN DAIRY FARM / А.I. Shilov, R.N. Lyashuk // Вестник аграрной науки .— 2021 .— №3(90) .— С. 101-106 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/753726 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024)

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