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Computational nanotechnology  / №1 2017


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Первый авторRakhimov
АвторыTikhonova N.N.
АннотацияThe scientific article is intended as a scientific and methodical reference article for practicing doctors and scientists. It presents general information on ceramic materials and their potential for use in medicine. A characteristic is given of the resonance therapeutic method of influencing the human body by narrow-range infrared radiation. The article gives step-by-step methodical recommendations and clinical examples of using the emitters in treating various conditions. One section is devoted to describing the method of electroacupuncture diagnosis according to R. Voll, which allows the doctor to detect hidden pathology, establish the relationships between the organs and systems involved in the pathological process, and select the optimal modes of treatment by means of narrow-range emitters
Rakhimov, R.Kh. RESONANCE THERAPY. CERAMIC MATERIALS AND METHODS OF THEIR APPLICATION IN MEDICINE / R.Kh. Rakhimov, N.N. Tikhonova // Computational nanotechnology .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 75-134 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/597084 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

CERAMIC MATERIALS AND METHODS OF THEIR APPLICATION IN MEDICINE Rakhimov R. Kh., Tikhonova N. N. 8.5. <...> CERAMIC MATERIALS AND METHODS OF THEIR APPLICATION IN MEDICINE Rahimov Rustam Khakimovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of laboratory №1. <...> One section is devoted to describing the method of electroacupuncture diagnosis according to R. Voll, which allows the doctor to detect hidden pathology, establish the relationships between the organs and systems involved in the pathological process, and select the optimal modes of treatment by means of narrow-range emitters. <...> Cloning has been carried out; the mechanisms of cancers are being decoded at a molecular level; the non-genetic functions of nucleic acids and those of many hormones have been uncovered, as well as the feedback mechanisms regulating the activity of the endocrine system and, thus, the metabolic processes in the body as a whole. <...> However, as so often happens, forming relationships higher in the hierarchy, e.g. at the level of the nervous and endocrine system, at the genetic and microbiological level, leads to a situation where the role of elementary chemical and metabolic processes at the molecular level gets forgotten. <...> The technique makes it possible to form a better understanding of the process, but simplifies it so much that actual systems cannot be fitted into our calculations, and we have to make corrections by introducing various coefficients and functions. 75 Computational nanotechnology 1-2017 Scientific quest usually takes several routes. <...> This also results in formation of free radicals that greatly increase energy consumption and cause disin76 ISSN 2313-223X tegration of the cell membranes. <...> This usually results from impaired blood circulation or a changed composition of the intestinal microflora, which provides plastic and energy-rich materials, vitamins, other nutrients, antibiotics and so on. <...> List of Abbreviations: - BAP: bioactive points - EAV: electroacupuncture according to Voll - EPED – the extent of parenchymatous and epithelial degeneration - IR emitters: infrared emitters - (b): an emitter to irradiate the (s): an emitter to irradiate a particular organ or body part GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE METHOD OF EXPOSING THE BODY TO RESONANCE INFRARED RADIATION The essence of the method is to normalize physiological processes and eliminate pathologic ones by exposure to IR radiation that is in resonance with the processes to be corrected. <...> CERAMIC <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически