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Петербургский исторический журнал  / №1 2017

Младофинны и парламентская реформа 1906 г. в Финляндии (100,00 руб.)

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Первый авторКортти
АннотацияОтказу Великого княжества Финляндского от сословного сейма и переходу к однопалатному парламенту в 1906 г. предшествовал период так называемой русификации (1899–1905). Парламентская реформа, возможность осуществления которой появилась благодаря революционным процессам в Российской империи, привела к победе на выборах в однопалатный сейм конституционалистов — «младофиннов». В статье исследуется реакция либеральной финской интеллигенции на происходившие в княжестве события. Основными источниками служили публикации в периодической печати
Кортти, Ю. Младофинны и парламентская реформа 1906 г. в Финляндии / Ю. Кортти // Петербургский исторический журнал .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 92-106 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/606563 (дата обращения: 06.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Saint-Petersburg Historical Journal N 1 (2017) УДК 94(480)+94(47).083 J. Kortti The Young Finns and the Finnish Parliamentary Reform of 1906 Introduction It is the time of rebirth here in Finland. <...> Pen-name Piiskuri Nuori Suomi, February 19061 After the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet at Port Arthur on 8 February 1904, the Tsarist system was confronted with a series of problems. <...> Петербургский исторический журнал № 1 (2017) 92 The Young Finns and the Finnish Parliamentary Reform of 1906 Meanwhile in the Grand Duchy of Finland, the unrest of the mother country resulted in a general strike, ‘the great strike’, on 31 October 1905 and the new parliament act on 20 July 1906. <...> The strike ended the Russification period begun by Nicholas II in the February Manifesto of 1899. <...> The significance of Russification in Finland was obvious to the Finnish elite of the time. <...> The contemporary reactions of the intelligentsia during the era has had a central role in the Finnish sense of history. <...> One marked significance of the Russification period in Finland was the reorganisation of the Finnish political party system in which the creation of a unicameral parliament was a key point. <...> The Finnish party was divided into the ‘Old Finns’ (the supporters of Realpolitik and compliance) and the ‘Young Finns’ (Constitutionalists). <...> Soon the Constitutionalists were divided into Finnish and Swedish speakers and, moreover, into ‘Sparrows’ (left wing) and ‘Swallows’ (right wing). <...> After the great strike, the Finnish Senate, formed by Leo Mechelin, submitted the draft of a bill to establish a parliament based on general and equal suffrage. <...> After debates, disputes, and deliberation, a unicameral 200-member parliament (Eduskunta) was created when the Diet, based on estates, passed the laws on 29 May 1906. <...> After 1809, Russia mostly allowed the Finns to keep the same rights and privileges they had had during the Swedish era. <...> Saint-Petersburg Historical Journal N 1 (2017) J. Kortti 93 The background, phases, as well consequences of the events around the Parliament Act of 1906 have been analysed in several studies. <...> After the Second World War, a kind of general study of the period is political scientist Jussi Teljo’s Suomen valtioelдmдn murros 1905–1908 (The turning point in Finnish governmental life 1905–1908 <...>

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